I'm enjoying the Republic's hospitality. Their R5 units serve the most delightful mince nerf stew. It's almost palatable.Arlain Zee, to Volan Das
Nerf steak stew was a stew made from nerf steak. It could be served chilled, and packaged in a can. Ben Skywalker ate a can of this stew on Ziost, during his mission to retrieve the Amulet of Kalara for Jacen Solo.
Minced nerf stew was one of the meals served to Grand Army of the Republic clone troopers.
- Republic Commando: Hard Contact (Mentioned only) (as stewed nerf)
- "Lockdown" — Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic 6.47 (Mentioned only) (as mince nerf stew)
- Order 66: A Republic Commando Novel (as minced nerf stew)
- Legacy of the Force: Exile (First appearance)