I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.Obi-Wan Kenobi senses Alderaan's destruction
The Destruction of Alderaan, also known as the Battle of Alderaan, occurred in 0 BBY at the order of Grand Moff Tarkin, in order to demonstrate the destructive firepower of the first Death Star. The incident resulted in the complete annihilation of Alderaan and the death of all its inhabitants.
Skywalker's vision
I've seen what I become… and I cannot let that happen." […]
"If there is to be balance, what you have seen must be forgotten.Anakin Skywalker and the Father
Around 21 BBY,[11] during the Clone Wars, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, and Obi-Wan Kenobi were drawn to a mysterious world called Mortis. Three Force-wielders were contained there—the Son, who aligned himself with the dark side, the Daughter, who sided with the light side, and the Father, who maintained the balance between his two children.
In a bid to escape his confinement on Mortis, the Son attempted to seduce Skywalker to the dark side and gain his allegiance. He forced Skywalker to see a vision of his future, in which he saw many of the evil deeds he would have a hand in—as a Dark Lord of the Sith—including the destruction of Alderaan. In order to prevent these dark events from occurring, he briefly sided with the Son, intending to force peace upon the galaxy. After learning of his son's actions, the Father erased Skywalker's memory of the vision and foreknowledge that he had been granted.
Tarkin's order
With the Death Star completed, I must take vigorous action against the Rebels as soon as possible. The Emperor expects great things of this battle station, and of me.Wilhuff Tarkin to Darth Vader
In the absence of the Imperial Senate, Emperor Palpatine had established an environment where his subordinates were capable of unregulated military actions, including genocide.
From the very beginning of its design process, it was intended that the first Death Star be capable of destroying entire planets, but most Imperial strategists were certain that the threat alone would be enough to keep most worlds in line.
Tarkin felt differently; as he saw it, the Rebels were growing bolder, and only a very public demonstration of the battle station's power—against a Rebel _target—would succeed in giving them pause. His argument convinced Palpatine, and so the Emperor approved, in advance, the destruction of the so-called 'peaceful' world.
In addition, Alderaan was already considered a priority _target for providing political or strategic aid to the Rebel Alliance.[13]
An unexpected battle
A small fleet of Star Destroyers had escorted the Death Star to Alderaan. Tarkin, who was in charge of the Death Star, ordered a reconnaissance of the planet. The fleet scouted out the system, and came across a Rebel fleet. The two fleets exchanged fire, and as Mon Calamari Star Cruisers distracted the Imperial ships, assault frigates opened fire on the Star Destroyers.[6]
Reinforcements of smaller Imperial ships, such as Acclamator-class assault ships, supported the fleet and destroyed most of the Rebel ships. Meanwhile, the Death Star had completed the charging of its main cannon.[6]
Since you are reluctant to provide us with the location of the Rebel base, I have chosen to test this station's destructive power on your home planet of Alderaan.Wilhuff Tarkin to Leia Organa
To obtain information on disappearance of the Death Star plans and location of the Rebel base, Darth Vader had taken the captured Princess Leia Organa to the Death Star after she was taken prisoner during the Battle of Tatooine.
When she refused to yield the location of the Rebel base, or the whereabouts of the plans, despite being tortured, Tarkin threatened to destroy Alderaan in an attempt to force her to confess. Fearing that Tarkin would use the superweapon on Alderaan and other peaceful worlds, she offered the location of an abandoned Rebel base on Dantooine. Thinking that he and the Empire had won, Tarkin went ahead and ordered the destruction of Alderaan anyway, shocking the Princess.
Almost immediately upon the Death Star's arrival in orbit around Alderaan, panicked requests for evacuation ships were sent to Carlist Rieekan, who was in command of the covert Rebel operations in and around the Alderaan system. Rieekan, who was inspecting a new satellite transmission station in far orbit around Alderaan's sister world of Delaya, was concerned that an evacuation would serve as proof to the Empire that the Alliance was aware of the Death Star's existence. Furthermore, he believed that the Imperials would interpret the sudden departure of thousands of starships from Alderaan as confirmation of the planet's connections to the Rebel Alliance. Rieekan wrongly concluded that the appearance of the Death Star was merely a display of force.[14]
When the powerful superlaser was fired at the planet, it met Alderaan's powerful planetary shield. However, the shield was unable to withstand the incredible power of the superlaser, and was destroyed within milliseconds. At full power, the hypermatter reactor had given a superluminal boost to the beam, which upon contact with the planet pushed a large portion of Alderaan's mass into hyperspace, destroying the planet in the process.
