Why do developers ruin events and make them worse? For example path of water event it's completely nonsense and a very silly battle engine Whoever has higher plasma troops wins the battle p9 defeat p8 and so on and throw the stats in the garbage as if they have no value in this event! Are you kidding me? How can this happen? Statistics are the most important thing that winning should depend on statistics In the first place not plasma troops tier It's self-evident, but developers don't stop making the game worse I don't want to play this event anymore from all this illogical nonsense that I saw, Please stop destroying the game everyone loves the game but the developers force everyone to quit the game because Because why does anyone waste time and he doesn't even have fun in the game
In the photo attached to the post screenshot of the battle in path of Water and you can see how my stats are much higher than the opponent and i lose because he simply has higher plasma troops, This is frustrating and illogical It doesn't have to happen