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The Hydro-Pack is an Action Master accessory from the toyline portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.

The Hydro-Pack can transform into a high-pressure cannon that can shoot any kind of liquid. With this ability, Inferno can use it as a weapon to fight fire and the Decepticons. And, it may or may not have been used on Friday nights.


The Transformers

...where does the water come from?
The Hydro-Pack came with Inferno, as his Action Master accessory. It had a hose that flipped over his shoulder to attach to his magna-blast gun (a feature unique among Action Master partner accessories) or could transform via spring-loaded mechanism into a water laser (according to Inferno's instructions), with a barrel that could be further extended by attaching his magna-blast gun to the very end of it.


  • What purpose, if any, the Hydro-Pack serves in pack configuration is unclear. The other three Action Master packs (the Flight Pack, the Heli-pack and the Turbo-Pack) all serve to enhance the mobility of their wearers. It is possible that the Hydro-Pack enables or enhances underwater functioning, though Inferno's packaging bio is completely ambiguous on this point.
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