I PERFORMED VIOLENCE. ROGER-ROGER.Mister Bones, to Temmin Wexley
Mister Bones, also simply referred to as Bones, was a heavily modified B1-series battle droid with a murderous personality. He was constructed by Temmin Wexley and built from components the boy scavenged from the catacombs beneath Myrra, the capital city of Akiva. Bones served as Temmin's personal bodyguard in addition to being considered his friend and loyal companion. He had a sadistic personality and would sing or hum while attacking and maiming his victims. After Temmin reunited with his mother, Norra Wexley, Temmin joined the nascent New Republic and helped Norra and her team hunt down Imperial war criminals.
Mister Bones continued serving Temmin a year after the Battle of Endor. When Princess Leia Organa enlisted the services of Norra and her team in finding her husband, Han Solo, Bones accompanied them to Irudiru and later Kashyyyk. He took part in the liberation of the Ashmead's Lock prisoners which included Temmin's father, Brentin Wexley. Bones continued supporting his master Temmin during the lead-up to the attack on Chandrila. Following the attacks, Bones accompanied Temmin and Norra's team in their hunt for the Imperial Grand Admiral Rae Sloane.
At the request of Temmin, Mister Bones followed the boy's mother to Jakku. He rescued her from an Imperial labor camp. After reuniting with Jas Emari, Bones escorted the two women on their hunt for Grand Admiral Sloane. During the Battle of Jakku, Bones along with Norra joined forces with Sloane and Brentin to stop Counselor Gallius Rax from detonating both Jakku and the New Republic and Imperial forces. Bones later separated from Norra's party and reunited with Temmin during the battle. He saved the boy from several Imperial stormtroopers but was permanently disintegrated in a friendly-fire incident by two A-wings. Temmin nonetheless retained Bone's programming code, which later fell into the hands of his wife Karé Kun after his death during the Battle of Exegol in 35 ABY. Kun elected to lay Bones to rest with his fallen master, throwing the code into a fire the members of their unit, Black Squadron, stood around.
No, you [Norra] don't get it. He built Mister Bones the year you left. Temmin doesn't have many friends. That droid might be it."
"You can't be friends with a droid."
"Well, he is. Temmin was getting taunted and beaten by a gang of... young tyrants. Bones protected him. He's not just a bodyguard.Esmelle and Norra discussing Mister Bones' relationship with Temmin
The B1-series battle droid who would one day become Mister Bones was originally from[1] the planet[12] Geonosis.[1] According to his memories, Bones was once part of a B1 detachment sent against the innocent people who lived in a village surrounded by nature.[4]
During the Imperial Era, however, Temmin Wexley built Bones using spare parts he had scavenged from a former Separatist factory in Myrra city on the planet Akiva about three years before the Battle of Endor. Since Temmin had no friends and was bullied by his peers. Bones became a close friend to the adolescent human boy, whose father, Brentin, had been taken away by the Galactic Empire and whose mother, Norra, had left him to join the Rebellion. Norra had left Temmin in the care of his aunt Esmelle and her wife Shirene. However, Temmin's aunts proved to be unable to manage him. By the age of fifteen, Temmin had moved back to his family home, which he converted into a junk shop. Unable to turn to his family, Temmin came to treat Bones as his best friend.[9]
Protecting Master Temmin
Bones. Pull the speeder around back. We need to load these slime-guzzling Hutt-mothers up and you need to fly them out as far as you can along the Trabzon Road, I'm talking all the way to the Kora Biedies... You hear me, Bones?"
