The Cyber Story is a Doctor Who BBC documentary produced by 2|entertain for the DVD release of Attack of the Cybermen. It tells of the ideas behind the Cybermen and how their appearance changed throughout the classic series.
Booklet synopsis
A brief history of the Cybermen in the classic series. With director Morris Barry, writer Eric Saward, costume designers Sandra Reid and Dinah Collins, Cyberman actor Mark Hardy, voice artiste Roy Skelton and Professor Kevin 'Human Cyborg' Warwick.
People interviewed
- Narrator - James Coombes
- Special thanks to - Derek Handley, Prof. Kevin Warwick & The University of Reading
- Lighting Cameramen - David Simmons, Ian Smith
- Music - Justin Burnett
- Online Editor - Leanne Sheppard
- Colourist - Jonathan Wood
- 3D Animator - Rob Semenoff
- 2D Animator - Michael Connors
- Assistant Producer - Karen Davies
- Executive Producer - Dan Hall
- Produced & Directed by - Brendan Sheppard
- © 2|entertain 2008