Edgar Rice Burroughs was a human writer.
Ian Chesterton had read Burroughs' Mars books as a boy. (COMIC: A Religious Experience)
According to the Seventh Doctor, Edgar Rice Burroughs knew the Silurian capital city as Pellucidar. (AUDIO: The Silurian Candidate)
The Doctor met Edgar Rice Burroughs by the time of his eighth incarnation and chatted with him about Mars, though Burroughs was only half-listening. He also wrote Tarzan of the Apes. (PROSE: Eater of Wasps) The Eighth Doctor owned a signed copy of A Princess of Mars with the message "To my good friend the Doctor, many thanks". (PROSE: The Deadstone Memorial)
The Doctor tried to get Sally to read Edgar Rice Burroughs' books in the 1970s. (PROSE: The Blue Angel)
Iris Wildthyme had the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs on board her TARDIS. (PROSE: The Scarlet Empress)
Peri Brown compared the jungle on Varos to the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs and was reminded of Tarzan. (PROSE: Vengeance on Varos)
Behind the scenes
- In COMIC: Changes, the Sixth Doctor has a map of Barsoom in a TARDIS storage room. Barsoom is the name of Mars in Edgar Rice Burroughs' Martian series of novels.
- In PROSE: Crimson Dawn, the Fourth Doctor has a houseboat named Dejah Thoris on the canals of Mars. Dejah Thoris is the titular princess of Mars in the novel series.