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[6]Shaak Ti and Palpatine after witnessing Roron Corobb destroy a corridor with his voice

Ithorians were a mammalian herbivorous sentient species from the planet Ithor. They were commonly called "Hammerheads" by less sensitive beings because of their long, curving neck and T-shaped head. They found this nickname offensive.

Biology and appearance

Ithorian Jedi FDSS
An Ithorian Jedi

I was such a promising pupa. Glassy-eyed, appendageless, able to move my body at will. The world was a titillating surface, an endless, glistening horizon that I had only to track across, to let slip under my underbelly, to feel satisfied. Ah, the joys of youth!An Ithorian's notes

Ithorians had two mouths and four throats, allowing them to speak in stereo. Female Ithorians had two humps on the back of their head, while males had only one. They had glossy, usually brown flesh. They stood roughly between 1.8 to 2.3 meters from eyestalk to toe. Their reflexes and coordination were somewhat slower than that of average humanoids.

In addition to allowing them to speak their unique stereophonic language, the Ithorians' four throats also had the ability to violently expel air, resulting in a deafening and potentially concussive scream. Although even common Ithorians possessed this strange talent, those with Force training (such as Jedi Master Roron Corobb) could push enough power into their sonic bellow to shatter iron and shred plasteel. Despite this fact, most Ithorians went their entire lives without ever resorting to violence, and so the ability remained relatively ambiguous.

Ithorian youths were known as "pupa," and were commonly glassy-eyed, appendageless and limber, until they metamorphosized. After the molt, Ithorians lost an aural flap and every locomotion tube, gained lumps, craters in their craniums and an appetite for ant-flies. An adult Ithorian could father several thousand offspring.[3]


The word for love in one language is the word for dinner in others.Wuher

Ithorians were natives of the planet Ithor, a lush world with sprawling rain forests. The Ithorians worshipped Mother Jungle, and long ago vowed never to desecrate their planet. Once they discovered repulsorlift technology, the Ithorians built expansive "herdships" floating in the skies above their homeworld. The species migrated to these platforms, ensuring that Ithor would remain pristine forever. These herdships eventually were given the ability to travel interstellar distances. The Ithorian people were led by their high priest. First contact with the Republic occurred in 12,000 BBY.

Ithorian senators
The Ithorian delegation in the Galactic Senate

Abroad, Ithorians integrated well with the Galactic community. Their own language was incredibly beautiful, yet difficult to learn, as the Ithorians had twin mouths on opposite sides of their necks. Fortunately, they could speak Basic, albeit with a strange accent. Many ithorians also used translation devices such as the ithorian translator, which was usualy mounted on top of their elongated neck. Each Ithorian herd was presided over by a Force-sensitive individual who served as both a priest and healer.

The Ithorians were crucial to the efforts to restore many planets that had been devastated by the Mandalorian and Jedi Civil Wars. One notable example was Telos IV, whose reconstruction was minutely directed and supervised by Chodo Habat and his herd.

Around the time of the Cold War, a proxy conflict between the Sith Empire and Galactic Republic, it was discovered that the previously unknown species responsible for building the technological wonder that were the Heffrin Aqueducts on the planet Heffrin, were in fact early Ithorian explorers. This led to great debate among the Ithorian culture.[8]

Ithorian society maintained its peaceful nature by exiling those who had a tendency towards violence and aggression. Two such exiles were the Moomo brothers, Dob and Del, who worked for the Galactic Republic as hired muscle, although they were less than competent in their efforts. An exile named Momaw Nadon was present in the Mos Eisley cantina shortly before the Battle of Yavin.

During the Yuuzhan Vong War, Ithor was destroyed by the Yuuzhan Vong as part of their invasion plan. They chose to destroy this planet, even though it was a lush jungle world, because one of the trees' pollen could cause their Vonduun Crab Armor to expand rapidly, killing the Warrior. Many years after the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, Leia Organa Solo convinced Chief of State Cal Omas to allow the Ithorians to resettle on the planet Borao in the Inner Rim over RePlanetHab, a large reconstruction conglomerate. Other Ithorians settled on Öetrago, Upell and Felucia.

