Doctor Who DVD Files is a fortnightly partwork publication from GE Fabbri Ltd - The Ultimate Build-up Doctor Who Encyclopaedia.
One of its regular features is Allies, a series looking at the companions and allies of the Doctor.
Magazine pages
AB 1 - Adelaide Brooke
- Meet one of the most important women in history.
AC 1 - Ace
- The companion with an unhealthy interest in chemistry.
AD 1 - Adric
- Read about the companion who lost his life to save the world.
ADG 1 - Ada Gillyflower
- Winifred Gillyflower's daughter kept the Doctor as a pet.
AF 1 - Alonso Frame
- Allons-y! It's time to meet this brave SS Titanic crew member.
AG 1 - Agatha Christie
- Read more about the famous 'Queen of Crime'...
AL 1 - Abigail Pettigrew
- This frozen woman helped to thaw Kazran Sardick's heart.
AM 1 - Adam Mitchell
- Find out why not everyone is good enough to travel in the TARDIS...
AN 1- Anita
- This brave archaeologist died in the Library.
AP 1 - Astrid Peth
- Read about the companion who never travelled in the TARDIS ...
BAR 1 - Barnable
- This young boy was the Eleventh Doctor's friend on Trenzalore.
BB 1 - Bowie Base Crew
- The first off-Earth human colony met a tragic end.
BB 2 - Roman Groom
- Meet this brilliant technician from future Mars
BB 3 - Mia Bennett
- This geologist was a lucky survivor of the Mars crisis
BB 4 - Andy Stone
- A pioneering scientist tried to grow carrots on Mars ...
BE 1 - Bell Boy
- This robotics expert ran away from the Psychic Circus.
BEN 1 - Sophie Benson
- Craig Owens' best friend had the hots for the Doctor.
BG 1 - Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
- Learn all about the former head of the UK branch of UNIT.
BK 1 - Bannakaffalatta
- Find out how this plucky little cyborg helped to save the Titanic
- Meet the first companions to see the Doctor regenerate
BR 1 - Professor Edwin Bracewell
- He's both a man and machine, but not the creator of the Daleks...
BRA 1 - Brains
- Meet the platoon stationed on Hedgewick's World of Wonders
BW 1 - Barbara Wright
- One of the Doctor's first companions - and one of the bravest!
BZ 1 - Buzzer
- Could Buzzer be trusted? Or was he a devious Ganger?
CA 1 - CAL
- Discover more about the girl at the centre of the Library.
CC 1 - Captain Carter
- The commander of the Teselecta had a very special mission.
CD 1 - Lady Christina de Souza
- Meet the aristocratic adventurer who helped the Doctor.
CE 1 - Alpha Centauri
- Meet the six-legged ambassador from the Galactic federation.
CH 1 - Chantho
- Find out more about the blue-skinned alien from Malcassairo.
CHA 1 - Dodo Chaplet
- Meet the First Doctor's swinging '60's companion.
CHR 1 - Colonel Crichton
CJ 1 - Captain Jack
- Meet the intergalactic rogue who changes his ways...
CJ 2 - Captain Jack: The Return
- He's the TARDIS traveller who can never die!
CJ 3 - Captain Jack
- Relive the highs and lows of Jack Harkness' adventure.
CK 1 - Catkind: The Brannigans
- Meet the Doctor's feline buddy and his human wife.
CL 1 - Caecilius' Family
- Read about the Roman family who survived Pompeii!
CLA 1 - Claire Thompson
- George's mum was hiding a secret – from herself
CM 1 - Colonel Mace
- Read the secret file on UNIT's commanding officer.
CN 1 - Canton Delaware
- The ex-CIA agent helped the Doctor in the States.
CO 1 - Craig Owens
- Meet the Eleventh Doctor's reluctant landlord...
CP 1 - Captain Price
- This UNIT officer helped avert a nuclear missile crisis.
CR 1 - Crespallions
- Feeling blue? You would be if you worked on Platform One!
