
Orange (colour)

Orange was a colour between yellow and red on the visible spectrum. (TV: Sky)

It was named after the fruit. (COMIC: Quite Interesting)

The Sixth Doctor wore royal orange spats. (TV: The Twin Dilemma, Attack of the Cybermen, Vengeance on Varos, Time and the Rani, The Two Doctors, Revelation of the Daleks, etc.)

Clementine was a shade of orange. (PROSE: Enter Wildthyme)

Members of the Prydonian Chapter were distinguished from the other Chapters by their scarlet and orange robes. (TV: The Deadly Assassin)

Many species had orange skin, including Annarene, (PROSE: Relative Dementias) Galapogans, (COMIC: The Intergalactic Trials) Gonzies, (PROSE: Festival of Death) Cantryans, (PROSE: Placebo Effect) Sorbazarans (COMIC: The Mirror War) and the Tabbalac. (AUDIO: The Raincloud Man) Some Raxacoricofallapatorians also had orange skin, including the Slitheen-Blathereen (TV: The Gift) and the Hanazeen-Blathereen. (PROSE: A Comedy of Terrors)

Scientist Daleks of the New Dalek Paradigm had orange casings. (TV: Victory of the Daleks; GAME: City of the Daleks; PROSE: The Only Good Dalek)

The Master was aware that the Ogrons feared Rock Creatures who he described as an "orange scrotum monster", as recorded in the Masterplan Journal. (PROSE: The Secret Diary of the Master)

Nardole described his ex Velma as a "bit orange". (TV: Oxygen)

Bill Potts referred to the US President as of 2017 as "orange". (TV: The Pyramid at the End of the World)

Cinder had orange hair. (PROSE: Engines of War; COMIC: The Bidding War, Relative Dimensions)

Melanie Bush owned an orange moped. (TV: Empire of Death [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 14 (BBC One and Disney+, 2024).)

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