This category is for Force powers of any kind. In other languages DeutschfrançaisქართულიTürkçe Trending pages Force power/Legends Force-bond Shatterpoint Force projection Force power Psychometry Force vision Force deflection All items (93) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other Force power Force power/Legends Category:Force powers by alignment Category:Force powers by area A Adiabatic shield Alchaka Alchemy Alchemy of flesh Art of Movement Ayna-seff B Battle sense (ability) Beam of light Force-bond/Legends C Force call Cleanse Cleanse Mind Controlled descent Cry of the Broken King D Dampen Force Force Dash Category:Dathomir Magic Dreambubble E Endure F Category:Fallanassi powers Force familiar Farsight Floating Meditation Force blast Force deflection Force drain Force Focus Category:Force healing Force Illusion Force in Balance Force jump Force kick Force Orb Force perception Force projection Category:Force rituals Force scattering Force scribe Force sense Category:Force stubs Force-bond Force form H Hassat-durr Hibernation trance Hyperspace tunneling Hypothermia (ability) I Ice image Force immersion Insight Ion generation L Life Bond M Memory rub Memory rub/Legends Metamorphosis Mind Walking Category:Mind-affecting powers Mind-touch Mindscape N Natural navigation Ner Yan P Phase Poison sense Precognition Progenitor's Call Psychometry R Rebuke Reduce Injury Restful-sleep-in-danger S Sand levitation Sever Force Shatterpoint Shon-Ju (technique) Category:Sith magic Soft to Solid Sound mimicry Stonepower T Category:Ta-Ree spells Taming beasts Tapas Technopathy Category:Telekinesis Telepathy Teleportation (Force power) Time-drifting Time-stream V Force vision Vitali W Wayfinding Words of banishment