
Will Hoffman

Lieutenant Will Hoffman was a companion of the Sixth Doctor and a soldier with UNIT.


Early life

Will Hoffman came from York and had an overbearing family. (PROSE: The Terror of the Darkness) In primary school, he was attracted to Rebecca Robinson and became her boyfriend by the age of six, playing Mary and Joseph in the nativity. She moved away after his seventh birthday party. (PROSE: Defining Patterns)

Hoffman once watched Jurassic Park with his elder sister and her then boyfriend and suffered nightmares afterwards. (PROSE: Incongruous Details)

On his seventeenth birthday, Hoffman went into York with his friends and, after shopping and having lunch, went into a pub where he saw Rebecca Robinson, ten years to the day since he had last seen her. (PROSE: Defining Patterns)

Wanting to see the world, escape from his family and avoid a typical suburban life, Hoffman joined the British Army. He was reckless and disobedient and was sent to London to join UNIT. Before he left, his friends gave him a watch as a present. (PROSE: The Terror of the Darkness)

As a companion

On Lieutenant Hoffman's first day at UNIT, Colonel Emily Chaudhry informed him of a Code Blue and had him driver her to the site of the TARDIS, where they met the Sixth Doctor. Upon helping him defeat the Darkness, the Doctor offered to take Hoffman and Chaudhry back to UNIT HQ in his TARDIS. (PROSE: The Terror of the Darkness)

After the Doctor received a distress call, the TARDIS landed in World War II London. He captured and handcuffed Edward Grainger after he shot Colonel Chaudhry and, after they returned a Mim to his home, they were returned to their time. However, they went for one more journey in the TARDIS after they found records missing from the UNIT archive. (PROSE: Incongruous Details)

In September 1957, Hoffman and Chaudhry kept watch whilst the Doctor and Ronnie Tillyard erased the UNIT files on the Doctor. Afterwards, they were returned home. (PROSE: Defining Patterns)

The rise of ICIS


Hoffman was killed during ICIS' attempt to take over the United Kingdom in 2005. (AUDIO: The Longest Night)

Despite his death in 2006 Will was a witness to the Third Doctor's report of the events in the London Underground with Paul. (PROSE: Jigsaw)


Hoffman was a serial dater who never got a second date until the day of his death. (AUDIO: The Longest Night) He believed that The Muppet Show was the best show ever. (PROSE: Incongruous Details)

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