Out of Alderaan's two billion inhabitants,[15] roughly 60,000 survived the destruction of the world because they were outside of its star system at the time.[16] The death of so many sentients sent shock waves through the Force, weakening those who were able to feel them. Senator Bail Prestor Organa, his wife Breha Organa, and Jedi Knight Ylenic It'kla were some of the more noteworthy fatalities of this genocidal act. Governor of Aldera Tor Aramatha was also on planet at the time.[17] A colony of Caamasi was also wiped out. Ironically, they were refugees from the destruction of their own home planet in 19 BBY.[18] Leia Organa suspected it was nighttime on the capital city of Aldera when the superlaser hit the surface, and she wondered if her adopted parents Bail and Breha were awake when the planet-killing cataclysm struck.[7] More specifically, Leia Organa was later told that it had been a warm evening late in the spring when the Death Star appeared in the sky of Aldera.[19]
The destruction had also been sensed by former Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, who was himself in transport to Alderaan to supply Bail Organa with R2-D2 aboard the Millennium Falcon. The magnitude of the deaths also briefly caused him to become faint.[1]
Another force-sensitive, Nova Stihl, who worked for the Empire, woke up screaming on the destruction of Alderaan.
Aftermath of the blast
The defense systems on Alderaan, despite the Senator's protestations to the contrary, were as strong as any in the Empire. I should conclude that our demonstration was as impressive as it was thorough.Darth Vader
The destruction of Alderaan failed in its psychological goal; wiping out a peaceful and idyllic paradise caused great consternation, especially in the Core Worlds; Atour Riten, the Death Star's librarian, who had been writing what he had intended to be a neutral record of the current war against the Rebellion, concluded, after the destruction of Alderaan, that such an action was one which made it impossible to be neutral in the conflict any further. In addition, one of the gunners assigned to the destruction of Alderaan, Master Chief Gunnery Officer Tenn Graneet, was wracked with intense guilt for his role in its destruction, viewing his own actions as being unforgivable. His guilt led to the Rebels' victory during the Battle of Yavin, when he stalled long enough for Luke Skywalker to fire proton torpedoes into the Death Star's thermal exhaust port during the Trench Run.
A remote relay satellite orbiting Delaya had recorded the destruction of Alderaan, and despite the immediate imposition of an Imperial blockade, a Rebel operative smuggled the tape out of the system.[21] Nevertheless, Imperial geologists and investigators who supposedly examined the remains of Alderaan submitted early reports which implied that a series of superweapons had been under construction deep underground on the planet, and it was theorized that one or more of the hypothetical Alderaanian superweapons had misfired and ruptured the planet's crust. All reports were classified by the Imperial Navy. Emperor Palpatine briefly appeared at the Imperial Palace to publicly comment on the destruction of Alderaan, claiming to be distressed by the world's passing and inviting any surviving off-world Alderaanians to his own private resort world.[22]
Although an official explanation for Alderaan's demise had yet to be provided by the time Imperial HoloVision reported on the planet's destruction in the week after the incident occurred, their headline stated that the world had been destroyed by one of its own superweapons.[22] Holotapes of Alderaan's destruction, as well as transband communcations between Alderaan and Delaya regarding the appearance of the Death Star, were eventually distributed to NewsNets that were affiliated with the Rebel Alliance, and the 35:8:4 GrS inaugural broadcast of the Alderaan Expatriate Network asserted that all reports that Alderaan was responsible for its own destruction were false.[21] Later that month, on 35:8:22 GrS, the Imperial Navy finally acknowledged the Death Star's role in Alderaan's destruction;[23] Admiral Kemel Trowe claimed that the Empire had acquired irrefutable evidence that the world had been pursuing an aggressive biological warfare program that was apparently on the verge of a major breakthrough, and that the Emperor had ordered Alderaan's destruction in an effort to prevent the export of dangerous biowar product to off-world Rebel cells.[24]
Soon, the destruction of Alderaan turned out to be a major embarrassment for the Empire, causing several high-ranking Imperials to portray Grand Moff Tarkin as a rogue agent who destroyed the planet without official authorization.
