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On the Bot Prom Dance Floor

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Transformers: BotBots ep 5b
BotBots ep5b Prom - DanceFloor.jpg
Fast food, slow dance.
"On the Bot Prom Dance Floor"
Production company Entertainment One
Airdate March 25, 2022
Writers Kevin Burke & Chris Wyatt
Directors Paul O'Flanagan
Animation studio Boulder Media Studio
Netflix Icon.png Watch this episode on Netflix

Never break your prom-ises.



The Lost Bots are setting up for a daring plan: whitewater rafting down the stopped escalator! The five slalom their way down to the ground floor in rubber slippers, and with the successful test run invite the other BotBots to join in. And they do! Everyone has a genuinely awesome time with no catastrophic mishaps whatsoever. No, really! As the bots wrap things up for the night, Sergeant Scrubforce commends the Lost Bots on the ride. Ulf the Orange is so impressed she suggests that the Lost Bots have earned an invitation to Bot Prom. Even Spud Muffin agrees to let the rules slide (heh, slide), but then laments that they still haven't figured out how to keep Dave the security guard out of their things-on-top-of-their-heads. Burgertron assures him they got this, having spent a lot of time flummoxing Dave in the past.

With Bot Prom on, the Lost Bots make preparations. In a secluded mall planter, Dimlit asks Jacqueline to be his date, earning an enthusiastic yes. The two then overhear the Hunger Hubs below: Ulf suggests to the others that if the night goes well, maybe they'll invite Burgertron back into the squad. This gives Spud Muffin pause, and he lingers behind, grumbling darkly to himself (but loudly enough for Dimlit and Jacqui to overhear) that Burgertron will never re-join the Hunger Hubs if he as anything to say about it. The pair rush to the Lost and Found to warn Burgertron of Spud Muffin's plotting, but the burger-bot will hear none of it: Spud was his friend, his sidekick, he'd never! When a flummoxed Dimlit suggest maybe they shouldn't go to Prom to avoid whatever Spud has planned, Burgertron shuts him down, accusing Dimlit of being scared and jealous that the Hunger Hubs might take him back, and agreeing that Dimlit shouldn't go.

It's like E.T. if E.T. were a different kind of sad.

The remaining Lost Bots leave a trail of candy-coated chocolates starting outside the security office, which Dave greedily laps up directly from the floor with his tongue Daaaave nooooo. He scarfs up the trail all the way to the daycare area, where he tumbles headlong into the foam block pit, unable to extricate himself as the rescue rope has been tied up well out of reach. Never one to give up... no, never mind, Dave immediately falls asleep in the comfy blocks.

The Lost Bots arrive at Bot Prom, and it's everything they could have dreamed of. Sergeant Scrubforce talks to Clogstopper about a possible tour of duty (heh, duty) with the Custodial Crew. Batsby and Kikmee immediately and enthusiastically bond over their shared love of ultimate burpees. Lady Macaron pulls Bonz-Eye aside to introduce the "lone wolf" to the other Sugar Shocks. And Ulf approaches Burgertron, the pair slipping into a fantasy dance sequence with a wicked-awesome romantic-rock theme song. This is the best night of their lives.

Elsewhere, Dimlit is angrily power-walking through the mall as Jacqueline tries to keep up. The pair reach the daycare to make a horrible discovery: Dave has not only breached containment, he's now well-rested to boot! The two bots make numerous attempts to stop him, but for once Dave isn't the most luckless being in the mall, as every attempt fails so hard Dave doesn't even notice. Running out of options and time, the two rush to Bot Prom to warn Burgertron.

Few things worse than cold fries.

Though Burgertron is immediately suspicious, he quickly realizes who he's talking to: the bot who just spent his entire night trying to save a party he was disinvited to. Apologizing to his friend, Burgertron climbs to the top of the very huge cake to shout a warning to the other BotBots. Anger at the Lost Bots' broken promise turns to panic as they try to disassemble the Prom, but there's no way they can get it done in time. Burgertron realizes what he must do: break the Sacred Rule of the Mall once again, revealing himself to Dave as a distraction. He pulls the disco ball from the ceiling and rides it down the escalator to intercept the security guard. A furious Ulf turns on the remaining Lost Bots; their failure has ruined Bot Prom and endangered them all! They'll be Lost Bots forever!

Burgertron rolls the glittering disco ball right past Dave, a spectacle even Dave can't fail to notice, and the human immediately turns to give chase. This of course doesn't last long, as even a well-rested Dave can only make it as far as back to the daycare before he's winded and gives up. Burgertron grumbles that once again he's ruined the Lost Bots' chances... but then notices the foam pit's rescue rope has come untied and laid into the pit. And upon closer examination, there's a distinct layer of french-fry grease on it!

Back at the Lost and Found, Burgertron apologizes again to Dimlit for not believing him, admitting he was blinded by his overwhelming desire to get back with the Hunger Hubs. The night is ruined... except Clogstopper shows a phone loaded with sweet tunes, and the Lost Bots can have their own party! As the five dance the night away, Spud Muffin watches from a window... and plots.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


"Look. You Lost Bots broke The Sacred Rule of the Mall. And that's a pretty serious offense. But maybe we could let the rule slide for once."
"Oh. Okay. I better check my scheduuuulof course we'll be there Bot Prom is only the most important event ever!!!"

Spud Muffin and Burgertron

"Jacqui, I know we've only been deeply in love for six days and eleven hours, but I was wondering..."
"Yes I'll go to Bot Prom with you, Dimmy-boo!"

Dimlit and Jacqueline are adorkable

"We-e-ell, there are less comfy places to be trapped, I guess. Just gotta stay wide-eyed and vigilant in case the chance for escapeSNNNXXXXXX"

Dave never fails to fail

Let the shipping... intensify

"Bonz-Eye! Zere you are! You want to meet my friends, or... are you too much of a lone wolf?"
"No, I'd love to be... the opposite of whatever a lone wolf is!"

Lady Macaron and Bonz-Eye have another moment

"Wait, Dave is free?! Are you lying? Is this more jealousy-mania?"
"I'm... not sure I know how to lie, sir!"

Burgertron really should already know this about Dimlit

Burgertron: Dimlit? You were right. It seems like Spud Muffin is plotting against us! I should have listened to you from the start. I wanted to get back to the Hunger Hubs so badly I couldn't see the truth!
Dimlit: It's okay, sir.
Burgertron: Everything went to complete garbage tonight.
Clogstopper: Whoaaaah, not all garbage is bad! Aaanyway, the night is still young!
Burgertron: I never thought I'd say this, Clogstopper, but... I like how you think!


Thanks for helping me... pull myself together.

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Continuity notes

Real-world references

  • TBD

BotBots cypher translations

  • A new generic ad for boots shows up at the bottom of the escalator rapids. What text can be made out is... gibberish, sorry.

Animation and technical errors

  • TBD


  • The music playing over the credits is a second verse of the "On the Bot Prom Dance Floor" song from Burgertron and Ulf's dance sequence.

Foreign localization


  • Title: "Sur le dance floor" ("On the Dance Floor")

Brazilian Portuguese

  • Title: "Na pista de dança" ("On the dance floor")

European Portuguese

  • Title: "O baile dos robôs" ("The robot prom")


  • Title: "في حفل تخرّج بوت بوت الراقص" ("On the botbot graduation prom")
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