Doctor Who DVD Files is a fortnightly partwork publication from GE Fabbri Ltd - The Ultimate Build-up Doctor Who Encyclopaedia.
One of its regular features is Enemies, a series looking at the enemies of the Doctor.
Magazine pages
AA 1 - Atraxi
- These alien gaolers tried to boil the Earth!
AB 1 - Abzorbaloff
- Read about the big, green monster from Clom!
AD 1 - Adipose
- They're small and cute but formed from human fat!
AH 1 - Adolf Hitler
- Find out how the Doctor met this historical figure.
AL 1 - Alaya
- This bitter Silurian warrior wanted to destroy humanity.
ALI 1 - Alistair
- What does this shadowy collector have in his vault?
AK 1 - Grandfather
- The Old God of Akhaten woke up starving ...
- The 'patchwork people' of House were not always what they seemed.
AND 1 - Anne Droid
- The Game Station played host to this killer robot.
AU 1 - Autons
- Read all about the Nestene Consciousness' plastic minions
AU 2 - Auton Brides
- These veiled menaces attacked Jackie Tyler in London
AU 3 - Claudio
- This Roman soldier wasn't all that he seemed ...
AX 1 – Axos
- Dare you face the parasitic creature fought by the Third Doctor?
BA 1 – Baltazar
- Meet the 'scourge of the galaxy' – a space pirate on a quest!
BA 1 - Barclay
- This London lad ended up on the planet San Helios.
BG 1 - The Black Guardian
- Meet possibly the most dangerous being in existence!
BK 1 - Bok
- The gargoyle of Devil's End came alive to menace UNIT
BL 1 - Billis
- This forest ranger tried to destroy an alien forest.
BO 1 - Borusa
- The Doctor's old tutor becomes a power-mad president!
BT 1 - The Beast
- Discover the secret history of this mighty menace!
CA 1 - Maurice Caven
- The Space pirate menaced the Second Doctor
CAN 1 - Val Cane
- The humans on the Crusader 50 had it in for the Doctor ...
CB 1 - General Cobb
- Find out about the man who tried to kill the Tenth Doctor
CC 1 - Captain Cook
- This interstellar explorer set a werewolf on the Doctor.
CE 1 - Mr Crane
- John Lumic's trusted henchman wasn't all that he seemed.
CH 1 - The Clerics
- In the 51st century, the Doctor was an enemy of the Church.
CL 1 - Chief clown
- This sinister jester worked at the Psychic Circus
CM 1 -Crooked Man
- What lurks in the woods of a creepy pocket universe?
CN 1 - Carrionites
- Read all about these number-crunching alien hags.
CN 2 - Lilith
- Learn all about the youngest of the wicked Carrioites.
CN 3 - Doomfinger
- Read all about the deadliest of the Carrionites.
CR 1 - Clockwork Droids
- Find out exactly what makes these androids tick...
CS 1 - Cassandra
- Meet the last human – or what was left of her ...
CV 1 - Rosanna Calvierri
- The matriarch of the Saturnynes, who lived in Venice.
CV 2 - Francesco
- This alien fish-vampire was hiding in Venice.
CW 1 - Chloe Webber
- The girl whose pictures stole a thousand people ...
CY 1 - Cybermen
- Take a closer look at one of the Doctor's oldest enemies.
CY 2 - Cyber-Leader
- Meet all the brutal Cyber-bosses the Doctor has faced ...
CY 3 - Cyber-Controller
- John Lumic couldn't control his Cybus creations!
CY 4 - Cybershades
- Read all about these strange Cybernised creatures...
CY 5 - CyberKing
- Gape in awe at the Cybermen's mighty engine of destruction.
CY 6 – The Origins of the Cybermen
- Think you know all about the Cybermen? Think again!
CY 7 - Cyber Guard
- If you go down to Stonehenge you're sure of a big surprise ...
CY 7 - Cybermen
- Something wicked lurked beneath Colchester ...
CY 8 - Cyber Lord
- Meet a new beed of Cyber Leader in Victorian London ...
CY 12 - Cybermen: Resurrected!
- The 'silver giants' are never really dead ...
CY 13 - Cybermen: Telos
- The Cybermen spread all over the Universe ...