The planet's destruction caused thousands of Alderaanians, who had been off-world, to immediately join the Rebellion. Most Alderaanian members of the Imperial military promptly defected. A small minority who'd been in Imperial service, however, chose to stay on, blaming their own homeworld for its fate. Princess Leia would meet one such Alderaanian—the Imperial Navy officer Conn Doruggan—while negotiating the Bakura Truce with the Imperial governor Wilek Nereus on the planet Bakura in 5 ABY. The surviving Alderaanians founded the Alderaan Alliance as their new government.
Shortly after the destruction of Alderaan, the Death Star was destroyed during the Battle of Yavin, killing Tarkin and more than a million Imperials aboard the battlestation. After the destruction of the Death Star, a handful of systems not under direct Imperial military control either declared neutrality or joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
Alderaanians who were off-world at the time would later regularly go on pilgrimages known as the Return to the remains of Alderaan. The Return developed into a major cultural touchstone for Alderaanian survivors, with many describing it as a transcendent, life-changing moment. The procedure became fairly codified as more undertook it, resulting in the speech and ritual feeling somewhat impersonal to some Returnees. An industry developed around it catering to Alderaanians, and thieves frequently retrieved the gifts from the Graveyard then sold them on the galactic market, claiming that the gifts had "miraculously survived" the planet's destruction.
Some time after the destruction of their world, surviving Alderaanians founded a settlement on the planet Ejolus. Eight months after the Empire destroyed Alderaan, the colony was wiped out by the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Reprisal. It was revealed that the gunner Garil Dox caused the settlement's destruction without realizing that he killed his fellow Alderaanians. Despite this further setback, Alderaanians founded another colony on the planet that was named New Alderaan. After the fall of the Empire, New Alderaan would become a member world of the New Republic.
Behind the scenes
Although it has been debated, a shield effect is still present in the post-1997 version of Alderaan's destruction. In frames 4 and 5, the glow is concentrated in an area surrounding the point of impact, like shield interactions seen elsewhere in the films. Likewise, a similar shielding effect is seen in the premonition for Alderaan's explosion during the Mortis Arc of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The uniform glow also extends far out into space, beyond the limits of natural atmospheres. The original novelization of the film also has a reference to defense systems on Alderaan, which were as strong as any in the Empire, and helped make the demonstration even more impressive. Despite this, however, The Dark Empire Sourcebook claimed Alderaan lacked a planetary shield.
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic offers a humorous twist on this event. Whereas Princess Leia attempted to spare Alderaan from the Death Star by lying that the Rebel Base was on Dantooine, the player can attempt to spare Dantooine from Darth Malak's fleet by claiming that the Jedi Enclave was located on Alderaan. As in A New Hope, the attempt will fail, as Malak had already discovered and destroyed the Jedi Enclave before that point in the game.
Ben Burtt originally considered leaving the explosion of Alderaan silent or to delay it for a few seconds after destruction. This delayed concept would later find its way in the creation of the sound-delayed seismic charges seen in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones.
In the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series episode "Ghosts of Mortis," Anakin Skywalker's visions of the future by the Son that included Alderaan's destruction as depicted in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope.
