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Kingdom Petrochemicals

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Or it used to be, anyway.

Kingdom Petrochemicals is a petrochemical plant located in Florida.


IDW movie comics

Having stolen a bunch of dead Appliancebots from Guantanamo Bay, Ravage hid from his military pursuers in the Kingdom Petrochemicals plant. While he was digging a hiding place, fighter jets bombed the living heck out of the plant. Ravage ended up at the bottom of a hole with the Appliancebots scattered around him. Tales of the Fallen #5 The site was cordoned off by the police, however a team from the clandestine organization that controlled Ravage was able to gain entry. The organization, known as the Initiative, required the AllSpark energy from the Appliancebots Ravage had stolen.

As they worked at the site, the Initiative workers were observed by both Breakaway and Buzzsaw. Soundwave sent Ratbat, Rumble, and Beastbox to attack the workers, but surprisingly the humans had weapons that made them more than a match for the Decepticons. The arrival of the Autobots resulted in the Decepticons shifting their attention, and the Initiative workers left, their job only 93% complete. The Decepticons left as well, save Buzzsaw who stayed with Ravage. Nefarious #1

An NSA investigation team with scanning equipment led by Agent Highland moved in to the damaged site, however by that time Buzzsaw had gotten Ravage operational. The two Decepticons burst out of the tank and knocked the NSA team flying. Nefarious #2


  • The Initiative team that ransacked the site all used "Prometheus" codenames.
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