CY 14 - Cybermen: Chess Master
- The museum exhibits contained a nasty surprise
CY 15 - Wooden Cybermen
- The Cybermen had a cunning trick up their sleeve ...
CY 16 - Cybermen:Trenzalore
- The silver giants were intrigued by a signal ...
CY 17 - 12th Cyber Legion
- These Cybermen received a message from the Doctor.
DC 1 - Professor Docherty
- The Academic who lived two very different lives ...
DE 1 - The Destroyer
- Face the blue demon who was summoned by sorceress Morgaine.
DEC 1 - Admiral de Coligny
- This French officer was involved in the massacre of 1572
DG 1 - Dragon
- Discover the legend of the Dragon's treasure.
DL 1 - Daleks
- Open up and look inside the Doctor's most treacherous foe!
DL 2 - Origins of the Daleks
- How a horrific war led to the creation of these heartless mutants.
DL 3 - Dalek Emperor
- Discover who resurrected the Daleks to conquer Earth.
DL 4 - Special Weapons Dalek
- Discover the fearsome secrets of the toughest Dalek ever...
DL 5 - Cult of Skaro
- Read about the four members of this deadly Dalek squad!
DL 6 - Dalek Sec
- Take a closer look at the Dalek cult leader
DL 7 - Supreme Dalek
- Read about the Dalek who thought he was in charge ...
DL 8 - Imperial Daleks
- Meet the different kind of Dalek that once served Davros.
DL 9 - Dalek Caan
- Meet the memer of the Cult of Skaro who went insane...
DL 10 - Glass Dalek
- Gaze in horror at the most gruesome Dalek ever ...
DL 11 - The Last Dalek
- Meet the Dalek who was far from the last of its kind ...
DL 12 - New Dalek Paradigm
- Meet the most recent incarnations of the Doctor's old enemies.
DL 13 Ironsides
- Meet the Daleks who make a mean cuppa!
DL 14 - Stone Dalek
- Even fossilisation couldn't stop the monsters from Skaro!
DL 15 - Supreme Dalek
- Read all about the leader of the New Dalek Paradigm.
DL 16 - Old Daleks
- Meet the original metal monsters
DL 17 - Drone Dalek
- Find out about the Dalek Paradigm's red warrior ...
DL 18 - Dalek Prime Minister
- The Daleks have a chilling new leader ...
DL 19 - Dalek Puppets
- The Daleks found a horrible use for nanogenes ...
DL 20 - Black Daleks
- Beware the commanders of the Daleks!
- Discover the secret history of the war to end all wars.
DL 22 - Parliament of the Daleks
- Learn all about the heart of the New Dalek Paradigm.
DL 23 - Insane Dalek
- The Asylum of the Daleks was not a friendly place ...
DL 24 - Dalek Strategist
- The blue Dalek was responsible for hatching evil plans
DL 25 - SWD: Insane Mutant!
- Whatever happened to the Special Weapons Dalek?
DN 1 - Dinosaurs
- The Doctor has encountered several prehistoric beasts.
DR 1 - Dream Lord
- See part of the Doctor he normally suppresses.
DV 1 - Davros
- The Doctor thought his old foe was dead, but he was wrong!
DV 2 - Davros: The Rise and Terror
- Delve into the secret history of the Kaled mastermind.
DV 3 - Davros: Descent into Madness
- How the Dalek creator's plans got even crazier...
DV 4 - Davros: Top Moments
- Take a look back at the career of an evil genius.
DX 1 - Droxil
- Who were the Forest Rangers from Androzani Major?
EC 1 - The Empty Child
- Keep your distance from the zombie who wanted his mummy.
ED 1 - The Editor
- He's smarmy, corrupt - and in control of the whole human race!
EI 1 - Eight Legs
- The giant spiders of Metebelis Three killed the Doctor
EN 1 - Eknodines
- The old folk of Leadworth may not be as innocent as they look ...
ET 1 - Eternals
- Find out more about this mysterious race from outside time itself.
FE 1 - Fenric
- read about one of the Doctor's oldest enemies ...
FEN 1 - Fendahl
- This alien entity was trapped in a time loop.
