Renz was an Imperial officer, holding the title of Lieutenant, stationed at the bunker on Endor, and leader of one of the Imperial legions during the Battle of Endor[1]. Following the disposal of Colonel Dyer, Renz captured the Rebels who had infiltrated the bunker, and ordered a lockdown following the beginning of the battle[1]. Shortly before the end of the battle, Han Solo, disguised as an AT-ST pilot, gave a false signal to the Imperials that they had won the forest battle and reinforcements were needed to continue pursuing the fleeing Rebels[1]. Renz was taken prisoner before the Rebels destroyed the bunker.
Personality and traits
Renz was loyal to the Galactic Empire and hated the Rebellion, referring to Solo as "Rebel scum."[1]
Lieutenant Renz carried a DL-21 blaster pistol.
Behind the scenes
Renz was portrayed by Barrie Holland.[3]
Renz's line "You Rebel scum" was the inspiration for the name of popular fan website The site's staff even commissioned an exclusive Gentle Giant Lt. Renz minibust.
- Return of the Jedi: The National Public Radio Dramatization (as Bunker Commander)
- Star Wars: Behind the Magic
- Star Wars Customizable Card Game — Endor Limited (Card: Lieutenant Renz) (backup link) (First identified as Renz)
- The Official Star Wars Fact File 11 (END 7-10: The Battle of Endor) (Picture only)
- "The Men Who Built the Empire" — Star Wars Insider 96 (also reprinted in Interview Special)
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
- "Making Giant Plans!" — Star Wars Insider 106
- Star Wars Origami: 36 Amazing Paper-folding Projects from a Galaxy Far, Far Away....
- "Bounty Hunters" — Star Wars Insider 151
- Star Wars: The Card Game — Solo's Command (Card: Lieutenant Renz) (backup link)