Since Temmin's line of work brought him into contact with underworld elements, Bones served as the boy's personal bodyguard. Shortly after the Battle of Endor, Temmin activated Mister Bones in order to deal with three gangsters: the Abednedo Toomata Wree, the Ithorian Herf, and the Koorivar Makarial Gravin, who served as enforcers for the Sullustan gangster Surat Nuat. Temmin had stolen supplies from one of Surat's wrecked transports and the gangsters had come to punish the boy for his perceived insolence. After the gangsters demanded that he hand over his store and livelihood, Temmin ordered Bones to attack the gangsters.[9]
Using his vibroblade, Bones destroyed Herf's DLT cannon and then slammed the Ithorian into Tooms. The droid then pounded Herf and Toom's heads together, knocking them out. Makarial then attempted to force Temmin's surrender by pointing a blaster at the boy's head. However, Temmin's repurposed interrogator droid injected a toxic narcotic, which incapacitated the Koorivar. Shortly, Norra entered the house. After embracing his mother, Temmin ordered Bones to dump the gangsters' bodies at the intersection of Trabzon Road and the Kora Biedies river. While humming a tune, the droid left Temmin and his mother to sort out their problems.[9]
Mister Bones proved unsuccessful in carrying out his task and at least one of the gangsters, Tooms, escaped. Surat's gangsters managed to deactivate Mister Bones and place him in storage mode. The gangsters placed the deactivated Bones in an ion field. After escaping his mother, Temmin returned to the storehouse only to discover that Bones was immobilized. He was then captured by Surat's lackeys including a potbellied Rodian and an oil-skinned Herglic. The immobilized Mister Bones along with Temmin were taken back to Surat's lair.[9]
Later, Temmin was rescued by the bounty hunter Jas Emari and the former Imperial loyalty officer Sinjir Rath Velus. During the struggle, Temmin reactivated Mister Bones, who then attacked several Imperial stormtroopers and Surat's henchmen. He quickly killed the stormtroopers and their officer with his vibroblade. Bones' intervention allowed Temmin, Jas, and Sinjir to escape in Norra's bala-bala speeder. Bones survived the skirmish but was seriously damaged and lost his non-vibroblade arm.[9]
Despite the serious damage, Bones managed to limp to Esmelle's house, where his master Temmin and his rescuers were seeking refuge. Upon greeting his master, Bones short-circuited and broke down. Temmin quickly set about repairing his companion, using spare parts he had salvaged from Esmelle's basement workshop. Due to the scarce materials, Temmin was forced to improvise by replacing Bones' missing arm with an astromech droid's leg. Regarding astromech droids as inferior, Bones whined about his "non-arm." Temmin assured his droid that he would repair him as soon as they returned to the shop. Despite losing his vibroblade arm, Mister Bones vowed to continue serving his master. Temmin also thanked his droid for coming back.[9]
Uprising on Akiva
Mister Bones later followed his Master Temmin, who reluctantly agreed to helped his mother, the bounty hunter Jas Emari, and the former Imperial Sinjir rescue the New Republic starfighter pilot Wedge Antilles from Imperial captivity at Satrap Isstra Dirus's palace. Following the Battle of Endor, the Galactic Empire had descended into chaos and turmoil with the deaths of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader aboard the second Death Star. The Rebel Alliance had established a new galactic government called the New Republic. While on a scouting mission above Akiva, Wedge had been captured by Admiral Rae Sloane. Several leading Imperials had convened an Imperial Future Council to discuss the fate of the Empire. Norra wanted to rescue Wedge and inspire the people of Akiva to revolt against the Empire.[9]
Part of Norra's plan involved seizing control of an Imperial communications station. After Sinjir had bluffed his way into the building, Bones stormed the building and used both his vibroblade and astromech leg arms to kill a few stormtroopers. Bones then recorded a faux recording of Sinjir, dressed as an Imperial officer, shooting Temmin dead. This was part of a propaganda broadcast that Norra transmitted to the people of Akiva. This had the effect of inspiring a popular uprising on the planet. After finishing the broadcast, Bones killed a moth with his vibroblade arm.[9]
After uploading their broadcast, Bones and his companions fled to the roof only to be cornered by two TIE fighters. At Temmin's command, Bones cannonballed himself into the windscreen of a TIE fighter. Temmin's mother, Norra, destroyed the other TIE with a stolen fighter. Later, Mister Bones turned up at the cantina Pok's Place with his master. Despite being battered and losing several of his little osseous accoutrements, the battle droid was still intact and operational. Shortly afterward, Norra turned up, having survived a failed attack on the satrap's palace. Bones was relieved that Norra had survived and expressed his delight that her existence had not been reduced to "scattered atoms."[9]
Later, Bones followed his master and their companions back to Temmin's shop. He followed Temmin into his "hidey-hole nook-and-cubby." There, Temmin attempted to make peace with Surat by offering Sinjir and Jas to the Empire in return for obtaining safe passage for himself, his mum, and Mister Bones offworld. Surat agreed to the deal but secretly arranged with Admiral Sloane to arrest Norra, who was a New Republic pilot. After returning to the shop, Norra put her plan to rescue Wedge into action. Using Temmin's knowledge of the underground catacombs beneath Myrra, the rebels and Bones traveled to the satrap's palace. During the journey, Bones hummed and sang, prompting his master to explain his programming to Sinjir.[9]
After escaping several Uugteen savages inhabiting a former Separatist droid factory, Temmin led the travelers up the old Banking Clan building, which was near the satrap's palace. Upon arriving outside the palace, the companions were ambushed and captured by Imperial stormtroopers led by Admiral Sloane. Once inside the palace, Temmin demanded that the Empire and Surat honor their deal. However, Surat revealed that he had made another deal with the Empire. Temmin was allowed to leave but Norra was arrested by Admiral Sloane.[9]
Temmin protested and called on Bones to save them. However, Sloane's stormtroopers shot the droid down with their blasters. Sloane herself personally emptied six blaster bolts into the droid's head, decapitating Mister Bones. With the droid disintegrated, she ordered her men to throw Temmin off the roof and to take the other prisoners aboard the slave trader Arsin Crassus's yacht Golden Harp. However, Temmin survived and managed to free his mother, Sinjir, and Jas Emari. Soon, a New Republic fleet arrived and liberated the planet.[9]
Joining the New Republic
Sorry. He's trying to learn how to be more... human? And less..."
