January 23 is the 23rd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 342 days remaining. (343 in leap years)
- 2000: "Sandy's Rocket" and "Squeaky Boots" premiered in Russia.
- 2004: "Culture Shock" and "F.U.N." premiered in Austria.
- 2005: "Hooky" and "Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy II" premiered in Italy.
- 2008: SpongeBob's Atlantis SquarePantis SquareOff was released.
- 2010:
- "Spongicus," "Suction Cup Symphony," "Not Normal," and "Gone" premiered in France.
- "The Sponge Who Could Fly" premiered in the Czech Republic.
- 2011:
- "Growth Spout" and "Stuck in the Wringer" premiered in Albania.
- "Someone's in the Kitchen with Sandy" and "The Inside Job" premiered in Switzerland and Austria.
- 2012: "Krusty Dogs" and "The Wreck of the Mauna Loa" premiered in France.
- 2013: THQ went defunct, later being rebranded as THQ Nordic.
- 2015: Calling All Heroes! was released on iTunes.
- 2016: "Sun Bleached" premiered in Wales (UK).
- 2018:
- "No Pictures Please" and "Stuck on the Roof" premiered in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.
- "Patrick's Coupon" and "Out of the Picture" premiered in Southeast Asia.
- "Patrick-Man!" and "Gary's New Toy" premiered in Hong Kong.
- 2019:
- "Bubbletown" and "Girls' Night Out" premiered in Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.
- "The Grill is Gone" premiered in the Netherlands.
- "Call the Cops" and "Surf N' Turf" premiered in Iberia.
- "Plankton Paranoia" and "Library Cards" premiered in Italy.
- 2021: "Plankton's Old Chum" and "Stormy Weather" premiered in Japan.
- 2022:
- "Goofy Scoopers" and "Pat the Dog" premiered in Russia.
- "What About Meep?" and "Hard Time Out" premiered in the Netherlands and Belgium.
External links
- January 23 on Wikipedia