From Agent 671107 was a 21 short story printed in TV Century 21 that contained elements from the Doctor Who universe.
Agent 671107 of the Universal Secret Service writes in to Twenty One, worried for their safety. After watching Dr. Who and the Daleks with a friend at the cinema, they have found themselves stalked by suspected enemy agents. Twenty One clarifies the movements (or lack thereof) of USS agents in the area.
- 671107 overheard the people in the cinema say "Those two look like junior Special Agents — perhaps Agents from Contact 21!".
- The suspected enemy agents bought popcorn at the same time as 671107 and their friend and also took the same route home.
- Twenty One has no record of any Senior Agents being assigned to patrol 671107's but notes the possibility that some junior agents were practising.
Story notes
to be added
- Dr. Who and the Daleks was released earlier in 2065, starring Peter Cushing. (PROSE: Peaceful Thals Ambushed!)