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[1]Renz, to Han Solo

Renz was an Imperial officer, holding the title of Lieutenant, stationed at the bunker on Endor, and leader of one of the Imperial legions during the Battle of Endor[1]. Following the disposal of Colonel Dyer, Renz captured the Rebels who had infiltrated the bunker, and ordered a lockdown following the beginning of the battle[1]. Shortly before the end of the battle, Han Solo, disguised as an AT-ST pilot, gave a false signal to the Imperials that they had won the forest battle and reinforcements were needed to continue pursuing the fleeing Rebels[1]. Renz was taken prisoner before the Rebels destroyed the bunker.

Personality and traits

Renz was loyal to the Galactic Empire and hated the Rebellion, referring to Solo as "Rebel scum."[1]


Lieutenant Renz carried a DL-21 blaster pistol.

Behind the scenes

Renz was portrayed by Barrie Holland.[3]

Renz's line "You Rebel scum" was the inspiration for the name of popular fan website The site's staff even commissioned an exclusive Gentle Giant Lt. Renz minibust.



Notes and references

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