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Ghosts of Mortis" (Vision to Anakin Skywalker)
- Death Star
- Star Wars: Empire at War
- Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption (Mentioned only)
- Star Wars: X-Wing
- "Il faut sauver Miss Pickalho" — Casus Belli HS24 (Mentioned only) (Unlicensed)
- "Galaxywide NewsNets" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 3
- Star Wars: Rebel Assault
- Star Wars Journal: The Fight for Justice (Mentioned only)
- Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope
- Star Wars: A New Hope novelization (and unabridged audiobook) (First appearance, in book)
- Star Wars: A Storybook
- Droids (1986) 7
- Star Wars radio drama — "Death Star's Transit"
- Star Wars (1977) 3 (colorized in Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... Volume 1: Doomworld and Star Wars: Episode IV — A New Hope (HC))
- "A Certain Point of View" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 8 (also reprinted in Tales from the Empire and Hyperspace: The Official Star Wars Fan Club) (Mentioned only)
- Star Wars radio drama — "Rogues, Rebels and Robots"
- Star Wars radio drama — "The Jedi Nexus" (Mentioned only)
- Star Wars radio drama — "The Case for Rebellion" (Mentioned only)
- Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike
- "Shadows in the Force" (Mentioned only) (Unlicensed)
- Star Wars: Rebellion (Mentioned only)
- "Changing the Odds: The Adventures of Dannen Lifehold" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 3 (also reprinted in Hyperspace: The Official Star Wars Fan Club) (Mentioned only)
- "To Fight Another Day" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 6 (also reprinted in Hyperspace: The Official Star Wars Fan Club) (Mentioned only)
- Star Wars (1977) 11 (colorized in Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... Volume 1: Doomworld) (In flashback(s))
- Star Wars (1977) 19 (colorized in Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... Volume 1: Doomworld) (Mentioned only)
- Star Wars (1977) 22 (colorized in Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... Volume 2: Dark Encounters) (Indirect mention only)
- Star Wars (1977) 30 (colorized in Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... Volume 2: Dark Encounters) (Mentioned only)
- Star Wars Annual (1977) 1 (colorized in Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... Volume 2: Dark Encounters) (Mentioned only)
- "Galaxywide NewsNets" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 4 (Mentioned only)
- Allegiance (and audiobook) (Mentioned only)
- "Imperial Spy" — Star Wars Kids (1997) 11–15 (Mentioned only)
- Empire 20 (Mentioned only)
- Empire 21 (Mentioned only)
- Galaxy of Fear: Eaten Alive (Mentioned only)
- Galaxy of Fear: City of the Dead (Mentioned only)
- Galaxy of Fear: Planet Plague (Mentioned only)
- Galaxy of Fear: The Nightmare Machine (Appears in hologram)
- Galaxy of Fear: Ghost of the Jedi (Mentioned only)
- Galaxy of Fear: Army of Terror (Mentioned only)
- ° Star Wars: Empire: In the Shadows of Their Fathers (Mentioned only)
- Empire 35 (Mentioned only)
- Choices of One (Mentioned only)
- Galaxy of Fear: The Brain Spiders (Mentioned only)
- Galaxy of Fear: The Swarm (Mentioned only)
- Graveyard of Alderaan (also reprinted in Classic Adventures: Volume Two) (Mentioned only)
- Galaxy of Fear: Spore (Mentioned only)
- Galaxy of Fear: The Doomsday Ship (Mentioned only)
- Galaxy of Fear: Clones (Mentioned only)
- Black Ice (Mentioned only)
- "The Long Arm of the Hutt" — Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game (Mentioned only)
- "Trouble Brewing" — Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook (Mentioned only)
- Beyond the Rim (Mentioned only)
- Rescue at Glare Peak (Mentioned only)
- "As Long As We Live..." (colorized in Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures 8) (Mentioned only)
- "Dark Knight's Devilry" — The Empire Strikes Back Monthly 153 (colorized in Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds 1) (Mentioned only)
- Domain of Evil (also reprinted in Classic Adventures: Volume Two) (Mentioned only)
- "The Other Side of the Story" — Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters (Mentioned only)
- Galaxy of Fear: The Hunger (Mentioned only)
- "Galaxywide NewsNets" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 7 (Mentioned only)
- Imperial Double-Cross (Mentioned only)
- "Ultimate Core Dump" (original article link) on Wizards.com (content now obsolete; backup link) (Mentioned only) (Unlicensed)
- Star Wars Galaxies: The Ruins of Dantooine (Mentioned only)
- Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided (Mentioned only)
- Splinter of the Mind's Eye (Mentioned only)
- "Crimson Bounty" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 14 ("Celia Durasha" capsule)
- "The Capture of Imperial Hazard" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 10 (also reprinted in Hyperspace: The Official Star Wars Fan Club) (Mentioned only)
- Rebel Mission to Ord Mantell (Mentioned only)
- Star Wars (1977) 48 (colorized in Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... Volume 3: Resurrection of Evil)
- Star Wars (1977) 49 (colorized in Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... Volume 3: Resurrection of Evil) (Mentioned only)
- Star Wars (1977) 51 (colorized in Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... Volume 3: Resurrection of Evil) (Mentioned only)
- Star Wars (1977) 52 (colorized in Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... Volume 3: Resurrection of Evil) (Mentioned only)
- Star Wars (1977) 86 (colorized in Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... Volume 6: Wookiee World) (Mentioned only)
- Star Wars (1977) 53 (colorized in Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... Volume 3: Resurrection of Evil) (In flashback(s))
- Star Wars (1977) 54 (colorized in Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... Volume 4: Screams in the Void) (Mentioned only)
- "Slaying Dragons" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 9 (also reprinted in Tales from the Empire and Hyperspace: The Official Star Wars Fan Club) (Mentioned only)
- "Firepower" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 8 (also reprinted in Hyperspace: The Official Star Wars Fan Club) (Mentioned only)
- "And the Band Played On: The Band's Tale" — Tales from Jabba's Palace (Mentioned only)
- Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire novel (Mentioned only)
- Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire abridged audiobook (Mentioned only)
- Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire junior novelization (Mentioned only)
- Star Wars (1977) 74 (colorized in Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... Volume 5: Fool's Bounty) (Mentioned only)
- Star Wars (1977) 79 (colorized in Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... Volume 5: Fool's Bounty) (Mentioned only)
- "Special Ops: Drop Points" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 14 ("Lady Maglenna Pendower" capsule)
- The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader (In flashback(s))
- Star Wars: Return of the Jedi novelization (and unabridged audiobook) (Mentioned only)
- Slave Ship (Mentioned only)
- The Truce at Bakura (Mentioned only)
- Star Wars (1977) 81 (colorized in Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... Volume 5: Fool's Bounty) (Mentioned only)
- Star Wars (1977) 90 (colorized in Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... Volume 6: Wookiee World) (Indirect mention only)
- Star Wars (1977) 93 (colorized in Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... Volume 6: Wookiee World) (Indirect mention only)
- X-Wing Rogue Squadron 3 (Mentioned only)
- X-Wing Rogue Squadron 5 (Mentioned only)
- X-Wing Rogue Squadron 7 (Mentioned only)
- X-Wing Rogue Squadron 9 (Mentioned only)
- X-Wing Rogue Squadron 17 (Mentioned only)
- X-Wing Rogue Squadron 25 (Indirect mention only) (In flashback(s))
- X-Wing Rogue Squadron 28 (Indirect mention only)
- X-Wing Rogue Squadron 32 (Mentioned only)
- X-Wing Rogue Squadron 33 (Mentioned only)
- The Lost City of the Jedi (Mentioned only)
- Zorba the Hutt's Revenge (Mentioned only)
- Queen of the Empire (Mentioned only)
- "Den of Spies" — Twin Stars of Kira (Mentioned only)
- "Missed Chance" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 7 (also reprinted in Tales from the Empire and Hyperspace: The Official Star Wars Fan Club) (Mentioned only)
- X-Wing: Rogue Squadron (and unabridged audiobook) (Mentioned only)
- X-Wing: Wedge's Gamble (and unabridged audiobook) (Mentioned only)
- X-Wing: The Krytos Trap (and unabridged audiobook) (Mentioned only)
- X-Wing: The Bacta War (and unabridged audiobook) (Mentioned only)
- "Starter's Tale" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 4 (In flashback(s))
- "Kella Rand, Reporting..." — Star Wars Adventure Journal 6 (also reprinted in Hyperspace: The Official Star Wars Fan Club) (Mentioned only)
- X-Wing: Wraith Squadron (and unabridged audiobook) (Mentioned only)
- X-Wing: Solo Command (and unabridged audiobook) (Mentioned only)
- The Courtship of Princess Leia (and unabridged audiobook) (Mentioned only)
- Tatooine Ghost (Mentioned only)
