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Airazor (Universe)

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This subject of this article goes by multiple names that apply to other articles as well. See Airazor (disambiguation), Scattershot (disambiguation).
Airazor is an Autobot from the Generation 1 continuity family (via the 2008 Universe toyline).
Trivia: "Airazor" was right below "Air Raid" on the list of owned trademarks that Monzo gave the Transformers team.

Airazor (aka Scattershot) is a replacement for Slingshot! He may be small, but he's fierce!



Universe (2008)

  • Superion (Multi-pack, 2008)
    • Accessories: 2 dual-barrel cannons, connector piece, Autobot-type energon star
Airazor is a redeco of Energon Windrazor/Treadshot in white and steel blue. He was released, along with the others in this box set, in Universe (2008) packaging in Australia and Singapore. This set was also released as a _target-exclusive set in Revenge of the Fallen Superion packaging for North America. Thus, this toy doubles as Movie Airazor.
Airazor transforms into a jet based on the F-22 Raptor. He can also form a leg or arm to any Energon-series "Powerlinx Combiner" super robot, though his nominal placement is as the right arm to Superion. He comes with two double-barreled guns and a connector piece, which can form hand-held weapons as well as become a footplate or "hand" for his combined mode, plus a blue "super energon" Autobot-style energon star.
Airazor shares his mold with fellow Superion pack-mate Air Raid. This mold was also used for Classics Breakaway and Revenge of the Fallen Air Raid.


An homage nobody was expecting.
  • Scattershot (Kreon Micro-Changer, 2014)
    • Collection: Age of Extinction Collection 2
    • Accessories: Logo brick, buildable blaster
Part of the sixth assortment of blind-bagged Kreon Micro-Changers, "Scattershot" (renamed because... okay, we have no idea why) can be rebuilt from robot mode into a jet. Unlike most Kreons, his accessory is wholly made of non-blaster-accessory parts made to look like a blaster. He sports Hound's helmet.
Unlike prior Micro-Changer assortments, this series does not have any sort identification code for the bags' actual contents, meaning you'd best be good at the feel-though-the-bag method.
This assortment was originally slated to be a Toys"R"Us exclusive, but US stores dropped the line before its release, but it was still available in Canada, Australia and Chinese/Asian markets. In 2015, US Dollar Tree stores got in the wave, with a price tag of a whopping $1 a pop. They didn't last long.


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