Peace Without Tyranny
From Transformers Wiki
- The Peace Without Tyranny is a Decepticon starship from the IDW portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
The Peace Without Tyranny gloriously serves the true cause of the Decepticons: peace.
2005 IDW continuity
The Peace Without Tyranny was seemingly stolen by the Decepticons from Iacon Spaceport 1, as spaceport overseer Tracks mentioned a ship had gone missing. Lagrange The ship carried the first wave of Decepticons, including Slugslinger and Sky-Byte, from Cybertron to Sanctuary Station. Soundwave personally greeted the new arrivals, asking if the ship's name was Sky-Byte's idea. Aphelion Following Galvatron's ill-fated invasion of Earth, Soundwave had the Peace Without Tyranny flown to Shanghai to offer any Decepticons who wished to abandon Galvatron a place at Sanctuary Station. Once Upon a Time on Earth After successfully picking up a couple of volunteers, the ship returned to the station. New Worlds Order
- The name of the Peace Without Tyranny is, obviously, a parody of Megatron's traditional motto, including in the IDW continuity, where he renounced the Decepticon cause and became a pariah to the other Decepticons.