Members of Galactic Alliance Security. In other languages Türkçe Trending pages Xanda Oric Harfard Wruq Retk Javon Thewles Weeze All items (22) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other Head of Galactic Alliance Security A Atar B Bessen Bilpin C Carn H Oric Harfard K Karpette Rasher Ke'e L Lua'wan M Borath Maddeus Mither R Wruq Retk Rosii S Savar T Jesmin Tainer Javon Thewles U Unidentified Duros lieutenant Unidentified Quarren Galactic Alliance corporal Unidentified Quarren officer W Weeze X Xanda Z Zeiers