"Singing, dancing murder-bot?Snap Wexley introduces Mister Bones to Wedge Antilles
Following the Battle of Akiva, Temmin and Norra rebuilt Mister Bones from scrap in Esmelle and Shirene's basement as a "family project" to make up for the years of separation. While Bones was now able to walk, he left craters in his wake. Bones then joined Temmin, Norra, Sinjir, Jas Emari, and the New Republic soldier Jom Barell in hunting down Imperial war criminals.[9] Mister Bones stayed aboard Emari's gunship Halo with Temmin during a mission to kidnap the Imperial Rear Admiral Perwin Gedde from Slussen Canker's palace on Vorlag. Temmin was serving as the team's getaway pilot.[13]
While waiting to pick up Norra and the rest of the team, Bones boasted about eradicating their adversaries and turning them into fine red mist. Temmin picked up Norra's team and the fugitive Rear Admiral. Mister Bones accompanied Temmin and the rest of the team back to Hanna City on Chandrila. After handing Gedde over to the New Republic authorities, Bones accompanied Temmin to a starfighter lesson organized by Captain Wedge Antilles, who had become his master's mentor. Bones gave Wedge an uncomfortable hug before dancing around Landing Platform OB-99 in dramatic swoops, plies, and pirouettes.[13]
Later, Mister Bones was present at a meeting organized by Norra to discuss the poisoning of Rear-Admiral Gedde and Princess Leia Organa's request to rescue her husband, Han Solo. When Sinjir informed the group that Leia was pregnant, Mister Bones began signing a song about the pregnancy until Sinjir told him to stop. Mister Bones and his master Temmin stayed behind on Chandrila while Norra and Wedge departed on an unauthorized mission to the last known coordinates of Han Solo in Wild Space. In Bones' absence, Norra and Wedge came under attack from Imperial forces but were rescued by New Republic ships.[13]
After Norra returned to Chandrila, Mister Bones and the rest of the team attended a meeting with Admiral Ackbar, Princess Leia, and Wedge Antilles in the Skygarden above the Polis District of Hanna City. While the others talked, Mister Bones chased a butterfly and ripped off its wings. When Admiral Ackbar ordered Norra and her team to cease searching for Solo and to resume their hunt for Imperial fugitives, Norra resigned from the New Republic Starfleet in protest. Mister Bones and Norra's team subsequently departed on their mission to find and rescue Han.[13]
Mission to Kashyyyk
Attacked by a droid. A... An old Clone Wars battle droid of all things. I must be hallucin...Han Solo, of his encounter with Mister Bones
Mister Bones accompanied Temmin and Norra's team on a mission to track down the Siniteen prison architect Golas Aram on the planet Irudiru on the edge of Wild Space. Aram was privy to information on an automated Imperial prison on the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk called Ashmead's Lock. While surveying Aram's compound, Temmin and Norra's team encountered Han Solo. Later, Mister Bones accosted Han Solo at a nearby cantina, having mistaken him for a threat. However, he was stopped by Temmin and the rest of the team, who reassured him that Solo was a friend.[13]
Since Han wanted to rescue his Wookiee friend Chewbacca from Ashmead's Lock, the rebels teamed up with the former smuggler to storm Aram's compound. Bones and Temmin aided the mission by cutting the conduit from the wind farm that powered Aram's fence and turrets. After capturing Aram, Sinjir interrogated the Siniteen and learned about the prison's layout. The rebels traveled with Han to Kashyyyk. After passing through the Imperial blockade, Mister Bones and his comrades entered Ashmead's Lock. They were immediately confronted by the prison's computer system SOL-GDA, which demanded that they yielded the password. When the rebels failed to supply the password, SOL-GDA dispatched droids to "incorporate" them.[13]
Amidst the chaos, Mister Bones began using his vibroblade to saw through various objects including a door. Temmin roused the battle droid by appealing to his lust for violence and danger. Mister Bones used his vibroblades to slash at the droids, destroying several in the process. Bones fought his way into the chamber containing the stasis cells where the prisoners were being held. Despite losing one arm and twisting one of his metallic legs, Bones fought his way to free Norra, who had been captured by several droids. At that moment, Jas Emari disabled the cable connecting the stasis cells to the computer system, deactivating SOL-GDA.[13]
Norra's team and Han then freed a hundred prisoners including Chewbacca and Temmin's father, Brentin. Mister Bones accompanied Temmin, Norra, and the liberated prisoners back to Chandrila on Solo's freighter, the Millennium Falcon. Meanwhile, Jom, Sinjir, and Jas stayed behind with Han and Chewbacca to liberate the Wookiees from Imperial rule. Once aboard, Mister Bones urged Temmin to hug his father but advised them not to squeeze each other too hard. By that stage, Temmin had repaired Mister Bones using supplies from the Falcon.[13]
Standing by Temmin
I'm good, Bones, I'm fine. Happy to have Dad home."
