Runyips were herbivores native to Tran Mariel. A species of similar appearance and grumpy temperament was native to the jungle moon of Yavin 4, and was named "runyip" as well.
True runyips were known for the stubbornness, but were still commonly used a pack animals on frontier worlds. They possessed long ears and a long, bifurcated trunk to grab vegetation. Runyips were capable of carrying heavy loads (up to 250 kilograms in normal circumstances, and up to 500 in emergencies) and of traversing uneven terrain, with a top speed of 27 kilometers per hour.[1] Rebel SpecForce troopers were also known to use them to carry equipment.
Yavin runyips were a different species. They had claws on their toes which they used to dig for food, and made their home in holes. They had brown and green fur, white spotty tails, long ears, and semi-prehensile noses. They rooted and fed on decomposing forest mulch and in the shallows of streams, rivers, and lakes. They did this by using their flexible lips and three clawed feet for sifting through dirt. They emitted loud grunts, squawks, squeals, and sighs as they fed. Their antlers were shed annually.
Natural enemies of the Yavin runyip include a number of species, including (surprisingly) piranha beetles (in which its only escape is to dive underwater), as well as aquatic gundarks.
- Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds (Mentioned only)
- Galaxy of Fear: Ghost of the Jedi
- Dark Apprentice (First appearance)
- I, Jedi (and unabridged audiobook)
- Junior Jedi Knights: The Golden Globe
- The New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory I: Conquest
- Galaxy Guide 2: Yavin and Bespin (First mentioned)
- Star Wars Miniatures Battles, First Edition (as Yavinian Runyip)
- Star Wars Miniatures Battles, Second Edition (as Yavinian Runyip)
- Star Wars Miniatures Battles Companion (as Yavinian Runyip)
- Galaxy Guide 2: Yavin and Bespin, Second Edition
- "ISB Intercepts" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 9
- Rules of Engagement: The Rebel SpecForce Handbook
- The Wildlife of Star Wars: A Field Guide
- The Official Star Wars Fact File 15 (YAV 1-4: Yavin 4)
- The Official Star Wars Fact File 105 (YAV 7-8: Yavin 4 – Animals)
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
- Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook