We're down! Repeat, down! Location 5—"
"I just lost contact with Skywalker's team.A clone trooper from the team, and Commander Jet over comlink
During the Second Battle of Geonosis, a small group of Republic forces were organized into Skywalker's team to land on the surface of Geonosis. The group consisted of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, his padawan Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano, Clone Captain Rex, and several other clone troopers. The group attempted to reach the surface of Geonosis in a Republic gunship, but like many other gunships in the Republic invasion force were shot down. The survivors of the team, as well as the rest of Skywalker's forces, reorganized and tried to make their way to Point Rain. Captain Rex reported to the other groups that they were in the middle of a large firefight, and eventually the group made its way to a wall known as the Eastern barrier, which Skywalker, Tano, and Rex were able to bring down. The group then meet up with the others at Point Rain, and participated in the push to bring down the deflector shield generator of the Geonosis primary droid foundry.[1]
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Landing at Point Rain" (First appearance)