In the month following the events at Ashmead's Lock, Mister Bones continued serving his master Temmin as the boy struggled to repair his relationship with Brentin. Still traumatized by his incarceration, Brentin struggled to reconnect with his son and wife. Frustrated, Temmin made life difficult for his mother, Norra, and stopped attending X-wing starfighter lessons. Despite his slapstick humor, Mister Bones was perceptive enough to sense that Temmin was upset about his father. On one occasion, Bones was present when Temmin argued with his mother. After Temmin threw his dish into the sink, Bones volunteered to clean up after his master. Loyal to his programming, Bones accompanied his master on a long walk.[13]
Later, Mister Bones stayed at the Wexley family home while Temmin went on an evening walk with his dad. During the walk, Temmin discovered his father meeting with the New Republic Senate Guard Windom Traducier, who was an agent of the Imperial Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax. Rax had installed inorganic bio-chips into the heads of the Ashmead's Lock prisoners, including Brentin. The Fleet Admiral wanted to use the prisoners to assassinate New Republic leaders including Chancellor Mon Mothma. Under the orders of Rax, Traducier had used a transponder to summon the former prisoners and outfitted them with concealed blasters for the assassination attempt. When Temmin discovered the conspiracy, Brentin stunned him and flung him inside a crate.[13]
The following day, Mister Bones went to find his master, mistaking his disappearance for a hide-and-seek game. Bones found Temmin and rescued him from the crate. Temmin then told Bones that they had to find his mother, Norra, and warn her. By that stage, the Liberation Day celebrations were under way. To promote the New Republic to prospective member worlds, Chancellor Mothma had made the former Ashmead's Lock prisoners the stars of the Liberation Day celebrations. She planned to give a speech in the presence of the former prisoners that would be broadcast live on HoloNet. The Liberation Day celebrations were intended to precede the upcoming Imperial–Republic peace talks with Grand Admiral Rae Sloane.[13]
Mister Bones and Temmin headed to the Old Gather-House, where the Liberation Day speech was scheduled to take place. However, they were blocked by several Senate Guards, who ordered them to leave. When one of the guards waved a shock-lance at Temmin, Bones reacted instinctively and knocked the guard to the ground. At that point, the Ashmead's Lock prisoners began opening fire on Chancellor Mothma and other New Republic officials and dignitaries. When another Senate Guard tackled and hit Temmin with a baton, Bones flung him aside and then took on two more Guards with his vibroblades.[13]
Amidst the chaos, Brentin regained control of his mind but fled offworld. The New Republic authorities managed to reestablish control, but the attacks had weakened public enthusiasm for the New Republic. While Mon Mothma survived, several other New Republic officials including General Crix Madine and the Adviser Hostis Ij were rumored to be dead. Following the attack on Chandrila, Bones accompanied his master Temmin, Norra, Sinjir, and Jas Emari on a mission to hunt down Grand Admiral Sloane, who they mistakenly believed was the mastermind behind the attack on Chandrila. For that mission, they received the personal and financial blessing of Princess Leia, who was grateful for their help.[13]
Protecting Norra
Launch and get to Jakku. Find Mom. Protect Mom!Temmin Wexley's last command to Mister Bones
For the next several months, Mister Bones accompanied his master Temmin and Norra's team on their hunt for Grand Admiral Sloane. Their travels took them to Kashyyyk, Ord Mantell, Corellia, and Jindau Station. Norra and her team eventually decided to hunt down the bounty hunter Mercurial Swift, who had dealings with Sloane. While Norra's team trapped Mercurial Swift on Taris, Mister Bones and Temmin manned Norra's freighter Moth. Though Bones did not mind guarding the ship, Temmin was unhappy at being left behind and did not understand that his mother was trying to protect him.[4]
