This category is for workers' unions and commerce guilds throughout the galaxy. In other languages españolქართულიTürkçe Trending pages Techno Union Techno Union/Legends Corporate Alliance/Legends Byne Guild InterGalactic Banking Clan InterGalactic Banking Clan/Legends Scrapper Guild Hyperspace Navigator's Guild All items (99) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other Union (workers) A Ardennian Guild of Technicians Artisans' Guild Aurean Glassworkers Guild B Bacta Cartel Bacta Cartel/Legends Baobab Work Placement Bureau Barbers of Sullust Big Black Category:Bounty hunter guilds Brentaal League of Guilds Brotherhood of Independent Scouts Byne Guild C Carbonite Miners' Union Carver's Guild The Chamber Cloud City Miner's Guild Corellian Discreet Shipping Industry Chamber of Commerce Corellian Merchants' Guild Corellian Merchants' Guild/Legends Corellian Shipbuilders Union Corporate Alliance Corporate Alliance/Legends Coruscant Merchants' Guild Cularin Spacer's Union E Elesa Mining Union Exotic Entertainers' Union F Free Spacers Guild G Galactic Finders Guild Galactic Podracing Mechanics' Union Guild of Armament Distributors Guild of Compassionate Merchants Guild of Honorable Technicians Guild of Interstellar Merchants Guild of Non-Human Skilled Laborers Guild of Offworlder Skilled Laborers Guild of Technicians Gungengineeren H Highport Stevedore Guild Hutt Guardsman's Guild Hutt Jeweler's Guild Hyperspace Navigator's Guild I Independent Ship Owners Independent Shippers Association Intergalactic Association of Amalgamated Droid Builders InterGalactic Banking Clan InterGalactic Banking Clan/Legends Intracluster Gatherers Ithorian Trade Guilds J Jewelers' Guild K Klatooinian Trade Guild Klatooinian Trade Guild/Legends Kozinarg Trade Guild Kozinarg Trade Guilds L Lantillian Spacers' Brotherhood/Legends M Ma'ar Shaddam Weaponsmiths Guild Mercantile Guild Merchants' Guild Metalsmiths Guild Metatheran Cartel Miners Alliance Miners' Union Mining caste Moisture Farmers of Tatooine The Most Honourable Guild of Armourers Category:Musicians' guilds N Naboo Moon Mining Union Navigators' Guild O Open Shipping Consortium Orbital Transports Union P Parliament of Guilds Pilot's Guild Pixelito Art Guild Pixelito Puppeteers Union Prackla Trade Council Professiona Artists Guild R Regional Fork-Pitcher's Local Royal Armaments Guild of Charubah S Sailor's Union Salvage Guild Scrapper Guild Seacroppers' Guild Shipbuilders and Astromechs Guild Spice Shippers Fellowship Street Performers And Panhandlers' Guild T Tatooine Moisture Farm Collective/Legends Techno Union Techno Union/Legends To-Sharr Uuta Shipworks Trader's Guild Traders' Coalition Trandoshan Slavers Guild Transparisteel Makers' Guild U Ugnaught Mechanics Union Unidentified scrapping guild W Weaving clan Workgang X Xal 3 Armorers' Confederacy Z Zeltron Artistry Guild