
"Drone Alone" is a comic story by Christopher Cooper featured in the tenth issue of Star Wars Comic UK magazine, released in September of 2014. The story, set shortly after Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, features Luke Skywalker, Wedge Antilles, Chewbacca and Lando Calrissian on a mission to steal hyperdrive components from the Galactic Empire.

Plot summary

Not long after the Occupation of Bespin, Rebel spies uncovered a convoy of Imperial drone freighters carrying hyperdrive components. Commander Luke Skywalker, Wedge Antilles, Chewbacca, and Lando Calrissian, operating as Raptor Squad, took an assault ship to intercept. Antilles took them out of lightspeed right on top of one of them. They were able to board without triggering the escorts.

Once aboard, they split up. However, the Imperials picked up their ship near Drone vessel 171, and realize that their trap had been tripped. The captain orders his crew to transmit the command signal.

The Imperials on the freighter get out of their cargo boxes and prepare to take the Rebels prisoner. Meanwhile, Calrissian was having trouble with the junction terminal, and Chewbacca suggests cutting through from the deck above.

When Calrissian goes to do so, he discovers the stormtroopers and warns the squad. The troops order Skywalker to halt, and he has a brief moment of doubt.

On the other deck, Calrissian knocks out Traneel and steals his uniform. He orders a pair of stormtroopers to go to the docking bay. They protest that they have orders from the officer, but Calrissian threatens them.

Skywalker uses The Force to distract the troopers and knocks them out in unarmed combat.

He then met back up with Calrissian, who tells him he locked up the other troopers. Skywalker uses a mind trick on them and convinces them the ship was empty and they were in danger, and they abandoned ship in the escape pods. The Imperial Commander angrily orders their frigate's weapons to be charged.

As it closes in, Chewbacca finishes the sabotage, giving them manual control. They escape into lightspeed as the Imperial Commander orders a torpedo strike.


By type
Characters Organisms Droid models Events Locations
Organizations and titles Sentient species Vehicles and vessels Weapons and technology Miscellanea



  • Rat (Mentioned only)



Organizations and titles

Sentient species

Vehicles and vessels

Weapons and technology


Notes and references

  1. TitanThingy Star Wars Comic #1 on Titan Magazines' official website (content now obsolete; backup link) states that Star Wars Comic 1 was published on January 9, 2014. Issues of the Star Wars Comic UK series are published every four weeks, meaning that Star Wars Comic 10 was published on September 18.
  2. This story is set not long after the Duel on Cloud City.
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