After Mercurial Swift revealed that Sloane and an unidentified man had traveled to the Inner Rim planet of Jakku, Norra's team set a course for the remote planet. Upon exiting hyperspace, Norra's team discovered that the Imperial remnants had gathered above Jakku. The Moth was attacked by several TIE fighters. After Norra and Jas Emari abruptly departed in the freighter's escape pod to continue their hunt for Sloane, Temmin sent Mister Bones down in a second escape pod to protect his mother at any cost. Since Norra had set the Moth's hyperdrive to jump into hyperspace in two minutes, Temmin and Sinjir traveled back to Chandrila to warn the New Republic that the Empire was hiding on Jakku.[4]
Mister Bones survived his landing on Jakku. However, Norra and Jas were captured by Imperial forces. Norra was forced to work at a kesium gas rig while Jas was taken captive by the local Hutt crime lady Niima. Mister Bones found Norra and Jas' escape pod but was captured by a stormtrooper, who fitted him with a restraining bolt. The stormtrooper's officer Effney ordered that Bones be brought to General Hodnar Borrum aboard the Ravager. Before the stormtrooper could take Mister Bones away, Norra claimed that Bones was her droid.[4]
She demanded that the Imperials release her and her droid. However, Effney grabbed the blaster from his subordinate and blasted Mister Bones to shreds. Effney then left the wreckage of Mister Bones on the floor in order to break Norra's spirit. However, Mister Bones' memory matrix had been programmed to reboot itself. After experiencing memories of the Clone Wars, Mister Bones remembered Temmin's last set of commands. Bones activated his autonomic repair mode and his body parts began reassembling themselves. After repairing himself, Mister Bones attacked the stormtroopers and Effney. As revenge for Effney's cruel disintegration, Bones cut off his arm and then ripped the Imperial officer to shreds, killing him. Mister Bones then freed Norra from her cage.[4]
Resuming the hunt
After freeing the other prisoners at the kesium rig, Bones and Norra stole a speeder bike and traveled through the deserts of Jakku. After traveling for several hours, they encountered Jas, who had freed herself from her captors and commandeered an Imperial shuttle. While the two women toyed with the idea of returning to Chandrila since the shuttle had the proper clearance codes, they decided to stay after learning that Sloane was traveling with Niima the Hutt to a mysterious facility in the Plaintive Hand plateau. After hugging Norra and Jas, Bones continued the journey with them.[4]
During the journey, Niima's caravan was attacked by turbolasers from the mysterious Imperial facility. The attack had been ordered by Counselor to the Empire Gallius Rax, the true architect behind the Attack on Chandrila who had usurped Sloane's leadership of the Imperial remnants. Bones and his companions traveled on their shuttle towards the valley below the Plaintive Hand plateau, where the survivors had gathered. Before they could capture Sloane and her companion Brentin, Gallius Rax arrived with three shuttles and took Sloane and Brentin prisoner.[4]
Despite this setback, Norra's team found an unlikely ally in the form of Niima. In return for bring the wounded Hutt back to her headquarters, Niima agreed to give them the clearance codes needed to enter Gallius Rax's Imperial base, where Sloane and Brentin were held. Niima also furnished them with an old Imperial shuttle and old Imperial uniforms. However, none of the uniforms fit the seasoned battle droid. Before they could leave, Jas was cornered by the bounty hunters Mercurial Swift, Embo, Dengar, and the Rodian Jeeta. While Jas distracted the bounty hunters, Bones and Norra departed on the shuttle for the Imperial base. Their departure coincided with the beginning of the climatic Battle of Jakku, which ended the Galactic Civil War in the New Republic's favor.[4]
Battle of Jakku
"Bones, are you all right?"
