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Polyhex Protocol

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The Polyhex Protocol is a process by which Transformer disagreements are resolved. It involves taking part in a gauntlet. The first contestant to complete it with honor is the winner. The respective clans of the participants are also "invited", though participation does not appear to be optional. Contestants are eliminated if they're the last to clear an obstacle. According to Optimus Prime, usually it's a "life-or-death trial of fire, lasers, and mortal combat."


EarthSpark cartoon

When Spitfire challenged Twitch's position on an upcoming Autobot mission, Megatron announced she'd invoked the Polyhex Protocol and had an assault course set up, with the rest of the Malto family drafted in as participants. Jawbreaker was eliminated on the first obstacle, crawl nets, Thrash was caught out on the tires, Nightshade on the rope swing and Hashtag, Robby and Mo on the overhead bars. Alex Malto managed to reach the top of the slippery poles first and started on the zip line, only to stall. Spitfire severed his rope, forcing Twitch to turn back to save him, and as a result, though she finished first, Optimus announced that Spitfire had been disqualified and Twitch had won. Spitfire

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