Ruth Gogan is a minor character in Carrie. She is a student at Ewen High School and a bully of Carrie White.
In the novel, Ruth finds Carrie White in the girls locker room, using a tampon to blot her lipstick. She then asks her "What the hell are you doing?", to which Carrie replies "This is right… isn't it?" and then Ruth sarcastically response "Sure, sure it is!".
She than later tormented Carrie by throwing tampons at her, along with The Mortimer Snerds, when she received her first period in the shower.
At the prom, she also laughed at Carrie, when she got drenched in pig's blood in front of everybody on stage. She survived The Black Prom, along with a few 11 survivors.
1976 Film
Ruth Gogan appears in the 1976 film and is portrayed by Sharon Benson. She is one of the girls who threw tampons at Carrie White in the shower room and ended up in Miss Collins' detention.
After Carrie got her first period and was sent to Mr. Morton's office, she is seen walking down the stairs with another girl to her class and for another brief second, she is than seen again, walking down another set of stairs and then back up again with her boyfriend, while Freddy DeLois was talking to Ernest Peterson about the Prom committee.
At the Prom, Ruth is with Helen Shyres and during Carrie's violent and murderous rampage, she tries to escape along with Helen, but failed miserably and they both get knocked over by a table roughly. Ruth is last seen running to Helen's dead body but it appears to be too late. Her body was burned along with the others.
- This is the only adaptation where Ruth dies.
- Ruth, along with Rhonda Wilson, Mary Lila Grace and Alice Litten are the 6th Mortimer Snerds members to be killed and slaughtered by Carrie White in vengeance.
- Ruth, along with Helen Shyres and Norma Watson doesn't physically appeared in the 2013 film adaptation. Most importantly, Ruth herself is also doesn't physically appeared in the 2002 film adaptation as well, meaning that she was written out in both films.
- Erika Gogan was created in the 2013 film adaptation named after Ruth Gogan, with positive traits of Frieda Jason.