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Attack of the Alien Robots

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Attack of the Alien Robots is a motion picture from the cartoon portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
Box office gold.

Attack of the Alien Robots is a mid-1980s human film produced by Major Pictures. Described by its director as "a great science fiction epic", it tells the tale of the heroic Dash Jordon and his battle to save a woman from the Evil Alien Robots who pursue her.

Interestingly, the movie began production as a generic action flick, but during shooting was reworked to feature a sci-fi plot after footage was captured on the lot of actual evil alien robots. Hoist Goes Hollywood

Known Cast


  • Dash Jordon is a parody of Flash Gordon.
  • In the original script, Dash was named "Sam Solo", an obvious play on Han Solo's name.
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