English: The Barzan Towers were built by Sheikh Mohammed bin Jassim Al Thani, founder of Umm Salal Mohammed village. Barzan is the name given to the western tower. At 14 meters high, it consists of three levels and, with its distinctive T-shape, is considered unique to the Gulf region.
The eastern tower, Al Burj Al Sharqi, also built with stones and cladded mud, has a more typical rectangular shape. Most of the early settlements had one or more towers that were cylindrical or rectangular in shape, usually built from stone.
العربية: شُيّد برجا برزان بأمر من الشيخ محمد بن جاسم آل ثاني، مؤسس قرية أم صلال محمد. و"برزان" هو الاسم الذي يطلق على البرج الغربي الذي يبلغ ارتفاعه 14 متراً، ويتألف من ثلاثة مستويات، ويتميز بشكله الذي يشبه حرف 'T' وهو ما يميزه عن غيره في منطقة الخليج. ويعتبر البرج الشرقي، المبني من الحجارة المكسوة بالطين، مثالاً نموذجياً على الأبراج القطرية ذات الشكل المستطيل.
This is an image of an historical monument in Qatar with the identifier HAR1891
ta shpërndani – ta kopjoni, rishpërndani dhe përcillni punën
t’i bëni “remix” – të përshtatni punën
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