CRY 1 - Cryons
CS 1 - Commander Strax
- Meet the Sontaran nurse who helped the Doctor.
CS 2 - Strax:Vastra's Valet
- Meet the shortest member of the Paternoster Gang.
CU 1 - The Curator
- Who was the keeper of the Under Gallery?
CUR 1 - Colonel Hugh Curbishley Was this old soldier the murder of Eddison Manor? CY 1 -Handles
- Meet the disembodied Cyber-chum.
DB 1 - Danny Boy
- Meet the World War Two pilot who took on the Daleks.
DL 1 - Danny Llewellyn
- Meet the doomed director of the British Rocket Group
DK 1 - Charles Dickens
- Read all about the famous author who helped the Ninth Doctor.
DM 1 - Doctor Moon
- Was everything as it seemed with the sinister physician?
DN 1 - Donna Noble
- Meet the Tenth Doctor's most unlikely companion.
DN 2 - Donna Noble: Space Girl
- Find out how Donna became the most important woman in creation.
DN 3 - DonnaNoble: Top 10 Moments
- From temp to Time Lord, relive Donna's insane journey!
DN 4 - The Noble Family
- Donna's family was turned upside down by the Doctor.
DO 1 - Dorium Maldovar
- Meet one of the Doctor's dogiest friends...
DO 1 - Metacrisis Doctor
- The Tenth Doctor's 'twin' was born in battle
DR 1 - Draconians
- Not all aliens the Doctor met were bad...
ED 1 - Eddison Hall Guests
- Meet and greet the unfortunate party-goers who faced the Vespiform
EG 1 - Ed Gold
- Meet the first Australian on Mars.
EL 1 - Elizabeth I
- The Tenth Doctor married this headstrong monarch.
ELE 1 - Companions of the Eleventh Doctor
- All of the Eleventh Doctor's friend's in one place!
EM 1 - Emma Grayling
EP 1 - Elton Pope
- Find out about Elton and the other fateful members of LINDA.
ER 1 – Emilia Rumford
- This early archaeologist battled the 'Stones of Blood'!
EV 1 - Miss Evangelista
- Meet one of the victims of the Vashta Nerada
FB 1 - The Face Of Boe
- One of the strangest - and oldest - aliens that the Doctor has ever met...
FD 1 - Companions of the first Doctor
- meet everyone who travelled with the Doctor's first incarnation.
FI 1 - Companions of the Fifth Doctor
- From Adric to Peri, meet the Fifth Doctor's friends
FL 1 - Flavia
- Meet the Chancellor of the High Council of Time Lords
FO 1 - Father Octavian
- The man who knew what River Song had done.
GA 1 - Ganger Doctor
- When one Eleventh Doctor just isn't enough...
GC 1 - Gwen Cooper
- Meet one of Captain Jack's colleagues at Torchwood.
GD 1 - Gadget
- This friendly robot saved the Tenth Doctor's Life.
GE 1 - George
- What was this little boy made of?
GH 1 - Grace Holloway
- The American heart surgeon accidentally killed the Doctor!
GI 1 - Gibbis
- Meet this cowardly native of the planet Tivoli.
GR 1 - Professor Grisenko
- The Doctor met this Soviet Scientist aboard a submarine.
GS 1 - General Sanchez
- Meet UNIT's head of operations in New York
- Find out about the Venetian ship builder and his daughter.
HA 1 - Hawthorne
- Meet the chief advisor to Liz 10, queen of the spacefearing Britain.
HE 1 - Henry Avery
- The pirate captain wasn't as evil as he seemed.
HJ 1 - Harriet Jones
- Relive the rise, fall and rise again of this political hero...
HS 1 - Harry Sullivan
- Find out about this companion who was also a doctor.
HT 1 – Hath
- Meet one of mankind's oddest allies – and fiercest enemies!
IC 1 - Ian Chesterton
- This 1960's schoolteacher was abducted by the First Doctor!
IJ 1 - Ianto Jones
- What happened to this brave Torchwood agent?
