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Autobot rookie

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The Autobot rookie is an Autobot from the War for Cybertron portion of the Aligned continuity family.
Careful you don't stab yourself with that thing, kid.

He may be fresh off the assembly line, but the Autobot rookie has all the firepower, armor and confidence he needs to start trashing Decepticons. All he needs is a bit of training and he'll be ready to bash Decepticons with the best of them.

I don't "play" hero, Ratchet. I'm the real thing.



Transformers: War for Cybertron — Decepticons

Voice actor: ???

With Decepticons hunting through an Autobot base, the rookie was sent there by Ironhide to investigate what they were up to. Ratchet uploaded the necessary data concerning their search patterns to him. On arrival, he encountered Ratchet, who briefed him on the usefulness of data disks, and Air Raid, who gave him some basic training including shooting and hitting training dummies.

Air Raid was called away to attend to an attack in the control room and assigned the rookie the task of getting the data links running. The rookie fought a couple of laser guards and destroyed the energon suppressors disrupting the links. However while he was contacting Ironhide, Megatron burst through a nearby wall and blasted him. Transformers: War for Cybertron — Decepticons

Transformers: War for Cybertron — Autobots

After the captured Zeta Prime attempted to contact Optimus and the Decepticons blacked out the Autobot communication grid, Ironhide sent the rookie to assist. On arrival, he encountered Ratchet, who briefed him on the usefulness of data disks, and Air Raid, who gave him some basic training including shooting and hitting training dummies.

Air Raid was called away to attend to an attack in the control room and assigned the rookie the task of getting the data links running. The rookie fought a couple of laser guards and destroyed the energon suppressors disrupting the links. He contacted Ironhide to give him the good news, and was told he was being reassigned to Kup's squad. The rookie mused it would be nice to have some excitement for once. His wish came true sooner than expected, as Starscream appeared through a door and promised to end the rookie's life. Luckily Optimus crashed through a nearby wall and chased the Decepticon off before he could do so, and the rookie lived to join the main Autobot forces. Transformers: War for Cybertron — Autobots


  • Autobot rookie is labeled simply as "Autobot" for his dialog. Air Raid refers to him variously as "rookie", "soldier" and "new guy".
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