Luigi Rossini, originally named Lew Russell or Lew Ross (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Terror of the Autons), was the manager of the International Circus.
Rossini was born in Hoxton about fifty years prior to the second Nestene invasion of Earth. His circus primarily consisted of performers who had been rejected from better circuses. He paid his employees poorly, feeling that he deserved all the profits. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Terror of the Autons)
Rossini was the first to encounter the Master when he arrived on Earth in his TARDIS, which materialised in the shape of a horse box, and subsequently came under the Master's control. Hypnotised, he helped the Master steal the Nestene energy unit left over from the Nestenes' first attempt at conquering Earth from the National Space Museum where it was on display.
Aided by the circus' strongman Tony, he held the Third Doctor prisoner at the circus. After Jo Grant rescued him and assisted in stealing a dematerialisation circuit from the Master's TARDIS, Rossini accused them of murdering Professor George Philips (who, in fact, sacrificed himself after attempting to murder the Doctor and Jo with a bomb whilst under the Master's hypnosis) and began an attack on them before they were seemingly rescued by Autons disguised as policemen. Afterwards, Rossini was arrested by UNIT. (TV: Terror of the Autons)
Rossini was a very selfish man who used physical violence against circus performers to ensure that they would not ask for higher wages. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Terror of the Autons)
Behind the scenes
- In the novelisation, Rossini's original name was Lew Ross.
- It is never explained on-screen how the Master knew Lew Russell was Rossini's original name.