"SORRY, MASTER TEMMIN'S MOM. GLITCH.Mister Bones and Norra during the Battle of Jakku
Norra and Mister Bones' stolen Imperial shuttle soon found itself in a thick aerial battle over the skies of Jakku. Due to the damage he had sustained earlier, Mister Bones began to malfunction and made a remark about blasting meatbags, momentarily mistaking Norra for Temmin. After realizing his error, Bones apologized. Their shuttle was soon pursued by a T-65C-A2 X-wing starfighter piloted by Temmin. Temmin had convinced Wedge Antilles to re-establish Phantom Squadron and enter the battle. Temmin disabled one of the shuttle's engines.[4]
Recognizing that his master was flying the X-wing, Bones lowered the shuttle's ramp and waved to Temmin. Bones broadcast his voice into the com of Temmin's X-wing. Bones used his mechanical systems to improvise a com so that Temmin and his mother could talk. Norra told her son that she was heading to an Imperial base in the Sinking Fields. She also mentioned that she had Mister Bones with her and that the droid had saved her life. Norra also told Temmin not to follow her to the well-fortified Imperial base. Before returning to the dogfight, Temmin told Mister Bones to take care of his mother, something which Bones promised that he would do.[4]
Norra managed to land the shuttle at the main Imperial base. She and Mister Bones then cornered Sloane and Brentin, who had just freed themselves of their restraints. Due to Brentin's unwilling role in the Attack on Chandrila, Norra was initially hostile towards her husband and told him to get his hands off her. Following Norra's cue, Bones grabbed his wrist and smashed Brentin against the wall, telling him that he had hurt Temmin. Norra then told Bones not to hurt Brentin, who reassured Norra that he was not with the Empire. Norra then told Sloane that she was taking the Grand Admiral back to Chandrila to face justice. However, Sloane instead convinced the Wexleys to help her take down Gallius Rax, the true mastermind behind the Liberation Day attack. She also told them that Rax had a secret facility in the Plaintive Hand plateau known as the Jakku Observatory. Norra made peace with both Sloane and Brentin, and the group headed towards the Jakku Observatory.[4]
Last stand
"Bones. I missed you, buddy."
"I MISSED YOU. I PERFORMED VIOL—Mister Bones' last conversation with Temmin before his permanent disintegration
While traveling on the stolen shuttle, Mister Bones and the others witnessed the Super Star Destroyer Ravager crashing onto Jakku's surface. The Ravager had once been Sloane's command ship until Rax had usurped her authority. The destruction of the Ravager turned the tide of the battle in the New Republic's favor. Bones' antennae soon detected the presence of Temmin nearby. Bones obtained Norra's permission to leave the ship and find Temmin, whose X-wing had been downed by space wreckage. He then entered into his wheel configuration and rolled down the ramp.[4]
Mister Bones reached Temmin just in time to save the boy from being killed by three sandtroopers and an AT-ST walker. Bones leapt down from the head of the AT-ST and killed two of the stormtroopers with his vibroblades. The third stormtrooper tried to shoot Bones but Temmin clubbed him in the head with a rifle. Bones then dodged the AT-ST's cannons and climbed the walker. He broke into the cockpit and proceeded to kill the AT-ST drivers. Bones then popped out of the walker wearing a pair of black-lens goggles. Before the two could engage in conversation, the AT-ST walker was destroyed by two passing A-wing fighters.[4]
Bones, you watch over my dad, okay? Keep him safe.Temmin, burying Mister Bones' arm with his father, Brentin
Mister Bones was permanently disintegrated during the explosion. All that remained of him were his seared, melted limbs. Temmin wept on the battlefield for his lost best friend. However, Bones' loss was not in vain. Meanwhile, Norra, Brentin, and Sloane managed to stop Gallius Rax from detonating the planet Jakku as part of the Emperor's Contingency plan to destroy both the Empire and the New Republic fleet. Offworld, Chancellor Mon Mothma and Grand Vizier Mas Amedda signed the Galactic Concordance, which ended the Galactic Civil War. Under the terms of the Concordance, the Empire capitulated and was formally dissolved. However, Imperial holdouts across the galaxy continued resisting the New Republic for months.[4]
Following the Galactic Concordance, Temmin buried Mister Bones' droid arm with his father, Brentin, who had perished on Jakku at the hands of Gallius Rax. Per Akiva tradition, Brentin was buried in a salt mire so that his remains would be consumed by nature. During the funeral, a tearful Temmin told Bones to watch over his late father and to keep him safe.[4] Over the next twenty-nine years, his former master Temmin would become a starfighter pilot in the New Republic Starfighter Corps before joining the Resistance.[14]
New body
