
Over the centuries, Sith scribes simplified this system, creating several less complicated scripts from their hieroglyphic predecessor. While some supplemented the hieroglyphic writing to create the High Sith writing style for ecclesiastical uses, others such as the Common Sith script supplanted it in more mundane settings.Doctor Milanda Vorgan, "The Written Word: A Brief Introduction to the Writing Systems of Galactic Basic"

High Sith writing in the spellbook of Freedon Nadd.

High Sith was a script that stemmed from early hieroglyphics utilized by the Sith, created chiefly for ecclesiastical uses.


Most Sith manuscripts that have been found were written in High Sith, which was more ornate than its mundane counterpart, the Common Sith alphabet. Among them was Freedon Nadd's Sith spellbook.

Another Sith script, Massassi, was in use by the warrior class of the Sith species, and appeared etched on temple walls on Yavin 4; xenographologists discovered that the Massassi alphabet had ties to the simplified component of High Sith writing.[1]



Notes and references

  1. 1.0 1.1 HyperspaceIcon The Written Word on Hyperspace (article) (content obsolete and backup link not available)
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