"The Solitary Egyptian" was one of two ghostly apparitions who "haunted" the HQ of Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart's military organisation.
The Solitary Egyptian appeared as an Egyptian man in Edwardian dress who would stride purposefully down a corridor before vanishing without explanation. Like the Screaming Soldier, the Solitary Egyptian was actually a case of misplacement, a few seconds in the life of an ordinary person which had become separated from his normal time-stream and repeated across history over and over again. The Brigadier never found a way to stop the two misplacements from continuing to appear, and decided that they were more useful than not, as their presence at HQ made sure that every new recruit was well-acquainted with living and working side-by-side with the supernatural. (AUDIO: Memories of Tomorrow)
Behind the scenes
- As UNIT HQ was shown in Pyramids of Mars to have been built over the ruins of the Scarman estate, the implication is that the Solitary Egyptian is the "ghost" of Ibrahim Namin. However, this is not made explicit.