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Predacon (War Within)

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The name or term "Predacon" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Predacon (disambiguation).
The Predacons are a Decepticon subgroup from the Dreamwave portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
The other white meat.

The Predacons are a sub-faction of the Decepticons founded by Starscream.

Known members:


Dreamwave Generation One continuity

After the first space bridge experiment malfunctioned, Megatron (and Optimus Prime) disappeared for an extended period of time.

During this time, both sides split into numerous sub-factions; Starscream tried to gain power by assembling his own unit called the "Predacons", based (presumably) on one of Cybertron's moons. They suffered a tremendous setback when the Lightning Strike Coalition, headed by Grimlock, stole a pair of transporters loaded down with energon from them. Fragmentation

When the Autobots called a truce with the Decepticons led by Shockwave and Ratbat's Ultracons, Starscream made his own plans for his faction. The Predacons attacked the signing treaty at Tyger Pax, while Starscream himself took out the remaining members of the Council of Ancients.

His strike did not have the effect he wanted, however... mainly because during the battle, Megatron arrived with a clone army and promptly conquered Cybertron. The Age of Wrath


  • The storyline itself never makes mention of why Starscream called his faction "Predacon", but the later issue "Lost and Found" establishes that the members of the Predacon unit are legendary Cybertronian warlords. Starscream may have named his faction after them.
  • The backmatter in the War Within: Dark Ages trade lists Barrage as part of this faction, but he is portrayed as one of Ratbat's Ultracons in the follow-up series Age of Wrath. Perhaps he defected at some point, or perhaps this was simply an error.
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