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Phlogiston is a flammable substance that can power a reactor.



Animated cartoon continuity

Wildrider has a phlogiston-reactor flamethrower.[1]

Beast Wars: Uprising

Labrat had a phlogiston reactor, which he could use to boost his vehicle mode's speed for a short time. The reactor remained after he took the Beast Upgrade. Not All Megatrons

Twinstrike utilized phlogiston to breathe fire in beast mode. When his Resistance unit in Lower Petrohex was overrun by Vehicons, he disabled the failsafes to his phlogiston reservoir and self-destructed, destroying everything in a fifty mechanometer radius. Derailment

2005 IDW continuity

The Dinobots' fire breath was powered by phlogiston. The phlogiston within Slug began to oxidize when his combustion chamber was breached by a blast from Sandstorm, and he self-destructed by activating his fire breath in spite of the damage. Salvation



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