ID 1 - Idris
- What connects this scatty woman with the soul of the TARDIS?
IG 1 - Intrusion Counter-Measures Group
- Meet the people who were the forerunners of UNIT.
IS 1 - Isaac
- This United States Marshal fought the Gunslinger.
JA 1 - Jeff
- He doesn't say much but he's handy with a laptop!
JAC 1 - Maria Jackson
- Sarah Jane Smith's protégé fought all kinds of alien threats.
JB 1 - Jabe
- How this walking, talking tree helped to save Platform One.
JE 1 - Jenny
- This brave soldier was the apple of her Time Lord father's eye.
JE 2 - Jenny Flint
- One third of the Paternoster Gang was a karate-kicking maid!
JG 1 - Jo Grant
- Meet the Third Doctor's unscientific assistant...
JG 2 - Jo Jones
- Find out what happened to Jo Grant after she left the Doctor.
JL 1 - Jackson Lake
- Discover how the Doctor worked out who Jackson really was...
JM 1 - Jamie McCrimmon
- Read all about the Second Doctor's Scottish companion.
JO 1 - John Smith
- Take a look at the Doctor's human side...
JOE 1 - Joe
- This resident of the Minotaur's hotel had a phobia ...
JN 1 - Ross Jenkins
- This UNIT soldier met a tragic end.
JR 1 - Joan Redfern
- Read about John Smith's loved one and Martha's rival
JS 1 – Jake Simmonds
- This member of the Preachers helped to save two worlds.
JT 1 - Jackie Tyler
- Read about Rose's mum and her alien adventures!
JY 3 - Jenny
- Madame Vastra's maid was handy with a sword – or two!
K9 1 - K9
- Find out more about the Doctor's faithful robotic hound.
K9 2 - K9: Faithful Hound
- Find out about the robot dog's early adventures with the Doctor.
K9 3 - K-9: Top Moments
- Take a look at the adventures of a metal mutt.
KA 1 - Kamelion
- This shape-changing robot had a strange life aboard the TARDIS.
KM 1 - Kath McDonnell
- Meet the greedy but brave captain of the SS Pentallian.
KS 1 - Kate Stewart
- The Brigadier's daughter was a chip off the old block ...
KS 2 - Kate Stewart
- The Brigadier's daughter took on the Zygons
KT 1 - The Keeper of Traken
- Was this elderly guardian of untold power a match for the Master?
KZ 1 - Young Kazran
- Find out what turned this young man into a bitter tyrant
LA 1 - Captain Latimer
- This ex-military man was Clara's boss.
LB 1 - Lorna Bucket
- Meet the girl who ran with the Doctor...
LE 1 - Leela
- This companion to the Fourth Doctor was handy with weapons!
LAN 1 - Clyde Langer
- Meet this member of Sarah Jane Smith's gang
LI 1 - Liz 10
- The once and future queen who ruled Starship UK
- One of these two ordinary looking people had a special power ...
LON 1 - Lon
LS 1 - Liz Shaw
- The Third Doctor's first companion was a brainy scientist!
LT 1 - Digby and Francesca Latimer
- Meet the children who were terrorised by the Ice Governess
LU 1 - Luke Smith
- Meet the adopted son of Sarah Jane Smith.
LZ 1 - Laszlo
- The bizarre but tragic tale of a pig and the showgirl ...
MA 1 - Malcolm Taylor
- Meet the brainy UNIT scientist who was a big fan of the Doctor...
MAI 1 - Artie Maitland
- The Doctor wasn't keen on letting this boy into the TARDIS.
MAI 2 - Angie Maitland
- The Doctor took this stroppy teenager to an alien planet.
MB 1 - Melanie Bush
- Meet the original fiery red-head who journeyed in the TARDIS
MC 1 - |Mr Copper
- This elderly historian from Sto proved he was young at heart.
MD 1 - Madge Arwell
- This devoted mum found herself trapped in an alien world.
MG 1 - Captain Magambo
- This UNIT officer helped to save two different Earths!
