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Ram Horn

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The name or term "Ramhorn" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Ramhorn (disambiguation).
Ram Horn is a Predacon from the Beast Era of the Generation 1 continuity family.
I looked like this once, or will look like this one day. Maybe.

General Ram Horn (aka Ramhorn) is a member of the Tripredacus Council. Of all the adjectives that could describe him, subtle is not one of them. He has a direct approach to attain power, often through the use of brute force and coercion. Though by no means stupid, his tenacity and stubbornness sometimes makes him ignore common sense, a characteristic that is only slightly diluted by his fusion to Cicadacon and Sea Clamp.[1]

He combines with his fellow council members to form Tripredacus, or with them plus Ravage and Tarantulas to form Predacus.



Beast Wars cartoon continuity

Beast Wars cartoon

*snort* "CURSE YOU, SHEEEE-RAAAA!" *snort*
Voice actor: Lee Tockar (English), Yukimasa Kishino (Japanese), Oliviero Corbetta (Italian), Aldo César (Brazillian Portuguese)

After the transwarp wavefront hit Predacon Command Outpost One, Ram Horn met with the other members of the Tripredacus Council, and appeared to chair the meeting. He recognized that Megatron's efforts would ruin their plans against the Maximal Imperium, and told the others that they had to deal with Megatron quickly and quietly, before the Maximal Elders discovered what had happened. The Agenda (Part 1)

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

Shell Game was never published. The following would have taken place in unpublished issues.

After sending Ravage out on his errand on prehistoric Earth, the Tripredacus Council tasked Magmatron with monitoring all Maximal channels, instructing him to report any communications that might show that the enemy faction had caught on to their secret plans. Shell Game #1

2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity

All those in favor of looking nothing like our toys, say "Aye!"

Ram Horn's origins were mysterious, with various stories including that he was an early Cybertronian, that he was a former Autobot, or that he murdered an Autobot and stole his name, and one particularly dark rumour that he clawed his way out of the Pit with a horde of damned sparks. BotCon 2016 General Ramhorn profile Whatever the truth, he did say himself to his fellow Councillors that he'd been in "the Pit".

Despite being part of an insidious and shadowy organization, Ramhorn sported a jokey personality, and often annoyed his cohorts with his quips. As the Great War drew to a close, Ramhorn, Sea Clamp, and Cicadacon were overseeing their latest batch of test subjects being treated with transwarp energy. They found that, when applied correctly onto Cybertronian anatomy, it could reduce Cybertronians to a "quantum state," and remake them into a "purer" form. Through this process, they hoped to unite all of Cybertron into a single "race." While they discussed their sinister plans, Tarantulas reported to the Council with startling news: both Optimus Prime and Galvatron had perished in combat! Though this noted a turning point in the Decepticons' conflict against the Autobots, the three generals found themselves giving the development little thought. When a member of their army contacted them with plans to attack the demoralized Autobots, Sea Clamp, Cicadacon, and Ramhorn simply ordered him to stand down; they had more important concerns to focus on. The soldier acknowledged their order, but from his tone the Tripredacus Council correctly assessed he had no intention of following them.

Sending Tarantulas to deal with the upstart (mostly because his crazed cackling annoyed Ram Horn) the Tripredacus Council readied to unleash a transmatter bomb onto Cybertron to reformat the entire planet all at once. But a ship happened upon the Council's secret base within Unicron's head, and accidentally deflected the bomb with its shield. Their lair discovered and their plan forcefully postponed, the Council headed down to Cybertron, and joined together with their agents into the gestalt Predacus, to put an end to the dissension in their ranks. After slaying Predaking, who had followed the upstart into battle, the Council surrendered to the Autobots on behalf of all Decepticons. The Pax Cybertronia was signed thereafter, and Ram Horn helped form a new faction, the Predacons, in this newfound peacetime. Now free of distractions, Ram Horn and his allies could once more focus on uniting all Cybertronians, and began their trans-matter experiments anew. Dawn of the Predacus

Centuries later, the Tripredacus Council ordered Magmatron to assure that no knowledge of the transwarp wavefront reached the Maximals. The Gathering #1 When their agent failed at his task of rounding up the rogue Megatron, the council sent Magmatron to complete the mission. The Gathering #2



Ram Horn, alongside Cicadacon and Sea Clamp, was involved in an assassination plot, part of a ploy to take control of the Predacon army, and dispose of its then-current leader, Razorclaw. The plot was thought to have succeeded, but in truth they did not manage to extinguish Razorclaw's spark. Nonetheless, the Predacons' previous leader was forced into hiding, and while the world believed him dead, the Tripredacus Council took control of the Predacons. BotCon 2009 Razorclaw profile card

The Tripredacus Council employed Flamewar to check on Deathsaurus's operation on Ceti Alpha Seven. As Flamewar reported on the apparent success of Deathsaurus's Virulent Clones, Bumblebee hacked in the feed and informed everyone of the impeding failure built into the Clones. To rid themselves of an exposed agent, the Tripredacus Council remotely exploded Flamewar's ship with her in it. Descent into Evil

After a Predacon insurrection led by Flamewar in the guise of Megatron arose in the J'kozian sector, the Tripredacus Council discussed it and decided to leak the insurrection's presence on Nibari to the Maximals so they would take care of the Council's renegade problem. The Razor's Edge

Wings Universe


Ram Horn was one of four mysterious protoforms found by Sky-Byte in the laboratory of Jhiaxus while trying to save his associate's clones from the Autobots. A Common Foe Ram Horn and his comrades pledged allegiance to the Predacons in suspiciously quick time. TFSS Tarantulas profile card

Beast Wars: Uprising

Ram Horn is so reflexively contrary that he waited 20 years for a show-accurate toy to be released, then immediately appeared for the first time in-fiction as a rhinoceros beetle.

