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Chifumi Takahashi

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Chifumi Takahashi is a Diaclone-aligned human from the Diaclone and Generation 1 continuity families.
TransformersIQ Dorothy.jpg

Doctor Chifumi Takahashi, also known as C-Tach, is Aquarius's assistant.




Doctor Takahashi hailed from some part of the Cymond Cluster. Ask Vector Prime, 9 June 2015

At some point, Doctor Takahashi found herself in Axiom Nexus, unable to return to her home universal stream. She eventually encountered Aquarius, with whom she made a deal: she retrieved a shard of the Star Saber from the vaults for him, in return for safe passage home. Transformers I.Q. last issue review #6 The pair arrived instead in Aquarius's home universe, which Chifumi pointed out plainly was not the right universe. The truth became clear moments later—Nexus Prime had transported them there to pick up a package. Transformers I.Q. trivia bonus #12 However, Ultra Magnus refused to hand the Origin Matrix over, citing his duty as its guardian to personally safeguard the Matrix until he could meet Nexus Prime. Falling into Place

Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The mysterious Doctor Takahashi was one of several Japanese scientists to contribute to the creation of the Trainbots. She was responsible for creating their Heavy Series-Linkage System, which enabled them to combine. So focused was her vision that team leader Sōji Yoshikawa joked that she must have witnessed the Trainbots in their combined form before ever beginning work on the project, but of course that would have been impossible. She was indifferent as to which train to name, and wound up with the EF65-1000 model by default. The name she chose, "Getsuei", symbolized the ability of the Trainbots to travel to the moon and beyond. Ask Vector Prime, 27 September 2015


  • Chifumi Takahashi is based on the Diaclone pilots that came with Transformers back when they were part of that line, specifically the pilot that came with the Diaclone version of Sunstreaker; the toy's name is "Countach LP500S", hence Takahashi's nickname of "C-Tach". She is unnamed in the Transformers I.Q. comic strip, with Aquarius addressing her as "Dorothy" as part of a Wizard of Oz metaphor.
  • Although this article presents Doctor Takahashi's name in the traditional Western manner, in Japan, a person's name is written family name first, given name last. This was the case in the entry of Ask Vector Prime which first gave her proper name.
  • The surname Takahashi is typically spelled in Japanese as "高橋" (literally, "high bridge").
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