MH 1 - Minnie Hooper
- Meet the leader of the mysterious Silver Cloak.
- Find out about the pair who kidnapped Martha in New New York.
MJ 1 - Martha Jones
- Check out how this trainee doctor saved the world!
MJ 2 - Martha Jones: Reunited
- Martha's back, but this time she's a fully fledged doctor herself!
MJ 3 – Martha's Family
- Keep up with the Joneses and their adventures with the Tenth Doctor
MJ 4 - Martha Jones: Top 10 Moments
- Relive the highs and lows of Dr Jones' time in the TARDIS.
MJ 5 - Tish Jones
- Meet the unfortunate older sister of Martha Jones
MN 1 - Tom Milligan
- Martha Jones met this doctor in a time that never was.
MP 1 - Marco Polo
- The First Doctor encountered this famous Venetian explorer.
MR 1 - Margaret Blaine
- Meet the MI5 boss who was murdered by a Slitheen.
MS 1 - Mickey Smith
- Find out how Rose's boyfriend became a defender of the Earth.
MS 2 - Mickey Smith: Action Hero
- Find out how living in a parallel world changed Rose's boyfriend.
MT 1 - Mandy Tanner
- The Little girl helped expose humanity's shameful secret.
MX 1 - The Moxx of Balhoon
- Meet the blue-skinned alien solicitor who loved a party.
NC 1 - Nasreen Chaudhry
- The woman who was humanity's ambassador to the Silurians.
NF 1 - Queen Nefertiti
- The famous Queeen of Egypt was part of the Doctor's gang!
NH 1 - Novice Hame
- Read about the bad cat who came good in the end ...
NO 1 - Elliot Northover
- A little Welsh boy helped the Doctor fight the Silurians
NW 1 - New humans
- Discover how the human race was reborn on another world.
NY 1 - Nyssa
- Meet the noblest of the Fifth Doctor's companions.
OH 1 - Ohila
- This High Priestess saved the Doctor's life.
OO 1 - Natural Ood
- Discover the squid-faced aliens in their native state...
OS 1 - Oswin Oswald
- Meet the mysery woman who lived in a dream world.
OS 2 - Clara Oswald
- This Victorian governess could have travelled in the TARDIS ...
OS 3 - Clara Oswald: Impossible Girl
- The Doctor was intrigued by this 21st century nanny.
OS 4 - Clara Oswald: Time Traveller
- The Doctor's impossible girl had a tragic childhood.
OS 5 - Clara Oswald: The Doctor's Saviour
- Discover the secret of the Doctor's impossible girl ...
OS 6 - Clara Oswald: Travelling Teacher
- Clara got a new job as a teacher – but the TARDIS beckoned!
PA 1 - Alec Palmer
- This intrepid ghost hunter owned Caliburn House.
PAT 1 - The Paternoster Gang
- The Doctor's friends kept Victorian London safe from attack.
PG 1 - Porridge
- Meet the runaway Emperor of the Known Universe.
PC 1 - The Preachers
- The brave few who stood up to the mighty Cybus Industries.
PK 1 - Peck
PO 1 - Amelia Pond
- Read all about the young Pond who waited years for her Doctor.
PO 2 - Amy Pond
- Little Amelia grew up to be a traveller in space and time!
PO 3 - Amy Pond: The Married Years
- There was no settling down for 'Mrs Rory Williams'...
PO 4 - Future Amy
- Amy Pond came to regret her visit to Apalapucia...
PO 5 - Agent Pond
- Meet another alternate version of Amy Pond.
PO 6 - Amy Pond: The Last Days
- The final chapter in the story of Amelia Pond ...
PO 7 - Amy Pond: Top 10 Moments
- Relive the highs and lows of Amy's extraordinary adventures
PP 1 - Professor Peach
- The first victim of the Vespiform was on to something ...
PR 1 - Peri Brown
- This Californian student had a wild ride in the TARDIS
PT 1 - Pete Tyler
- Find out how Rose met her father - both of him!