FK 1 - The Futurekind
- Read about the toothy terrors from the edge of the universe
FL 1 - The Flood
- Learn all about these horrific creatures from the Red Planet (fold-out)
FM 1 - Family of Blood
- Meet the family who liked to slay together...
FM 2 - Son of Mine
- Meet the Family of Blood's most cunning member.
FM 3 - Daughter of Mine
- This member of the Family of Blood wreaked havoc in 1913.
FN 1 - Headmaster Finch
- The leader of the alien Krillitanes was one smooth operator.
FO 1 - Foamasi
- Meet the alien gangsters who tried to take over the Leisure Hive.
FR 1 - Captain Alice
- This military leader tried to blow up Hedgewick's World.
FS 1 - Miss Foster
- Her spoonful of sugar helped the Adipose dieting pills go down ...
GA 1 - Gantok
- Dare you challenge this fiend to a game of Live Chess?
GA 2 - Ganger Jen
- Jennifer Lucas' flesh avatar had a life of her own.
GAV 1 - Gavrok
- Meet the leader of the ruthless Bannermen.
GI 1 - Great Intelligence
- Find out how this nameless entity tried to invade Earth ...
GI 2 - Great Intelligence: Revenge!
- This alien entity discovered the Doctor's grave.
GI 3 The Great Intelligence: Snow Storm
- This alien entity came to Earth in a blizzard.
GL 1 - Gelth
- Discover the history of these extraterrestrial phantoms.
GO 1 - Gorgons
- These creatures from Greek mythology were real...
GK 1 – Graske
- The terror that caused nightmares for the Doctor and Sarah Jane.
GR 1 - The Gods of Ragnarok
- Entertain these mysterious beings at your peril!
GRA 1 - Gravis
- The leader of the Tractators was good with gravity.
GS 1 - The Gunslinger
- Everything you need to know about the cyborg cowboy assassin.
GV 1 - Gideon Vandaleur
- Meet the Silence agent with a shocking secret ...
HA 1 - Haemovores
- These hideous vampires rose from the freezing sea.
HA 2 - Ancient Haemovore
- This terrifying creature journeyed through the mists of time ...
HAR 1 - Harvey
- The Daleks turned this space pilot in a Puppet
HB 1 - Handbots
- These faceless robots killed with kindness ...
HD 1 - Captain Hardaker
- Meet the Captain who planned to go down with his ship!
HE 1 - Helen A
- The sugary-sweet villain who tried to ban sadness
HH 1 - Heavenly Host
- Meet the mechanical servants of Max Capricorn
HM 1 – Headless Monks
- How to get ahead in the Order of the Headless Monks ...
HS 1 - Harold Saxon
- Take a look at the Master's perfect disguise ...
IR 1 - Irongron
- Face the Medieval man who worked with a Sontaran!
IS 1 - Isolus
- This tiny alien child was lonely – until it came to Earth.
IW 1 - Ice Warriors
- Meet the Martians - scaly green natives of the Red Planet!
IW 2 - Skaldak
- Beware the Vanquisher of the Phobos Heresy...
JD 1 - Judoon
- Get up close with the tough rhino-headed law enforcers.
JG 1 – Jagrafess
- This blobby monstrosity ruled the Human Empire!
KJK 1 - Sharaz Jek
- This masked madman tried to kidnap Peri
A 1 - Kandyman
- This villain with a sweet tooth terrorised the Seventh Doctor.
KE 1 - Kane
- The tyrant of Svartos had ice running through his veins.
KH 1 - Klineman Halpen
- This unscrupulous businessman learned a terrible lesson ...
KJ 1 - Kahler-Jex
- Was this alien refugee a friend or foe?
KL 1 - Krillitanes
- Meet the shape-changers who wanted to control the universe.
KN 1 - Knights
- Warriors from another dimension invaded Cornwall
KO 1 - Madame Kovarian
- This fiendishly clever woman was determined to stop the Doctor.
KS 1 - Commander Kess
- This brutal guard took pleasure in wrecking violence on the Ood.
KT 1 - Miss Kizlet
- Meet the Great Intelligence's right hand woman.
KV 1 - Kiv
- This Mentor tried to steal Peri's brain for himself.
KZ 1 - Kazran Sardick
- Understand the bitterness of this lonely old man ...
LB 1 - Lance Bennett
- It's a good thing that Donna left this bad guy at the altar!
