
Decapitation, or beheading, was the act of removing an individual's head. It was a common method of public execution, (PROSE: The Roundheads) which the Doctor himself had been threatened with, on occasion. (TV: The Masque of Mandragora, The Shakespeare Code) Nardole, whose head had been temporarily removed, (TV: The Husbands of River Song) noted that decapitation was "not so nice." (COMIC: A Confusion of Angels)

Members of the Order of the Headless were decapitated in their initiation. Their heads remained mobile, even after rotting into skulls. (TV: A Good Man Goes to War, TV: The Wedding of River Song)

Time Lords could still regenerate after being decapitated. Cavis was decapitated and only killed after being stabbed in both her hearts. (PROSE: The Shadows of Avalon) The Eighth Doctor, however, believed himself to incapable of this feat. (AUDIO: The Scapegoat)

During a battle with Death's Head, Arno Stark, operating as Iron Man, decapitated him. Although he believed he had won, Death's Head's body began to battle him, and ultimately was reunited with his head. (COMIC: The Cast Iron Contract)

In 1492, one of the factions angling to succeed to the duchy of San Martino sanctioned the beheading of the Fourth Doctor. (TV: The Masque of Mandragora)

In 1599, following a performance of William Shakespeare's Love's Labour's Won, Queen Elizabeth I called for the Tenth Doctor's head, but the Doctor escaped in his TARDIS. (TV: The Shakespeare Code)

After the Roundheads emerged victorious from the English Civil War, they beheaded King Charles I in 1649. (PROSE: The Roundheads)

In 1747, the final beheading at Tower Hill in London took place. (PROSE: The Dying Days)

The Auton invasion of 2005 involved the Autons decapitating people, such as Valentina Henrik. (PROSE: Rose)

In 2006, Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen killed Mr Cleaver by decapitating him. While disguised as a human, she claimed that he slipped on "a very icy patch". (TV: Boom Town)

In 2011, a suicide bomber that was still living (due to Miracle Day) even after blowing himself up was still conscious even after his head was detached. (TV: The New World)

Detective Inspector Margaret Ag-Kris Therur-Ford Jingatheen used her Raxacoricofallapatorian claw to decapitate a stone Weeping Angel in return for it killing two of her Judoon constables, claiming it as a death sentence. (COMIC: A Confusion of Angels)

The Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond once saw that what appeared to be the Robot King was beheaded, only to find that it was the real King. Fortunately, the Doctor was able to re-attach the head, as he recounted to Rory Williams. (TV: The Doctor's Wife)

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