During the conflict between the Resistance and the First Order, whilst evading capture from the First Order Security Bureau's Agent Terex and his Ranc Gang, Poe Dameron was cornered in a cave on a desert planet along with droids C-3PO and N1-ZX, while the rest of Dameron's fighter squad, Black Squadron, fought above the planet against Terex's ships. Unable to give aerial support to his squad leader, Temmin sent Dameron Mister Bones's droid personality template to fight the Rancs, explaining that he always carried the code with him for good luck.[6]
Once uploaded into N1-ZX, the commando droid became a body for Mister Bones. Bones slaughtered the gang while singing. Although his intervention served to save Dameron and buy him time, only a few moments after slaying the whole gang, the droid itself was decapitated by Agent Terex.[6] To Dameron, Bone's actions were unlike anything he had ever seen before, and he credited the droid with saving his life.[7]
Laid to rest
Temmin's astromech droid copilot, R6-D8, after learning about Mister Bones, tried to act more aggressive to emulate the late B1 and please his master.[15] In 35 ABY,[7] both R6 and Temmin were killed during the climactic Battle of Exegol,[16] which ultimately ended in the defeat of the First Order. Temmin's wife, Karé Kun, had come into the possession of Bone's programming code by the time of the Resistance's victory celebration on[7] the moon[15] Ajan Kloss later that day. When the members of Black Squadron moved to hold a private eulogy for their fallen comrade, Kun agreed with Dameron that Bones had been amazing as she threw the code container into the fire they talked around, laying Bones to rest alongside his master.[7]
I AM GLAD YOUR EXISTENCE HAS NOT BEEN REDUCED TO SCATTERED ATOMS, MASTER TEMMIN'S MOMMister Bones, showing a sense of loyalty and concern for Master Temmin and his mother, Norra
Unlike other droids of his classification, Mister Bones was re-purposed with various combat droid programs, martial arts videos, the movement style of General Grievous, and the body-mapped maneuvers of Ryloth la-ley dancers. Because of his unique programming, he had developed a very strong sense of individual personality and an almost human-like bond with his master Temmin Wexley. While he was ruthless in combat, he was obedient and affectionate towards Temmin. He also came to respect and develop an affection for Temmin's mother, Norra; on one occasion, he expressed relief that she had not perished when her TIE fighter crashed.[9]
After Temmin joined his mother's team, Mister Bones became the group's unofficial comedian and had a habit of singing and dancing for the fun of it. While Mister Bones was affectionate towards Temmin's friends and family, he was also capable of violence. On one occasion, he caught a butterfly and ripped off its wings for fun. Mister Bones was also perceptive enough to read Temmin's facial expressions and body language and could discern when he was upset.[13]
Mister Bones was loyal and devoted to his master Temmin. Under Temmin's orders, Bones protected Norra during a dangerous mission to find Rae Sloane on Jakku. He was also programmed with ARM, allowing him to repair himself even after all his limbs had been dismembered. Despite his playful and sarcastic sense of humor, Bones could also be violent and once ripped the sadistic Imperial officer Effney to shreds for disintegrating him. Bones also had a child-like understanding of events and hurled Brentin against the wall since he had unwillingly hurt Temmin earlier on Chandrila. Bones' death was mourned by Temmin, who had lost the droid he regarded as his best friend.[4]
Bones is primed with a high-octane cocktail of programs. Some heuristic combat droid programs, some martial arts vids, the moves of some Clone Wars cyborg general, and also, the body-mapped maneuvers of a troupe of la-ley dancers from Ryloth.Temmin Wexley, to Sinjir Rath Velus
Mister Bones was a highly modified B1 battle droid. Although maintaining the core structure of a B1, he was painted black and red with the bones of birds, fish, and other animals bound to his limbs and body. At least one of his limbs was equipped with a vibrating blade. Half of his head was removed and replaced with a telescoping red eye, and the nose was sharpened to a fine point to resemble a bird of prey.[9]
After being severely damaged while saving Temmin from a group of Imperial stormtroopers and gang members, Temmin was forced to replace one of Bones' arms with an astromech droid arm found in his aunt's house. Mister Bones quickly learned how to use the inferior limb as an effective bludgeoning tool when facing off against his foes.[9]
Following the rebellion on Akiva, Mister Bones was rebuilt by Temmin and Norra. His frame now incorporated half a dozen extra joints which gave the droid a greater degree of contortion than the original B1 battle droids. At the advice of Jas Emari, Temmin also removed his decorative little bones to give the droid better stealth. Bones was also dexterous enough to capture a butterfly in his grasp. After losing an arm and bending his metal leg at Ashmead's Lock, Temmin managed to repair the droid using parts salvage from the Millennium Falcon.[13]