LD 1 - Lucius Petrus Dextrus
- The prophet of Pompeii didn't predict his own demise!
LG 1 - Light
- A surveyor from another world. Light wasn't good at adapting.
LI 1 - Li H'sen Chang
- This magician was behind the disappearance of several Victorian girls!
LO 1 - Time Lords
- Discover the rogues gallery of misfits behind the legend!
LP 1 - The Lord President
- Discover the secret history of 'Rassilon', the mad Time Lord.
LR 1 - Luke Rattigan
- Find out about the boy genius who wasn't really that smart.
LS 1 - Lady Sylvia Thaw
- The financial backer for the disastrous Lazarus experiment.
LS 1 - Lieutenant Stepashin
- Meet the second in command aboard the Firebird.
LY 1 - Commander Lytton
- This mercenary worked for the Daleks and met two Doctors!
LZ 1 - Professor Lazarus
- Both man and monster, read about this 'mad' scientist!
MA 1 - Mr Magpie
- There was only one escape for the man trapped by the Wire...
MC 1 - Macra
- Find out more about the alien crabs that the Doctor has met twice.
MD 1 - Mechanoids
- Meet the metal monsters that took on the Daleks.
ME 1 - Solana Mercurio
- The woman whose loyalty to her employer sealed her doom.
MG 1 - Meglos
- Introducing the spiky-faced monster who faced the Fourth Doctor.
MH 1 - Miss Hartigan
- How one Victorian lady became a metal giant!
MI 1 - Commander Milligton
- This British soldier thought like a Nazi ...
MK 1 - Doctor Malohkeh
- Was this Silurian scientist as creepy as he looked?
ML 1 - The Malus
- Peel back the plaster and come face to face with evil!
MN 1 - Colonel Manton
- Meet Madame Kovarian's right-hand man.
MO 1 – Morgaine
- Meet the evil sorceress from another dimension!
MP 1 - Melody Pond
- Before River Song there was the Doctor's 'bespoke psychopath'!
MR 1 – Mara
- Follow the snake into the Dark Places of the Inside ...
MS 1 - The Master
- The history of the Doctor's arch nemesis and fellow Time Lord.
MS 2 - The Master: Old-School Villain
- The incarnation who battled the Third Doctor steps forward.
MS 3 - The Master: Reborn
- The deranged Time Lord manages to cheatdeath itself!
'MS 4 - The Master: Lives!
- How the Master's fight for survival turned to desperation.
MS 5 - The Master Race
- If you thought one Master was bad enough ...
MS 6 - The Master: Top Moments
- Check out our top 10 instances of Time Lord tyranny?
MS 7 - The Master: Cheetah World
- The renegade Time Lord went wild on an alien planet.
MS 8 - The Master: Bodysnatcher
- The evil Time Lord would do anything to survive.
MT 1 - Minotaur
- Meet this dangerous beast that fed on faith.
MU 1 - Mummy
- What is the secret of the Rings of Akhaten?
MX 1 - Max Capricorn
- Take a look at the fiendish mastermind behind the Titanic disaster...
MZ 1 - Mels Zucker
- Meet the earlier incarnation of a familiar face.
NA 1 - The Naismiths
- Find out about this super-rich father-daughter team.
NC 1 - Nestene Consciousness
- This plastic-loving alien menace attacked Earth three times.
OB 1 - Oddbob
- The Pied Piper of Hamelin was terrifyingly real ...
OG 1 - Ogrons
- Meet these brutish servants of the Daleks.
OM 1 - Omega
- Find out about this legendary Gallifreyan
OO 1 - Possessed Ood
- Find out what caused the gentle servants to become killers!
OO 2 - Nephew
- This lost Ood was a servant of the mysterious House.
OS 1 - Osirans
- Sutekh was the last of the god-like aliens.
PA 1 - The Partisan
- This Time Lord councillor paid the ultimate price ...
PAN 1 - Pangol
- This Argolin wanted to clone himself and build an army.
PD 1 - Peg dolls
- These terrifying creatures were once human ...
PH 1 - Professor Hobbes and Dee Dee Blasco
- A creature on the planet Midnight made monsters of this brainy pair.