PW 1 - President Winters
- This US leader was blasted by the Toclafane.
QV 1 - Queen Victoria
- The monarch who was saved from a werewolf's jaws by the Doctor!
RA 1 - Romana
- Read about the first incarnation of this female Time Lord
RA 2 - Romana: Fresh Face
- Meet the Second incarnation of the Doctor's fellow Time Lord.
RD 1 - John Riddell
- This big-game hunter got the shock of his life.
RG 1 - Reg Arwell
- How did this fighter pilot survive the Second World War?
RJ 1 - Rajesh Singh
- Meet the Torchwood scientist and victim of the Cult of Skaro.
RM 1 - Richard Mace
- Thespian, highwayman and adventurer – a man of many talents!
RN 1 - Reinette
- She knew the Doctor all her life. He knew her for just one day...
RO 1 - Rosita
- Introducing the Victorian woman who faced the Cybermen.
RP 1- Rapunzel
- In the Land of Fiction, fairy tales were real ...
RS 1 - River Song
- The intriguing woman from the Doctor's past ... and future!
RS 2 - Melody Malone
- This 1930's private detective was really River Song.
RS 3 - River Song: The Doctor's Wife?
- Relive the highs and lows of River's timey-wimey life.
RT 1 - Rose Tyler
- She's a shop assistant - who gets to travel through time and space!
RT 2 - Rose Tyler: Lost Girl?
- Learn more about the girl who changed the Doctor's life.
RT 3 - Rose Tyler: Bad Wolf Rising
- She broke down the walls between universes to reach her Doctor!
RT 4 - Rose Tyler: Top Moments
- Relive the adventures of the Ninth and Tenth Doctor's best friend.
RV 1 - Riley Vashtee
- Meet one of the many men to fall for Martha Jones' charms.
RW 1 - Rory Williams
- Introducing one of the Doctor's most recent companions ...
RW 2 - Rory Williams: The Lone Centurion
- Amy's mild-mannered husband had an alter ego.
RX 1 - Richard Nixon
- The US President nicknamed Tricky Dicky had a secret ...
RY 1 - Doctor Ryder
- The Ood owe their freedom to this brave double agent.
RZ 1 - Rita Afzal
- Meet the girl who impressed the Eleventh Doctor...
SA 1 - Shadow Architect
- Meet the protector of the Holy Writ of the Shadow Proclamation.
SB 1 - Sanctuary Base Crew
- Find out who lived and who died on the planet Krop Tor.
SE 1 - Sensorites
- These neighbours of the Ood had special powers...
SEC 1 - Companions of the Second Doctor
- Find out who travelled in the Second Doctor's TARDIS.
SF 1 - Susan Foreman
- The Doctor's granddaughter was a very mysterious figure ...
SG 1 - Sam Garner
- The Weeping Angels trapped this 1930's private eye.
SJ 1 - Sarah Jane Smith
- Learn all about Sarah Jane's adventures with the Third Doctor.
SJ 2 - Sarah Jane Smith: Best of Friends
- How did the plucky journalist get on with the Fourth Doctor?
SJ 3 - Sarah Jane Smith: Earth's Champion!
- Read about Sarah Jane's later adventures with the Doctor.
SJ 4 - Sarah Jane Smith: Top 10 Moments
- The career highlights of the intrepid reporter and time traveller.
SK 1 - Sara Kingdom
- The Space Security Service agent didn't last long in the TARDIS...
SM 1 - Solomon
- Meet the Hooverville hero who stood up to the Daleks.
SN 1 - Sylvia Noble
- Donna's mother didn't always treat her too well.
SP 1 - Howie Spragg
- This geek got lost in the Minotaur's labyrinth ...
SR 1 - Sir Robert MacLeish
- Meet the man who owned Torchwood House
SS 1 - Sally Sparrow
- The girl who made sure the Doctor and Martha got back to the future!
ST 1 - Steven Taylor
- Introducing the First Doctor's space pilot companion.
SU 1 - Eldane
- Meet the kindly Silurian who wanted to find peace with humanity.
