Översättning av den här artikeln Doctor fish till svenska



Den här användarsidan handlar om the freshwater fish used for treating skin diseases in Turkey. För the species sometimes called "doctor fish" in the UK, se Tench. För the fish known as the "surgeonfish", se Acanthuridae.

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Vetenskapligt namn
§ 'Garra rufa'
Auktor(Heckel, 1843)

G. rufa turcica[2]
G. rufa obtusa[2]

G. rufa rufa[2]
Hitta fler artiklar om djur med

Doktorsfisk är namnet på fiskarten Garra rufa. Den kallas också för kirurgfisk, och kangalfisk,[3] fysiofisk,[4] and doctorfishen;[källa behövs] in non-medical contexts, Garra rufa is called the reddish log sucker. They live and breed in the outdoor pools of some Turkish spas, where they feed on the skin of patients with psoriasis. The fish are like combfishes in that they only consume the affected and dead areas of the skin, leaving the healthy skin to grow, with the outdoor location of the treatment bringing beneficial effects. The spas are not meant as a curative treatment option, only as a temporary alleviation of symptoms, and patients usually revisit the spas every few months.



Garra rufa occurs in the river basins of the Northern and Central Middle East, mainly in Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran. It is legally protected from commercial exploitation in Turkey due to concerns of overharvesting for export. Garra rufa can be kept in an aquarium at home; while not strictly a "beginner's fish", it is quite hardy. For treatment of skin diseases, aquarium specimens are not well suited as the skin-feeding behavior fully manifests only under conditions where the food supply is somewhat scarce and unpredictable.

The misleading information perpetrated by those who utilize Garra rufa in profitable ventures is that the Garra rufa actually eat dead skin but this is not strictly true, the filtration systems of tanks that have been analyzed have been shown to capture the skin.[källa behövs]

During their activities of foraging they slough off dead skin. They are simply looking for food which in the wild consists of aufwuchs. In both marine and freshwater environments the algae – particularly green algae and diatoms – make up the dominant component of aufwuchs communities. Small crustaceans, rotifers, and protozoans are also commonly found in fresh water and the sea, but insect larvae, oligochaetes and tardigrades are peculiar to freshwater aufwuchs faunas.

Spa resorts

Some spas provide large fish ponds with thousands of doctor fish in them

In 2006, doctor fish spa resorts opened in Hakone, Japan, and in Umag, Croatia, where the fish are used to clean the bathers at the spa. There are also spas in resorts in China, Belgium, the Netherlands, South Korea, Singapore, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Hungary, Slovakia, India, Pakistan Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Hong Kong, Bucharest, Prague (Czech Republic) and Sibiu (Romania), Madrid (Corralejo Fuerteventura Dr Fish) and Barcelona (Spain), France, Bahrain,[5] and Trondheim (Norway). In 2008, the first widely known doctor fish pedicure service was opened in the United States in Alexandria, Virginia, and later in Woodbridge, Virginia. In 2010 the first U.K. spa opened in Sheffield.[6]


The practice is banned in several of the United States and Canadian provinces as cosmetology regulators believe the practice is unsanitary, with the Wall Street Journal claiming that "cosmetology regulations generally mandate that tools need to be discarded or sanitized after each use. But epidermis-eating fish are too expensive to throw away".[7] The procedure is legal in Quebec, with a few clinics in Montreal.[8]

Garra rufa fish as pets

Before being outlawed in most U.S. states, the novelty of fish pedicures was viewed as a possible revenue enhancer for struggling nail salons, which had experienced less "luxury spending" from their regular clients during the recession. One New Hampshire salon owner who was shut down had assured local health authorities that she cleaned out fish tanks between pedicures and would never use the same group of fish with two different customers on the same day.[9] The state government still ruled the practice to be unsanitary.[10]

TV journalist John Stossel has ridiculed state laws against fish pedicures, arguing that they represent a case of the government becoming a "Nanny State", where individuals no longer can make their own decisions about their well-being. He participated in an "illegal" fish pedicure on his Fox Business Network program to illustrate his point.[11]

In the UK, the Health Protection Agency issued a guidance on October 2011 warning that fish foot spas could potentially spread blood borne viruses such as Hepatitis and HIV if infected clients bleed into the spa water.[12]Mall:Undue-inline

See also



  1. ^ [a b c d e f g h] Zicha, Ondřej (2009). ”BioLib - Garra rufa”. BioLib. http://www.biolib.cz/en/taxonnames/id147650/. Läst 28 juni 2010. 
  2. ^ [a b c d e] ”Search Results for: Garra rufa”. Global Biodiversity Information Facility. http://data.gbif.org/search/Garra%20rufa. Läst 28 juni 2010. 
  3. ^ Kangal Fisken är uppkallad efter den rännil Kangal i Anatolia, Turkiet. (foto)
  4. ^ physiofish.de: Garra-Rufa-Zucht (in german)
  5. ^ ”Lost Paradise lines up new attractions”. Lost Paradise lines up new attractions. Gulf Daily News. http://www.gulf-daily-news.com/NewsDetails.aspx?storyid=326236. Läst 11 juli 2012. 
  6. ^ Slack, Martin (10 March 2010). ”Step right in – the Doctor Fish will see you now”. Yorkshire Post. http://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/Step-right-in--the.6139067.jp. Läst 4 juli 2010. 
  7. ^ Ban on Feet-Nibbling Fish Leaves Nail Salons on the Hook
  8. ^ Galipeau, Silvia (8 July 2010). ”Piscipédicurie: inusitée, controversée et non réglementée”. Piscipédicurie: inusitée, controversée et non réglementée. La Presse. http://www.cyberpresse.ca/vivre/mode/beaute/201007/08/01-4296469-piscipedicurie-inusitee-controversee-et-non-reglementee.php. Läst 8 juli 2010. 
  9. ^ "My First Fish Pedicure (And Why It Poses No Threat to American Nail Salon Jobs)" Boston Herald
  10. ^ Wall Street Journal
  11. ^ Mediaite: John Stossel Gets His Feet Nibbled
  12. ^ ”Guidance on the Management of the Public Health Risks from Fish Pedicures”. Guidance on the Management of the Public Health Risks from Fish Pedicures. Health Protection Agency. October. 9. http://www.hpa.org.uk/webc/HPAwebFile/HPAweb_C/1317131045549. Läst 11 september 2012. 


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