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The Necroworld is the hollow cemetery planet tended to by the legendary character known as the Necrobot. He transformed the blasted world into a beautiful garden, filled with holographic statues of every living Cybertronian, which he would switch off when the Cybertronian died. Around the bases of the statues, he planted blue flowers crafted from the residual spark energy of whoever the statue's real-life counterpart was responsible for killing. It is also where "the fortress", the Necrobot's base of operations, can be found.

From space, the planet appears to have two unnamed moons. One, much larger than the other, has its own rings.


2005 IDW continuity

After fleeing Cybertron following the God War, Adaptus used the Warren to escape to the Benzene Cluster in 2018 where he bore witness to a giant robot laying waste to the region. Fleeing back to his own time, he began making plans to counter this threat in his future. Recalling the legend of the God Gun, Adaptus reasoned multiple copies of Cybertron would produce an exponentially more powerful laser. To that end, he constructed a hollow "negative" mold of Cybertron, using it to produce five duplicates of his homeworld. Once the copies had been completed, and transported to the right time and place via the Warren, Adaptus abandoned the mold. Farsickness

One way or another, the mould became known to Tusk, who remembered it as a "scorched and forgotten" planet. Sometime following the First Cybertronian Civil War, the abandoned mould was sought out and discovered by Censere, who would claim it as his base of operations in his personal mission as "the Necrobot." The Not Knowing

The Necrobot's fortress was filled with advanced quantum technology that would let him accurately keep track of the fates of all Cybertronians. It wasn't totally foolproof. In situations where one's death couldn't be confirmed, he would record their name upon a monolith labelled "In Honor of the Disappeared."

During the Great War, the Decepticon Justice Division discovered the planet by complete accident. Since the Necrobot was a neutral party, they ignored him, though Agent 113 attempted to pass the place's coordinates to the Autobots by his usual method.

Years later, the crew of the Lost Light finally dug his bullet out of Swerve's shoulder. It had degraded severely by then, but the coordinates remained intact. With the location in hand, the Lost Light made a detour at the Necroworld to find out what happened to Dominus Ambus, amongst other things. The Not Knowing Their visit inspired the Necrobot to use their discarded time case to go down the monolith's list of names and bring every 'missing' person to the future to be safe, thus being the reason many went MIA. Do Not Go Gentle

By the time Censere was halfway through the Disappeared, the D.J.D. returned, collaborating with Deathsaurus in order to set a trap for the rogue Megatron and his allies. They murdered Censere for interfering with their plan (his last act being to shield those he'd saved), built a base on the planet, and prepared for their quarry's arrival. How Bright Their Frail Deeds Do Not Go Gentle

When they came, following a signal they thought would lead them toward the source of a psychological attack by the Galactic Council, they accidentally teleported inside the planet, discovering that it was in fact hollow. When they teleported again to the surface, the D.J.D. sprung their trap, forcing the group to take shelter inside the Necrobot's fortress. Deathsaurus's troops besieged the place, but retreated after a few moments with the promise to return at sunset. The Autobots managed to use the flowers' energy to boost the forcefield, giving them a slight edge while they bunkered down and prepared to siege it out. (Megatron attempted to meet Tarn at his statue and surrender, but to no avail.) How Bright Their Frail Deeds The Sun in Flight Your Fierce Tears

In the end, they launched a fierce battle that churned up the soil and narrowly ended in their survival, mainly thanks to the bulk of Decepticons departing in disgust at the D.J.D.'s callous use of their lives. The slumbering missing 'bots woke up shortly into the end, confused by what had gone on. It all seemed done, except for the Galactic Council watching them from orbit and deciding to geobomb the planet! At Close of Day Rage, Rage Do Not Go Gentle

Meanwhile, Nightbeat and Rung had went off to check out the hollow insides of the planet. At Close of Day A bizarre time distortion left them incapable of knowing how long they'd been underground and, when examining the planet crust, Rung spotted an inverted version of the Vinvissius Canals on Cybertron, leading him to erroneously theorize that Necroworld was the mold that Cybertron had been made in. Then a geobomb teleported in and kind of killed the moment. The Dying of the Light Part 6: Do Not Go Gentle

The geobomb did not destroy the Necroworld, however, but instead transported the whole planet into an alternate universe. Being unable to get off-world, it took the Autobots some time before they realized. A World Misplaced By using Killmaster's wand to envelop the entire planet in a teleportation field, Brainstorm was eventually able to warp the Necroworld back into its own universe. This Machine Kills Fascists

After Team Rodimus left Necroworld, After Megatron the Decepticon members of the Disappeared conquered the planet, murdering their Autobot counterparts, before the Luna 1 Autobots arrived. Once they'd liberated the planet, they found Tailgate's isolation chamber and evidence suggesting that their friend had succumbed to spontaneous spark combustion. Sardines

Shortly before Adaptus' plans reached fruition, Froid revealed Necroworld's purpose to Team Rodimus and the Scavengers. Farsickness


  • The proper name of the Necrobot's planet of operations was not given before More than Meets the Eye #51, where it appears as a caption. The place was previously known only by its rather descriptive appellation since #44.
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