PM 1 - The Plasmavore
- Meet the bloodsucking alien disguised as a harmless old lady.
PN 1 – Lady Peinforte
- Meet the woman who wanted the power of a Gallifreyan weapon ...
PI 1 - Solomon
- The Doctor showed this space pirate no mercy.
PR 1 - Pandorica Alliance
- Find out who was who in this unholy union of monsters.
PR 1 - Primords
- These horrific mutations menaced the Third Doctor
PY 1 - Pyrovile
- Meet the mighty volcanic monsters from Pompeii.
PZ 1 - Prisoner Zero
- The malevolent multiform ran amok in sleepy Leadworth village.
RB 1 - Robina Redmond
- Miss it Miss Redmond in the library with the lead pipes?
RC 1 - Empress of the Racnoss
- This ancient monster planned to feed humanity to her offspring!
RE 1 - Restac
- This Silurian warrior wasn't interested in peace on Earth.
RF 1 - Dr Renfrew
- Meet the confused servant of the Silents
RN 1 - The Rani
- This cold and calculating Time Lord was nothing but trouble!
RP 1 - Reapers
- The winged creatures from the Vortex are coming!
RR 1 – Raston Warrior Robot
- Meet the most perfect killing machine ever devised.
RS 1 - Roboforms
- Look behind the masks of the Robot santas who terrorised Earth.
SA 1 - Saturnynes
- The fishy friends who threatened 16th century Venice.
SAL 1 - Salamander
- Meet the Doctor's devilish double
SB 1 - Sibylline Sisterhood
- Discover the women-only cult betrayed by the fiery Pyrovile!
SB 2 - Spurrina
- This Soothsayer was handy with a ceremonial dagger.
SC 1 - Scarecrows
- Discover the significance of scarecrows in Doctor Who.
SD 1 - Sea Devils
- These odd-looking ocean dwellers were related to the Silurians.
SE 1 - The Silence
- Meet the monsters behind the Apollo space missions ...
SH 1 - Shapeshifters
- A guide to creatures who are not what they seem.
SHA 1 - The Shakri
- These monsters from the Time Lord myth invaded Earth.
SHA 2 - Shakri Orderlies
- These hospital horrors worked for an alien menace.
SHA 3 - Shakri Android
- This little girl looked harmless enough ...
SI 1 - Sil
- Introducing the foul slug-like alien who was obsessed with money.
SI 1 - Siren
- Will this demon wipe out the crew of the good ship Fancy?
SK 1 - Sutekh
- The last of the Osirans proves to be a deadly adversary.
SL 1 - Slitheen
- Take a closer look at the Doctor's mean, green foes.
SL 2 - 'Margaret' Slitheen
- Meet a mean green alien Slitheen.
SL 3 - Carl Slitheen
- The Slitheen came in many shapes and sizes.
SM 1 - Smilers
- You wouldn't like them when they're angry!
SN 1 - Sontarans
- The diminutive but dastardly soldiers who look like baked potatoes!
SN 2 - General Staal
- The commander of the Tenth Sontaran Battle Fleet unmasked
SN 3 - Commander Linx
- The first Sontaran ever seen on screen was also the most cunning!
SN 4 - Field Major Styre
- Take a look at the Sontaran who experimented on humans ...
SN 5 - Stike
- Meet the Sontaran who tried to travel in time ...
SN 6 - Sontaran
- Relive past glories and defeats with the clone warriors.
SN 7 - Kaagh
- Meet the Sontaran who fell to Earth
SO 1 - The Second
- This Time Lord Chancellor went along with genocide ...
SOL 1 - Solomon's Robots
- These bickering droids threatened Brian Williams...
SP 1 - Sun-Possessed
- Shield your eyes from the searing gaze of these hot-headed killers!
SPO 1 - Spoonheads
- The Great Intelligence used robots to take over London ...
SR 1 - Scaroth
- Behold the one-eyed creature whose ship created life on Earth
SS 1 - The Sisters of Plenitude
- The sinister Catkind nurses of New Earth have a cure for everything ...
ST 1 - Mr Sweet
- Read all about the 'crimson horror' from the dawn of time.
SU 1 - Silurians
- Be careful not to wake the original rulers of Earth ...