Society and culture

For every plant that was destroyed in the harvest, two must be planted to replace itMomaw Nadon reciting the Ithorian's "Law of Life"

Ithorian TOR
An Ithorian

Ithorians worshipped the "Mother Jungle," a spiritual entity embodying the lush, tropical ecology of their world, Ithor. They were generally devoted environmentalists, staunch herbivores, and complete pacifists, devoting much time to contemplating their ecology, studying plants and their uses and the overall respecting of all living things. Most Ithorians hardly set foot on their own planet, instead living in floating cities above their world called herdships. Only three of their continents had been explored and harvested, the other two remain untouched by Ithorian hands. This demonstrated their extreme belief in the protection and sustaining of their environment which was apparent through their "Law of Life."

The Ithorians were organized into herds,[10] or clan families,[11] which were the principal social group of the Ithorian society.[10]

The Ithorians practiced a communal form of government. Each herdship was autonomous and self-supporting. However once every Ithorian season (about five standard years), the herds gathered for a Herd meet, a grand gathering above the surface of their world, where the herd ships would join each other in a festival and regal ceremony. Within Ithorian society, there were a priestly group known as nature priests who communed with the "Mother Jungle" and had a deeper connection to the Ithorian homeworld. Within the trading guilds themselves, Merchantates were present who dealt with business matters.

The Ithorian's curious and gregarious nature meant that many found their way off-planet via their floating herdship's space-worthy counterparts. Many became galactic traders, traveling the stars either independently or as part of their herdship. They would only resort to violence if threatened, and they were more likely to use their sonic bellow than a weapon. Because of their mild demeanor, most Ithorians avoided war in general, although the Rebel Alliance did boast a few among its ranks. Their pacifistic nature meant that they refused to touch things that came as a result of bloodshed. When dealing with others, Ithorians were always supremely polite. They were very conversational and had profound respect for the views of others. Though often described as likable and friendly, many sentients found them altogether dull. Even when they had disagreements, Ithorians were unlikely to discuss their grievances with anyone unless the offending party was present. To do otherwise was considered rude.

An Ithorian tending to plant life

Ithorians were commonly named after creatures on their planet, such as the Flen and Gillom. Many females were named after the Cellwan, Haali, Ivuur, Oovei, Vonnuvi, and Wimmel; many males were named after the Boolon, Murr, Neelig, and Waawat. Aamaw, meaning "firelight", was also a very common name.[12]

In Ithorian mythology Trinta was the realm of demons. The Ithorians named the planet Trinta after this realm because they disliked the planet.[13]

Ithorians in the galaxy

Never pass up an opportunity to trade with an Ithorian. You'll get high-quality goods, and unless you really let him gouge you, you'll get a fair price.The Spacer's Handbook (Bootleg Edition)

Practicing their gentle nature even when offworld, many Ithorians served as explorers, diplomats, peace officers and navigators. Despite their reputation, not all Ithorians were so peaceful. Rarely, violent and unruly Ithorians were born and subsequently banished from their homeworld or herdship. Such Ithorians often became drifters and bounty hunters, like Del and Dob Moomo.

On some poor worlds where Ithorians had established trading centers, Ithorians were happy to give produce away to impoverished locals. Ithorians also pioneered several crop education programs for produce growers on poor and uneducated planets.[14]

Many Ithorians were Force-sensitive and went on to serve the Jedi Order, as the Jedi Code valued the good nature that Ithorians so cherished.

Behind the scenes

The Ithorian puppet suit used in the Mos Eisley cantina scene of A New Hope was designed by Ron Cobb. This puppet was used for Momaw Nadon and Deneb Both. Interestingly, it featured four fingers on each hand, while later Ithorian designs, such as Roron Corobb and Tendau Bendon (both of whom appear chronologically before Nadon and Both) feature five-fingered hands. Most sources other than Cobb's puppet, including The New Essential Guide to Alien Species, seem to favor the five-fingered design.

In the Star Wars radio drama, Luke commented on seeing a Meerian Hammerhead while in the cantina. Since then, another species has been identified as Meerians.


Ithorian concept art
Ron Cobb's concept art

Non-canon appearances


Swminatures-mini Star Wars MiniaturesRebel Storm

Non-canon sources

Notes and references

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