Morocco was a nation (COMIC: In-Fez-Station, PROSE: Monolith... Monolith... Monolith!) in North Africa, (TV: Planet of Fire) to the west of Algeria. (PROSE: Europe)
While on vacation with family in Lanzarote, Peri Brown planned to leave with English friends for Morocco on 9 May 1984. Her plans didn't come to pass when her stepfather Howard Foster left her on a boat and Turlough rescued her from drowning. She subsequently began travelling with the Fifth and then Sixth Doctor. (AUDIO: The Reaping, TV: Planet of Fire)
The Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond, and Rory Williams visited the city of Fez in Morocco to find a group of Slitheen attempting to destroy humanity using mind-controlling fezzes. (COMIC: In-Fez-Station)
By 200000, Morocco was known as the Independent Republic of Morocco. Eva Saint Julienne was born there. (TV: The Long Game)
Donna Noble planned to have her honeymoon in Morocco. (TV: The Runaway Bride)