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Coast-to-Coast is a (presumably) nationwide radio show in America with a focus on UFOs. It's regularly listened to by Jake Williams, and features Art Bell and George Nori as hosts. It also features "world-famous UFO apologist" Stanton Friedman.


Lonesome Diesel

George Nori and Stanton Friedman were discussing the apparent arrival of Autobots and Decepticons on Earth, when Jake and QuickFire tuned in. Stanton was attempting to work out how this fit in with Roswell when news came in of a huge Autobot/Decepticon battle in Yellowstone National Park. After realizing this would cause untold volcanic devastation, George suggested they take their conflict to Mars, which led Stanton to bring up Richard Hoagland's theory that the face on Mars was that of a Transformer. Lonesome Diesel


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