- "The Trouble with Squibs" — Star Wars Insider 67 (also reprinted in Hyperspace: The Official Star Wars Fan Club) (Mentioned only)
- Dark Force Rising (and unabridged audiobook) (Mentioned only)
- The Last Command (and unabridged audiobook) (Mentioned only)
- X-Wing: Isard's Revenge (Mentioned only)
- Jedi Search (Mentioned only)
- Dark Apprentice (Mentioned only)
- Champions of the Force (Mentioned only)
- Children of the Jedi (Mentioned only)
- Shield of Lies (Mentioned only)
- The New Rebellion (Mentioned only)
- Ambush at Corellia (Mentioned only)
- Specter of the Past (and unabridged audiobook) (Mentioned only)
- Survivor's Quest (and unabridged audiobook) (Mentioned only)
- Young Jedi Knights: Heirs of the Force (Mentioned only)
- Young Jedi Knights: Shadow Academy (Mentioned only)
- Young Jedi Knights: Jedi Under Siege (Mentioned only)
- Young Jedi Knights: Shards of Alderaan (Mentioned only)
- Young Jedi Knights: Diversity Alliance (Mentioned only)
- Young Jedi Knights: Delusions of Grandeur (Mentioned only)
- Young Jedi Knights: Trouble on Cloud City (Mentioned only)
- The New Jedi Order: Balance Point (Indirect mention only)
- The New Jedi Order: Recovery (Mentioned only)
- The New Jedi Order: Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand (Mentioned only)
- The New Jedi Order: Destiny's Way (Mentioned only)
- The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic I: Remnant (Mentioned only)
- The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic III: Reunion (Mentioned only)
- The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force (Mentioned only)
- Legacy of the Force: Betrayal (Mentioned only)
- Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice (Mentioned only)
- Legacy of the Force: Fury (Mentioned only)
- Legacy of the Force: Revelation (Mentioned only)
- Millennium Falcon (and audiobook) (Mentioned only)
- Fate of the Jedi: Omen (and audiobook) (Mentioned only)
- Fate of the Jedi: Backlash (and audiobook) (as recreated holodrama)
- Fate of the Jedi: Conviction (and audiobook) (Mentioned only)
Non-canon appearances
- Choose Your Own Star Wars Adventure: A New Hope (Mentioned only)
- ° Star Wars Infinities: A New Hope (Mentioned only)
- ° Star Wars: Tag & Bink Are Dead
- LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (Appears in cutscene(s))
- LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Appears in cutscene(s))
- Star Wars Official Poster Monthly 18
- A Guide to the Star Wars Universe (Alderaan)
- The Star Wars Sourcebook
- Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back
- Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters
- Heir to the Empire Sourcebook
- Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition
- Dark Force Rising Sourcebook
- Wanted by Cracken
- Star Wars Gamemaster Handbook
- The Movie Trilogy Sourcebook
- Super Empire Strikes Back Official Game Secrets
- The Last Command Sourcebook
- Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters, Second Edition
- Cracken's Rebel Operatives
- The Star Wars Sourcebook, Second Edition
- Star Wars: The National Public Radio Dramatization
- Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations
- The Star Wars Planets Collection
- "Smugglers of the Outer Rim" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 5
- Flashpoint! Brak Sector
- "Wanted by Cracken" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 6
- Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope, Second Edition
- "Into the Core Worlds" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 7
- "Wanted by Cracken" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 8
- The Illustrated Star Wars Universe
- Heroes & Rogues
- Galaxy Guide 2: Yavin and Bespin, Second Edition
- Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi, Second Edition
- The Truce at Bakura Sourcebook
- The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels
- The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook
- The Jedi Academy Sourcebook
- The Secrets of Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
- Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back, Second Edition
- The Black Sands of Socorro
- Rules of Engagement: The Rebel SpecForce Handbook
- Star Wars Trilogy Sourcebook, Special Edition
- "On Our Planet: Alderaan" — Star Wars Kids (1997) 5
- Star Wars: Rebellion: Prima's Official Strategy Guide
- The Far Orbit Project
- Star Wars Handbook 1: X-Wing Rogue Squadron
- Star Wars: Rogue Squadron: The Official Nintendo Player's Guide
- Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance: Prima's Official Strategy Guide
- ° Star Wars: Power of the Jedi
