Alexandra Tynan, known as Sandra Reid during her time on Doctor Who, was the credited costumer for several stories during the programme's fourth and fifth seasons. Because the design of the Cyberman was handled by the costumes department, she is as important to the development of that species' basic design as Raymond Cusick is to the Daleks'. She was also at least partially responsible for the design of the Second Doctor's iconic "look".
She shared her memories of her Doctor Who career on the documentary The Cyber Story, the 130th edition of Big Finish's charity podcast series Toby Hadoke's Who's Round and the audio commentary for the DVD and Blu-ray released of the animated recreation of The Power of the Daleks.
Doctor Who
- The Tenth Planet
- The Power of the Daleks
- The Highlanders
- The Underwater Menace (with Juanita Waterson)
- The Moonbase (with Daphne Dare and Mary Woods)
- The Faceless Ones (with Daphne Dare)
- The Evil of the Daleks
- The Tomb of the Cybermen (with Dorothea Wallace)