SX 1 - Lucy Saxon
- The woman who married a Time Lord and then tried to kill him.
TA 1 - Tallulah
- Find out more about this sassy New Yorker.
TAS 1 - Tasha Lem
- The Mother Superious was an old friend of the Doctor.
TC 1 - Tommy Connolly
- Meet the young boy who helped the Tenth Doctor overcome The Wire.
TH 1 - Edmund Thursday
- This Victorian gent came a cropper in Sweetville ...
TI 1 - Timmy
- This little boy was fed to the Beast Below...
TJ 1 - Tegan Jovanka
- Meet the Doctor's loudest, most opinionated companion...
TL 1 - Tim Latimer
- How a 20th-century schoolboy helped defeat the Family of Blood
TM 1 - Tony Mack
- This innocent father was caught up in a cold-blooded conflict.
TN 1 - Hila Tacorien
- Was this chrononaut from the future really a ghost?
TO 1 - Toby Avery
- Meet the son of a legendary pirate Henry Avery...
TOL 1 - Tollmaster
- Who was the mysterious ticket inspector?
TR 1 - Professor Travers
- The Second Doctor had a trusted ally in this Yeti hunter.
TT 1 – Titanic Passengers
- Who survived the meteoroid disaster on the Starship Titanic?
TU 1 - Turlough
- Meet the companion who tried to kill the Fifth Doctor...
TV 1 - Tritovores
- Meet the alien flies who were trapped on San Helios ...
- Roll call of the bravest members of this special organisation!
UX 1 - Priests of Uxarieus
- Who were these strange little aliens?
VA 1 - Val
- This shop assistant gave the Doctor a job!
VG 1 - Vincent Van Gogh
- Find out more about the life of this great artist talks about her time in the TARDIS
VK 1 - Vicki
- Meet the First Doctor's young companion.
VN 3 - Verity Newman
- This writer told the world about Joan Redfern
VS 1 - Madame Vastra
- Read about the Silurian adventuress from Victorian London!
VV 1 - Vinvocci
- Meet the spiky green aliens who absolutely do not look like cacti!
VV 2 - Addams
- Meet the spiky alien who went undercover.
VW 1 – Victoria Waterfield
- Meet the orphaned companion who was always terrified!
WA 1 – The Watcher
- This projection of the future haunted the Fourth Doctor...
WC 1 - Winston Churchill
- Meet the British leader who thought the Daleks were on his side!
WC 2 - Emperor Churchill
- The British prime minister as you've never seen him before...
WE 1 - Trish Webber
- Chloe Webber's mother was terrified of the Isolus.
WI 1 - Brian Williams
- Rory's dad threw himself into a world of adventure.
WI 2 - Brian Williams: Earth Defender
- Find out how Rory Williams said goodbye to his dad.
WM 1 - Wilfred Mott
- The Tenth Doctor's final companion was Donna's granddad!
WO 1 - The Woman
- Meet the mysterious lady who appeared to Wilf...
WS 1 - William Shakespeare
- Meet one of the greatest writers in human history...
WS 2 - Shakespeare's Players
- Find out more about the men who spoke William's words.
WT 1 - Isobel Watkins
- Meet the photographer who documented a Cyber invasion.
YA 1 - Mike Yates
- The UNIT officer tried to bring back dinosaurs!
YN 1 - Professor Yana
- Read about the Master's human alter ego who was good.
ZH 1 - Zoe Herriot
- Was this companion really as clever as the Second Doctor?
ZK 1 - Captain Zhukov
- The Firebird was commanded by an old soldier.
Where to file them
In Issue 2 and Issue 3 subscribers receive a binder and seven coloured divider cards. The Ally pages are filed behind the green divider.
Like the technology and enemies sections, cards are filed alphabetically in each section according to the letters in the top right corner. For example Mickey Smith (MS) will come before Rose Tyler (RT) in this section.
If a subject has more than one card, it is further broken down by numbers. For example, MS 2 will come immediately after MS 1.