
Conservatory for Research on the Unusual and Xenogenic

The Conservatory for Research on the Unusual and Xenogenic, or C.R.U.X., were the British Preternatural Research Bureau's French counterparts.

They were better-funded than P.R.O.B.E. and, as part of their rivalry, often "emailed [P.R.O.B.E.] pictures, to brag". For example, they could afford two team pets, a cat named Benny and a dog called Dusty.

In the late 2010s, after the Greth surfaced from the Infernal Depths on the shore of Le Touquet, C.R.U.X. defeated the entity, with Benny proving instrumental. They saw that the Greth had not been entirely destroyed and was being carried away by the tide, but assumed that P.R.O.B.E. could deal with it, should it wash up on English shores on the other side of the channel. The Greth overheard these comments, and repeated them to P.R.O.B.E. when it indeed came across them. (PROSE: Out of the Box)

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