Bones was capable of rebooting himself. He was also programmed with an ARM system that allowed him to repair himself. By the Battle of Jakku, Bones had begun to malfunction due to the damage he had sustained in frequent skirmishes.[4]
Behind the scenes
Giving droids real personality is key to making them more than, well, props. They have agency and awareness. They're funny. I call Bones the most huggable murder-droid you ever did see — sure, he likes to pop the heads off Imperials like a cruel child beheading flowers, but he's also loyal to Temmin and sweet (in a totally deranged way). Giving droids these human characteristics — then dialing them up in really interesting combinations — is interesting to watch and wildly fun to write.Chuck Wendig on Mister Bones
Mister Bones was created by Chuck Wendig for his 2015 novel, Aftermath. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Wendig revealed that Mister Bones' name is derived from the phonetic spelling of his model, a B1 battle droid.[18]
In the third book of the trilogy, Aftermath: Empire's End, Mister Bones has a line which was an apparent callback to the blunt, violent dialogue of Star Wars Legends droid HK-47. In the story of the novel; the droid suddenly "glitches" and his voice "warps," causing Bones to quote HK-47 and say "COMMENTARY: I SAY WE BLAST THE MEATBAG AND SAVE YOU THE TROUBLE, MASTER" with a "strange, hard-angle" accent.[4]
Mister Bones (Code: BAC1CKP) was a playable character in the 2022 video game, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. The code to unlock Bones was revealed in social media posts for the game.[19]
- Aftermath (and audiobook) (First appearance)
- Aftermath: Life Debt (and audiobook)
- Aftermath: Empire's End (and audiobook)
- Poe Dameron 13
- "A Eulogy for Snap" — Star Wars (2020) 25 (Mentioned only)
Non-canon appearances
- Star Wars Unlimited TCG - Twilight of the Republic
- "Chuck Wendig's War" — Star Wars Insider 160
- Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded
- Star Wars Helmet Collection 71 (Databank A-Z: Zam Wesell–Wexley)
- Star Wars: Droidography
- Star Wars: Destiny — Spark of Hope (Card: I Performed Violence) (backup link)
- Star Wars: Destiny — Spark of Hope (Card: Mr. Bones) (backup link)
Notes and references
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 File:Mr Bones.jpg
- ↑ Aftermath establishes that Temmin Wexley built Bones the same year his mother, Norra, left and joined the Rebellion. "The Buy-In," which takes place the day before the Battle of Endor, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 4 ABY, states that Norra Wexley joined the Alliance three years before, placing both Norra joining the Rebels and Bones' creation in 1 ABY.
- ↑ Star Wars: Timelines
- ↑ 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.23 4.24 4.25 Aftermath: Empire's End
- ↑ Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary states that Poe Dameron began leading Black Squadron on missions two years before the Starkiller Incident, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 34 ABY. "Resistance Revisited" — Star Wars Insider 190 establishes that the events of Star Wars Resistance Season One take place thirty years after the Battle of Endor, which corresponds to 34 ABY according to Star Wars: Galactic Atlas. As the events of Star Wars: Poe Dameron occur before the events of Star Wars Resistance, this issue must occur between 32 ABY and 34 ABY.
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Poe Dameron 13
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 "A Eulogy for Snap" — Star Wars (2020) 25
- ↑ Cyphers and Masks
- ↑ 9.00 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 9.14 9.15 9.16 9.17 9.18 9.19 9.20 9.21 9.22 9.23 9.24 9.25 9.26 9.27 9.28 9.29 Aftermath
- ↑ Battle Droid in the Databank (backup link)
- ↑ Star Wars: Droidography
- ↑ Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Legacy of Terror"
- ↑ 13.00 13.01 13.02 13.03 13.04 13.05 13.06 13.07 13.08 13.09 13.10 13.11 13.12 13.13 13.14 13.15 13.16 13.17 Aftermath: Life Debt
- ↑ Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary
- ↑ Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker
- ↑ Chuck Wendig on the Battle of Jakku, Han and Leia's Complex Relationship, and More from Aftermath: Empire's End on StarWars.com (backup link)
- ↑ How Chuck Wendig's Star Wars: Aftermath novel sets the stage for The Force Awakens by Anthony Breznican on www.ew.com (September 4, 2015) (archived from the original on November 1, 2015)
- ↑ LEGO Star Wars Game (@LSWGame) on Twitter: "Roger, Roger! We thought you could use a droid bodyguard to help on your journey through the galaxy. Somewhere in this post is the in-game code to unlock Mister Bones! #LEGOStarWarsGame" (backup link)
External links
- Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is the end of an era for TT Games by Josh West on www.gamesradar.com (January 20, 2022): "Mister Bones, Temmin Wexley's B1 Battle Droid makes an appearance, and is one of my personal favourites." (archived from the original on January 20, 2022)