Ram Horn was a member of the Tripredacus Alliance during the Grand Uprising, and adopted a beetgadol alt-mode when the Beast Upgrade became available. After the Maximals took the initiative and established a Maximal Nation independent of the Builders and the Resistance, the Predacons quickly followed suit. The Independent Predacus States were established with the council bunkered in Kalis. The Alliance negotiated with Lio Convoy and the Resistance for direct intervention against the Builders instead of neutrality, and made it a condition that their founder (and potential rival) Preditron was eliminated first.

Things changed when the Vehicon hordes were unleashed. Lio Convoy warned the Tripredacus Alliance and urged them to join his forces in a push on Iacon itself, desperately hoping that to stop the Builders was to stop the Vehicons. Ram Horn snorted at the idea of helping Lio Convoy after he failed to deliver Preditron. Cicadacon tried to get Ram Horn to see the magnitude of the Vehicon threat, but Ram Horn was convinced the Legion of the Inferno could face any stupid drones. Sea Clamp spoke up, agreeing with Ram Horn that they take the safer path, huddled down in their independent states, fighting a defensive action, while Lio Convoy and the Resistance took the risk and the glory by advancing on the Builders themselves. Ram Horn objected to such a cowardly action, and decided joining the march on Iacon was the Predacon thing to do anyway. Good thing he was there to talk Sea Clamp out of it.

The battleground shifted from Iacon to Nova Cronum, and the Legion of the Inferno shifted with it. The Vehicons proved even more dangerous after they betrayed the Builders and began converting the relics into larger, more powerful drones. Despite Ram Horn's urgings, the Tripredacus Alliance did not lead the Legion from the front lines, but directed the war effort from the rear in a command bunker. Sure enough, this left an opening when Preditron arrived at the front and commandeered the army, leading by example as he rallied the troop in his name.

In order to regain the loyalty of their forces, the Alliance activated their secret combination form, becoming Tripredacus. The combiner reached the front lines and succeeded in killing Preditron, but his aide Ser-Ket managed to bring Tripredacus down and apart. Her attack destroyed Sea Clamp, and the joined mind experience showed Ram Horn just what his fellows thought of him. Ram Horn executed Cicadacon for his weakness, and offered Ser-Ket support moving onwards against the Vehicons.

After the victory over the Grand Mal, Ram Horn reformed the Tripredacus Alliance with Ser-Ket and the well-admired Magmatron. They maintained control of the Independent Predacus States, while also interacting with the new Cybertronian Parliament established from the surviving factions. Ram Horn would represent the Alliance personally on the Parliament, though his bellicose and obstinate nature would hopefully be tempered by more subtle Predacon representatives like Sky Shadow and Shadow Panther. Derailment Ram Horn later supervised the creation of Predacus Today, the official news network of the IPS. The Inexorable March

2021 Beast Wars comic

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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Transformers: Earth Wars

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Earth Wars

Ram Horn doesn't do subtle. He says and does, sometimes without the "says" bit - and almost always before good sense has had a chance to prevail. Brute force and coercion are his tools of choice and he's happy to run roughshod over friend and foe alike to achieve his goals and seize power.

Densely armored, with seismic blasts at his disposal, he goes through obstacles rather than around. Though intelligent, his belligerent obstinacy blunts his effectiveness as one-third of the Tripredacus Council. Ram Horn bio


Beast Wars

BW ramhorn toy.jpg
  • Tripredacus (Ultra, 1997)
Available only in an Ultra-sized 3-Pack with Cicadacon and Sea Clamp, Ram Horn transforms into a maroon Japanese rhinoceros beetle. He has a dual-bladed "dagger blade" weapon, and features an Energon Chip on the side of his abdomen, under his shell. His toy is one of the very few Transformers figures with an articulated mouth in robot mode.
He can also form the asymmetrical arms of the trio's combined mode Tripredacus.
This mold was recolored and released in Japan as Motorarm.

Combiner Wars

"The Councilman Ramhorn wishes to remind the floor that his name has a space in the middle."

  • Dawn of the Predacus (Box set, 2016)
  • Accessories: Drill weapon, Gun/fist/foot
"General Ramhorn" is a new head retool of Combiner Wars Nosecone, redecoed in red and charcoal and with a head sculpt based on his appearance in the Beast Wars cartoon. He is able to form either an arm or leg for any Combiner Wars-style Voyager Class figure, though he was intended to combine with Ravage, Tarantulas, Cicadacon, and Sea Clamp to form Predacus.
He was sold in the "Dawn of the Predacus" BotCon 2016 boxset with Ravage, Predacon Tarantulas, General Cicadacon, and General Sea Clamp.
This mold was originally used to make Combiner Wars Brawl.
Combiner Wars mold: Brawl

Version 1:

  • TakaraTomyUnite Warriors UW-07 Brawl
  • UW-EX Dangar

Version 2:


BotCon "Dawn of the Predacus" profile art

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Ram Horn (ラムホーン Ramu Hōn)
  • French: Lucane (Canada)[2]
  • Italian: Corno ("Horn")
  • Spanish: Cuerno de Carnero (America, "Ram's Horn")


  1. Ramhorn profile in Beast Wars Sourcebook #3
  2. Derived from Lucanidae, the scientific name for the stag beetle family. Yes, that is the wrong taxonomic classification. Rhinoceros beetles are classified as the Dynastinae subfamily.
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