A Tourist Invasion was a Brief Encounter short story published in the Doctor Who Yearbook 1993. It was the last story in the volume.
Publisher's summary
The Sixth Doctor and Mel investigate unscrupulous goings-on on a holiday resort planet. A new story by the Doctor himself, Colin Baker. Illustration by Paul Vyse.
to be added
- According to the Doctor, Torquemada "makes a terrible cup of tea".
- The Oox call the Khee "lix".
- The Khee call the Oox "Khoogh"
- Daarg-droppings are considered delicacies by every race, except the daargs.
- Tribolycanna have a genetic inability to refuse hospitality.
- The story is also one of a few stories to feature the Doctor and be written by the actor who plays him.
- The Fifth Doctor, Tegan Jovanka and Turlough visited the Eye of Orion. (TV: The Five Doctors) The Eighth Doctor joined them there briefly. (PROSE: The Eight Doctors)
External links