In other languages españolქართულიTürkçeукраїнська Trending pages Imperial Palace Emperor's Citadel Castle Serenno Stygian Caldera Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center Darth Vader's Palace Throne of the Sith Grand Republic Medical Facility All items (82) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other A Ambria Sith obelisk Arcane Library Athamar C Castle Serenno Circle Coruscant Believers base Corvax Fen Cylo's research base D Darth Bane's mansion Darth Sidious's secondary facility Darth Sidious's secondary facility/Legends Darth Sidious's secret facility Darth Sidious's secret facility/Legends Darth Vader's Palace Darth Vitus's compound Dooku's castle (Kohlma) Dooku's palace/Legends Dooku's prison Dooku's sleeping chamber Dooku's sleeping chamber/Legends Dooku's throne room Dooku's throne room/Legends Dooku's tower Category:Dromund Kaas locations E Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center Emperor's Citadel Emperor's library Emperor's Observatory Category:Emperor's throne rooms G Gahenn Plains Genesis pool Glorim Grand Republic Medical Facility Great hall of the Sith Temple H The Home I Imperial Palace Imperial Palace Awards Auditorium Category:Inquisitorius Headquarters locations Isde Naha system J Jakku Observatory Jedi Council Chamber Jenith Jonex Mine Eight Eleven B K Kesiak Category:Korriban locations L LiMerge Building/Legends Rish Loo's laboratory Rish Loo's laboratory/Legends M Massassi Site/Legends Category:Sith moons Category:Moraband locations P Palace spire Category:Sith planets S Screecher's Reach Separatist communications facility Sheltered Keep Shimmering Falls Caverns Category:Sith academies Sith archives/Legends Sith cave Sith Embassy Category:Sith Empire locations Category:Sith fortresses Sith Library Sith observatory Category:Sith space stations Category:Sith temples Category:Sith tombs Sojourn (moon) Stygian Caldera T Tarisian military base Temple courtyard Throne of the Sith Tolea Biqua Believers base U Unidentified Sith ruins Category:Upekzar locations V Darth Vader's suite Veeshas Tuwan Vestara's chamber Vitiate's palace W Wayland Yuuzhan Vong laboratory The Works/Legends