- The Official Star Wars Fact File 3 (VAD 1-6: Darth Vader)
- The Official Star Wars Fact File 5 (BES 1-4: Bespin)
- The Official Star Wars Fact File 7 (LEI 3-8: Princess Leia Organa)
- The Official Star Wars Fact File 7 (PLA 1-6: Planets of the Core Worlds)
- Coruscant and the Core Worlds
- Hero's Guide
- The Cries of Alderaan Act 1: Codes on the official Star Wars Galaxies website (content now obsolete; backup link)
- Alliance Operative Field Dossier – Skimmer on the official Star Wars Galaxies website (content now obsolete; backup link) (Mentioned only)
- The Cries of Alderaan Act 2: Loyalties on the official Star Wars Galaxies website (content now obsolete; backup link)
- Star Wars Trading Card Game — The Empire Strikes Back (Card: Derek "Hobbie" Klivian (A)) (backup link)
- The Cries of Alderaan Act 3: Dead Eye on the official Star Wars Galaxies website (content now obsolete; backup link)
- "Rough and Tundra" (original article link) on Wizards.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
- Ultimate Adversaries
- Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith: The Visual Dictionary
- Star Wars: Empire at War: Prima Official Game Guide
- Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption Expansion: Prima Official Game Guide
- "May The Facts Be With You: Part Two: #51-100" — Star Wars Insider 95 (also reprinted in Special Edition 2010 and The Original Trilogy)
- The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide
- Star Wars Fandex Deluxe Edition
- Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 8
- Rebellion Era Campaign Guide
- The Essential Atlas
- Galaxy of Intrigue
- The Unknown Regions
- "50 Great Reasons to Rewatch Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season Three" — Star Wars Insider 125
- Millennium Falcon Owner's Workshop Manual
- Star Wars: Beware the Sith
- Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide: Updated and Expanded
- The Essential Reader's Companion
- Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight
- Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook
- Enter the Unknown
- "Rogues Gallery: Clearance for Immediate Launch" — Star Wars Insider 146 (also reprinted in Special Edition 2016)
- Star Wars: Sith Wars
- Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game
- Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook
Star Wars: Armada — Core Set (Card: Grand Moff Tarkin) (Picture only)
- 2015 Topps Star Wars Illustrated: The Empire Strikes Back (Card: One Year Earlier: Princess Leia Organa)
- Strongholds of Resistance
- Keeping the Peace
Notes and references
- ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope
- ↑ X-Wing Rogue Squadron ½
- ↑ "Galaxywide NewsNets" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 3
- ↑ The New Essential Chronology
- ↑ "Galaxywide NewsNets" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 3 dates the dissolution of the Imperial Senate to 35:3:5, which is the same day as the deaths of Owen and Beru Lars, according to Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. The Life and Legend of Obi-Wan Kenobi establishes that Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi spend the night in the Tatooine city of Bestine following the Lars murders, before embarking upon the rescue of Princess Leia the next day, during which the destruction of Alderaan occurs, according to the Star Wars radio drama. Therefore, the destruction of Alderaan takes place on 35:3:6.
- ↑ 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 6.12 Star Wars: Empire at War
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 Star Wars (1977) 53
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Star Wars Journal: Captive to Evil
- ↑ I, Jedi
- ↑ Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Ghosts of Mortis"
- ↑ Star Wars Annual 2011
- ↑ Star Wars radio drama
- ↑ Star Wars: Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide
- ↑ Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back, Second Edition, p. 17
- ↑ Coruscant and the Core Worlds, p. 40
- ↑ Coruscant and the Core Worlds, p. 42
- ↑ Coruscant and the Core Worlds
- ↑ Vision of the Future
- ↑ Children of the Jedi
- ↑ Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope novel
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 "Galaxywide NewsNets" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 4, p. 61
- ↑ 22.0 22.1 "Galaxywide NewsNets" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 3, p. 33
- ↑ "Galaxywide NewsNets" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 4, p. 64
- ↑ "Galaxywide NewsNets" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 4, p. 65