SV 1 – Sky Silvestry
- A trip to Midnight changed this poor woman's life for ever ...
SW 1 - Snowmen
- Meet the chilling servants of the Great Intelligence ...
SY 1 - Sycorax
- Read about the skull-headed Christmas invaders
SY 2 - Fadros Pallujikaa
- Beware the electro-whip of this fearsome Sycorax!
TB 1 - Time beetle
- This creature crept up on its victims – and ruled their lives.
TE 1 - Tetraps
- Find out about the bat-like creatures battled by the Seventh Doctor
TF 1 - Time Field
- The 'cracks in time' haunted the Doctor through the ages...
TL 1 - Time Lords
- Meet the Gallifreyans who were rotten to the core.
TO 1 - Toclafane
- Read about the flying foes from the end of existence!
TR 1 - Miss Trefusis
- This sinister prison guard brought the Master back to life.
TW 1 - Torchwood One
- Before Captain Jack there was Yvonne Hartman ...
TZ 1 - Tenza
- Discover the secrets of this dangerous alien 'cuckoo'.
UV 1 - Uvodni
- This race of warriors fought in the Ghost Wars
VA 1 - Vampires
- The Doctor has encountered a whole host of blood-suckers ...
VA 2 - Vampires
VB 1 - Gregor Van Baalen
- Find out how this space scavenger broke into the TARDIS.
VB 2 - Tricky Van Baalen
- This 'android' was not all that he seemed ...
VI 1 - The Visionary
- The Time Lords used this mystic in their sinister schemes ...
VK 1 - Darla Von Karlsen
- This poor mother became a Dalek puppet ...
VL 1 - The Valeyard
- Who is the man in black who wants to destroy the Doctor?
VN 1- Vashta Nerada
- Find out about the deadly shadows that inhabit spacesuits!
VP 1 - Vespiform
- Take a closer look at the alien insect with a deadly sting in its tail
VR 1 – VOC Robots
- Discover creepy mechanical men with murder in mind...
VS 1 - Henry Van Statten
- The man who not only owned the internet, but also the last Dalek!
WA 1 - Weeping Angels
- Killer statues from the dawn of time - blink and they'll get you!
WA 2 - Regenerating Angels
- Take a look at the Weeping Angels on Alfava Metraxis, just don't blink!
WA 3 - Angel Bob
- Meet the Weeping Angel that crashed the Byzantium ...
WA 4 - Angel Cherubs
- Just when you thought you knew the Weeping Angels
WA 5 - Weeping Angels: Trenzalore
- The deadly stone creatures attacked the town of Christmas
WE 1 - Mr Webley
- This showman was turned into a Cyberman.
WG 1 Winifred Gillyflower
- This wicked woman tried to bring about the apocalypse.
WL 1 - War Lords
- Watch out for the aliens who pluck armies out of time!
WM 1 - Whisper Men
- Have you heard these sinister spectres?
WN 1 - Wirrn
- These giant insects broke into humanity's Ark.
WO 1 - Miss Wormwood
- Who did this steely businesswoman really work for?
WR 1 - The Wire
- Are you sitting comfortably? Then let her begin.
WW 1 - Werewolf
- Watch out for the howling tooth one if there's a full moon...
YT 1 - Yeti
- Meet the Abominable servants of the Great Intelligence.
YH 1 - Yvonne Hartman
- Profile of the Torchwood leader who became a Cyber victim...
ZG 1 - Zygons
- These shape-changing aliens wanted to make Earth their new home.
ZG 2 - Broton
- This Zygon warlord hid at the bottom of Loch Ness.
ZG 3 - Zygons: Tudor Terror
- Queen Elizabeth I was attacked by alien shape-shifters!
ZG 4 - Zygon Commander
- This Brutal alien declared war on the future.
ZM 1 - Time zombies
- These Horrors roamed the corridors of the TARDIS
"Where To File Them"
In Issue 2 and Issue 3 subscribers receive a binder and seven coloured divider cards. The Enemy pages are filed behind the purple dividers.
Like the technology and allies sections, cards are filed alphabetically in each section according to the letters in the top right corner. For example Dalek (DL) will come before Davros (DV) in this section.
If a subject has more than one card, it is further broken down by numbers. For example, DL 2 will come immediately after DL 1.