An official website of the European Union

Data reuse

XML bulk download

You can download xml notices in bulk from the TED portal.

  • daily package: file containing all the notices in xml format for each day.

  • monthly package: file containing all the notices in xml format for each month.

You can download the packages using the user interface or using a direct link. There is no need to sign in to download the daily or monthly packages.

Download package via user interface:

  • click XML bulk download to access the ‘XML bulk download’ page

  • From this page:

    • select the tab ‘Daily packages’ or ‘Monthly packages’

    • select the year and the month

    • navigate to the page to select the package

    • click the Download button

Download packages using a direct link:

  • URL format for daily packages:

  • URL format for monthly packages:

Publication schedule

Publication availability on the TED website of the XML daily package of the XML monthly package
Daily edition (published every Monday to Friday) On the day of the publication between 0:01 - 9:00 On the day of the publication at 9:30 at the latest n/a
Monthly n/a n/a On the fifth working day of the next month at 9:30 at the latest


RSS feeds

RSS feeds send automatic updates on the latest notices published, broken down by business sector.

Release calendar

The Release calendar page provides details of the OJ S and the publication dates for the current and past years. To access the various published editions, click Release calendar on the homepage. You can select a specific month and year from the dropdown lists and view the specific issue.

Additionally, you can download an annual release for a specific year in the following formats: XLS, PDF, CSV.

Search API

The search API provides multiple read-only operations on the TED website data.  The user can execute the POST request to search notices. 
Detailed documentation is available here: