Trending pages Rose (Rise of the Cybermen) Bosley Bernard (Night Terrors) Cyber Wolf (Supremacy of the Cybermen) Jake the Dog Cerberus Scooby-Doo (character) Meadowlad Gaylord Goldenlark All items (65) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other A Andrex puppy B Badger (The Devil of Winterborne) Barney (Spearhead from Space) Bernard (Night Terrors) Betsy (The Sleep of Reason) Blondi Blücher Bosley Boss Dogg Bowie Boye Butch (The Monsters from Earth) C Canine (The Blue Angel) Captain (The Stuff of Nightmares) Carson (Conundrum) Cerberus Cyber Wolf (Supremacy of the Cybermen) D Dog (Dr. First) Dog (The Empty Planet) Doug (Beguine) Doyle (Red Darkness) Duke (Party Like it's 1979) Dusty (Out of the Box) F F.I.D.O Foo-Foo (The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational And Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic) G Gary's dogs (Forgotten Lives) Meadowlad Gaylord Goldenlark H Lizbeth Hayhoe's dog Hercules (The Behemoth) Howzi I Category:Individual Canines Category:Individual German Shepherds Isaac (Believe) J Jake the Dog Jamais Jess (The Suns of Caresh) L Laika Leakey Lewis (World Without End) Lola (Retirement Plan) Lucky (Parasite) M Mackie Monty (The Devil of Winterborne) Mowki P Pickles Puppy (The Twelfth Doctor's been Timejacked!) R Rose (Rise of the Cybermen) S Scooby-Doo (character) Scrapper Scruff Sheba Stalker (The Scales of Justice) Sweep T Tavistock Teazel Tess Thor (Me and My Shadow) Timmy (Pitter-patter) Toby (Tautology) Toby (The Behemoth) U Untitled (The Torchwood Archive) W Whiskey (Peri and the Piscon Paradox) Whisky (Peri and the Piscon Paradox) Winston (Flight of the Cyberons) Z Zounds