
When you travel the universe with Qui-Gon Jinn, you tend to learn a few things.Obi-Wan Kenobi on his ability to understand the language

Nelvaanese was the native language of the Nelvaanian species from Nelvaan.

Bothan traders incorporated Nelvaanese phrases into trade dialects that could be found in the vicinity of Nelvaan.[1] Obi-Wan Kenobi learned some of these dialects while he was traveling with Qui-Gon Jinn.[2]

Behind the scenes

Nelvaanese is based on Hungarian, probably because Genndy Tartakovsky's wife is from Hungary.
Some phrases from Star Wars: Clone Wars are:

  • Az ördög az enyém, mindent elrontottál. Ez volt az én próbám - The devil is mine. You ruined everything. It was my trial.
  • Elrontottátok a tesztet. - You messed up the test. (Here, "you" is plural)
  • Meg kell ezt beszélnünk Anakitusz szellemével. - We must discuss this with the spirit of Anakitus.
  • Holt Kezed - your dead hand
  • Ez egy kicsit fájni fog. - This will hurt a bit.

Apu - daddy, father, colloqiual

  • Nem tudtál? Nem tudtál így beszélni? - Couldn't you? Couldn't speak this tongue?

The speech of mutated Nelvaanians sounds notably different and is based on Russian, which is Genndy Tartakovsky's native language.
Some phrases are:

  • Ya dolzhen eto ubrat ("Я должен это убрать") - I must remove this.
  • Ne mozhem bolshe terpet ("Не можем больше терпеть") - We cannot tolerate this any longer.
  • My mozhem idti domoy. Idyom domoy!" ("Мы можем идти домой. Идем домой!") - We can go home. Let's go home!
  • Wam tuda ("Вам туда") - That way.



Notes and references

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