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Greed Feed

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Greed Feed is a member of the Arcade Renegades from BotBots.
If you get ten thousand of him, you can exchange them for a rubber spider.

There's no prize in the arcade that Greed Feed won't try to take for himself and add to his vast horde of pilfered trinkets and tchotchkes. This greedy ticket monster spends most of his time atop his mound of stolen toys, giving any BotBot who gets too close to his "treasures" a nasty paper cut.



BotBots-toy Greed Feed.jpg
  • Arcade Renegades Surprise (16-pack, 2019)
  • Series: 3
  • Level: 1 Star
Part of the third series of BotBots, Greed Feed transforms from a double-roll of tickets to a creepy mummy-snail-thing.
He is available in all iterations of the "Arcade Renegades Surprise" 16-pack; all eight new-mold Bots (of which Greed Feed is one) are displayed in the window portion of the packaging, with the redecos of prior molds in the eight blindpacked bubbles. The blindpacked contents vary, with six known "packouts": one has the remaining eight Arcade Renegades, while the other five have four Renegades and four Bots from -inexplicably- Series 1. A tiny number printed on the back next to Sweet Cheat in the mural tells you the contents of those blindpack bubbles: the number you want is 6, which is the all-Renegade set.
This mold was also used to make Movie Munchster and Sally Dreamstream.
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